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Activation Intel is an activity in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and one of many types of World Intel. It allows the party to activate remnawave towers, of which are number are found in each region in the world. A remnawave tower is activated by interfacing with the panel, typically located either at the foot of the tower or by climbing it.

Most remnawave towers have enemies on the ground that must be fought and defeated before the tower can be activated. The towers will not clear the fog in the region's map, but will reveal nearby World Intel objectives. Moreover, they are a simple means of earning more intel that Chadley can use to develop materia.



Grasslands has six different towers.

Remnawave tower Intel revealed How to activate
Activation Intel 1: Bill's Ranch Tower Found within Bill's Ranch. Climb the stairs and activate the terminal on the tower.
Activation Intel 2: Eastern Seaboard Tower Found east by the sea. Activate the terminal on the ground by the tower.
Activation Intel 3: Swamplands Tower Found east of the marshes, south of Bill's Ranch. Activate on ground next to the tower.
Activation Intel 4: Plains Tower Found southeast of Kalm. Climb ladder and activate terminal on the first floor.
Activation Intel 5: Kalm Outskirts Tower Found north, just west of Kalm. Activate the terminal on the ground next to the tower.
Activation Intel 6: Wastelands Tower Found northwest, around the mako pipes, southwest of Kalm. Climb the ladders to the second floor and activate the terminal.

Junon Region[]

Junon Region has five remnawave towers.

Remnawave tower Intel revealed How to activate
Activation Intel 1: Seabreeze Tower Found by Gabe's Ranch, southeast of Under Junon. Activate the terminal on the ground next to the tower.
Activation Intel 2: Buffeted Cape Tower Found to the west, south of Gabe's Ranch. Climb the ladders to the top floor of the tower and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 3: Batteryhill Tower Found centrally, on the mainland. Climb the ladders to the top floor of the tower and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 4: Piedmont Tower Found to the east overall, next to a mountain, and on the way to Crow's Nest. Climb up a ladder and up a yellow ledge wall, then down the next one. Finally, climb two yellow ledge walls to reach the top floor with the terminal.
Activation Intel 5: Prospect Tower Climb the ladders up to the top floor and activate the terminal.

Corel Region[]

Corel Region has six remnawave towers.

Remnawave tower Intel revealed How to activate
Activation Intel 1: Costa Port Tower Found just south of Costa del Sol. Climb the ladders to the top floor and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 2: Seashell Coast Tower Found by the coast, southwest of Costa del Sol. Climb up all the ladders and the yellow ledge wall to the top floor. Next, take a ladder down for the terminal.
Activation Intel 3: Wasteland Tower Found in the desert, just south of the Gold Saucer. Climb up two ladders and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 4: Riverside Tower Found in the desert, further south of the Gold Saucer. Reached from climbing a yellow ledge wall across from the tower, and then using the grappling gun to reach the tower. From here, climb a ladder and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 5: Stonearch Tower Found in the desert, east of the Gold Saucer. Climb up a ladder and a yellow ledge wall and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 6: Ravine Tower Found in the desert, far southeast of the Gold Saucer. Reached through a series of grappling hook points.

Gongaga Region[]

Gongaga Region has five remnawave towers.

Remnawave tower Intel revealed How to activate
Activation Intel 1: Midriver Isle Tower Close to the river, of Gongaga. Approach through the gap in the mountains to its east, south of the chocobo stop. Head west to the tower.
Activation Intel 2: Old Pipeline Tower Found on the path to the Gongaga Reactor path from chapter 9, "The Planet Stires". Climb the rope and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower Located southwest of Gongaga; requires the forest chocobo. From Magon Hill, jump across mushrooms, climb two ropes, and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 4: Gongaga Ruins Tower Take two mushrooms southeast from Activation Intel 3. Follow the right fork uphill, use the branch slide south of the tower, then climb down the rope to activate.
Activation Intel 5: Fungi Forest Tower Found south on the map, but the climb to reach it starts on the water further south of the tower's location. Go up stairs, cross a bridge, climb a rope, then descend two ladders to activate.

Cosmo Canyon Region[]

Cosmo Canyon Region has six remnawave towers.

Remnawave tower Intel revealed How to activate
Activation Intel 1: Kamaria's Ranch Tower Found at Kamaria's Ranch. On the way to Cosmo Canyon. Climb the ladder and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 2: Crimson Earth Tower Requires sky chocobo. Glide straight from Kamaria's Ranch ramp, climb the ladder, and activate.
Activation Intel 3: Dried Oasis Tower Found southeast of Kamaria's Ranch. Climb two ladders and activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 4: Gliding Range Tower Found southwest overall, far south of Kamaria's Ranch. Climb a ladder, then traverse three yellow ledge walls to activate.
Activation Intel 5: Spiritwastes Tower Found south of Cosmo Canyon; requires sky chocobo. Glide from gliding range near Intel 3 to reach and activate.
Activation Intel 6: Ancient Capital Tower Found southeast; requires sky chocobo. Start southeast of Intel 4, follow the gliding course to Gliding Range No. 16, and activate.

Nibel Region[]

Nibel Region has four remnawave towers.

Remnawave tower Intel revealed How to activate
Activation Intel 1: Airstrip Tower Found just southeast of the airstrip. Climb the ladder to activate the terminal.
Activation Intel 2: Gull Bridge Tower Foind centrally, south of Nibelheim; requires ocean chocobo. Use Chocojet on the river near the tower to reach and activate.
Activation Intel 3: Beach Hill Tower Found centrally, southwest of Nibelheim. From the southwest beach, take the steps up, climb the ladder, and activate.
Activation Intel 4: Whitecap Reef Tower Found on an island south of the airstrip; requires ocean chocobo. Use Chocojet to land on the island, climb the yellow ledge and ladder to activate.