Acid Rain used by Ultros in Final Fantasy VI (GBA).
Acid Rain (
Final Fantasy[]
Acid Rain is only used by the Phantom Train in the GBA/PSP/iOS versions. It inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Acid Rain is used by several enemies, and it inflicts Poison- and
Water-elemental damage to the party, as well as inflicting sap. It has a power of 25 with a hit rate of 100, and it cost 20 MP for the enemy to use. Gau can use the ability by selecting the Adamankary rage.
Final Fantasy XIV[]

Final Fantasy XVI[]

The Final Fantasy Legend[]
Acid is an ability that has 3 uses and has an attack power of 4 which damages a group of enemies, the damage formula is base on Mana. This ability is used by Amoeba, Atom Ant, and Scarab.
Final Fantasy Legend II[]
Acid is a magical attack that has 5 uses, it also increases a Robot's HP by 9. The damage formula for Acid is the user's Mana x5. The ability target's all enemies, and deals Poison-elemental damage. This attack can be used by Amoeba.
Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Acid Rain is usable by Final Fantasy VI bosses, specifically Number 024, Phantom Train, and Blue Dragon. It deals moderate Water-elemental damage to the entire party and inflicts Sap.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
Acid Rain (大暴風酸性雨, Dai Bōfū Sanseiu?) is an enemy ability used by Ultros that inflicts water damage and Poison on all targets, while dispelling any beneficial statuses from them. Toxic Rain (暴風酸性雨, Bōfū Sanseiu?) is an ability that can be obtained from the Ultros event that deals x1.8 water and wind magic damage ignoring SPR by 50% and randomly inflicts any of three status ailments.

Acid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it possesses elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH).
Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then precipitated—that is, become heavy enough to fall under gravity.