Adonis's Audition is a quest in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII; though it appears as a side quest, completing is needed for the main quest "Bandits of the Desert". After making her way to Ruffian on the Dead Dunes, Lightning speaks with Adonis who tasks her with proving her status as the savior.
Quest log[]
- Entry 1 - Quest Begins
- In the outlaw settlement of Ruffian, Lightning encounters a character called Adonis, who appears to be an important figure in the bandit gang known as Monoculus. He tells her that they have information about the holy clavis, but they will only share it if she joins the gang.
- Monoculus runs everything in the desert. If Lightning wants to accomplish anything while she is here, it might be a good idea to do what Adonis suggests.
- Entry 2
- Out in the desert, a storm called God's Wrath rages endlessly. If someone can activate the monument that stands nearby, the storm will finally cease—or so the locals believe. Lightning must battle the Gurangatch that prowls nearby and recover the key that activates the monument.
- Entry 3 - Quest Complete
- As soon as Lightning gains possession of the Anchorite's Crux, the monument is activated, and the storm that no one could calm suddenly grows still. This is proof that she is indeed a messenger from God.
Lightning has passed the trial. Now it is time to return to Ruffian, talk to Adonis, and be introduced to the bandit boss.
After talking to Adonis in Ruffian, Lightning can accept the trial to join the Monoculus. Her task is to quell a sandstorm. The location is marked on the map, and the fastest way to get there is by warping to the nearby teleport stone: Near God's Wrath. After battling a Gurangatch, Adonis congratulates Lightning on her success and she uses the Pilgrim's Crux to quell the storm. Adonis rushes back to Ruffian and finding him there and talking to him again completes the quest.
Gurangatch is not overly difficult, and the player should be able to beat it even if Dead Dunes main quest is the first main quest they start. Gurangatch has high defenses and when staggered, it becomes vulnerable to damage. Its Plaguebreath inflicts multiple status ailments. It resist elements besides wind. Inflicting multiple status ailments and using "-ra" spells is optimal, especially Aerora. When staggered, the player can use physical attacks with that deal heavy damage, like Heavy Slash.
Completing the quest earns 1500 gil, the Monoculus Mask adornment, Max HP +100, Strength +4, and Magic +8. Completing the quest again in a new game plus earns 2300 gil, Max HP +50, Strength +4, and Magic +6.