Abaddon is a enemy in Final Fantasy X bred in the Monster Arena by catching every fiend inside Sin. Unlocking it will get the party 99 Lunar Curtains. It costs 6,000 gil to fight. It shares its model with the Varuna.
Abaddon has a constant NulAll and Auto-Reflect, minimizing the effectiveness of magic. It will bounce single-target spells off itself, cast Demi directly on the party, and use Pharaoh's Curse to inflict Darkness (150% chance), Silence (150% chance), Poison (130% chance) and Curse to a single character. Finally, it uses Emblem of the Cosmos, which does heavy damage to all characters. It will indicate this by first using Mana Focus, which is used after being targeted and using Demi, Flare, and Pharaoh's Curse a combined 6 times.
Abaddon drops weapons with Magic +% abilities and armor with Magic Defense +% abilities, the +20% versions of these being fixed.
For offense, the best option is using the Celestial Weapons, Hastega, and Quick Hit.
Abaddon tends to use Pharaoh's Curse more than anything, so Darkproof, Poisonproof, and Curseproof armor will be useful. Auto-Med is an alternative if the player has plenty of Remedies in stock, freeing up slots for other abilities.
As several of Abaddon's spells are elemental, the Nul-Spells may be useful to prevent damage. For its remaining spells (except Demi), Shell and up to five casts of Focus will mitigate the damage.
abaddon appears in the Bible as a place of destruction and an angel, respectively. In the Hebrew Bible, abaddon is used with reference to a bottomless pit, often appearing alongside the place שאול (sheol), meaning the land of the dead.
The Hebrew term