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Such is Wiscard's personal charisma that you feel yourself positively compelled to speak with him.

Quest description

A Self-improving Man A Self-improving Man is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • You are a tad fuzzy on the details, but, with a wink and a nod, Wiscard has sent you off to deliver a leather bag to Rowena. You can only hope that his promises of newfound performance and fashion have merit.
  • You have conveyed the bag and Wiscard's well-wishes to Rowena, with explosive results. Try to think happy thoughts as you hasten back to the flamboyant trader.
  • Wiscard practically writhes in ecstasy at Rowena's loathing, proving that one truly does create one's own reality. He presents you with a glamour prism, which has the power to make one object look like another. Now you, too, can look the part of a successful adventurer!


  • Deliver the leather bag to Rowena.
  • Speak with Wiscard.


A Self-improving Man A Self-improving Man script
Wiscard Let me tell you about Wiscard! Who is he? He is the first of a new breed, a category-defying adventuring trader. Think: derring–do and can–do cross-pollinating like...giant bees. A trading adventurer, he is.
Wiscard Now, allow me to segue into the first person so we can get down to business. And that business! And you, sister/brother adventurer, are not looking so good.
Wiscard In fact, it hurts the entire adventurer brand to have you walking about looking the way you do. Oh, your equipment may be of good quality, but people expect flash! Romance! Sure, you might provide results, but check the trends, woman/man─that doesn't sell!
Wiscard Now, I can help you. In fact, I'm probably the only person who can. For just a small service rendered, I can show you how to perform better, and─even more importantly─look better!
Wiscard So, does that sound like a path you might want to take? Of course it does, you're a keen sort of lass/fellow. You can start by taking this leather bag to Rowena! Make sure to tell her it's from Wiscard...with much fondness. <wink>
Wiscard What's that? You find your conversation skills lacking? Hah, nonsense! I could tell immediately you're special. Let me guess: felt like the odd one out as a youngling, right? When you get back, you're going to tell me all about it!
Rowena Hm? Somethin' from ol' Wiscard? And he winked at you, too? Gods, this should be rich. Well, let's have it, then.
Rowena ...A leather bag? I was right: this is rich. That stinkin' sack o' goobbue shite! You know what he sent?
Rowena It's what he owes me...for all last moon. He wheedles and whines all the long day, but when it comes to actually gettin' somethin' out o' him, it's like pullin' out coeurls' teeth.
Rowena You tell him I got a cure for what ails him! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say. Well, I'll do him the favor o' seein' him sooner, all right: tell him this month's payment's due a week early!
Rowena And a bit of advice for you, messenger girl/boy: don't you be taken in by his peacockin'.
Rowena All his finery's just so much flimflam. Pastes himself o'er with glamours like he's rollin' a turd in em'ralds!
Rowena Did you take my message to that shameless Wiscard? Naught but a jewel–studded turd, you mark my words!
Wiscard No, no, don't say a word, that was...amazing! Wiscard saw it all, heard it all!
Wiscard Ah, the unbridled hostility! Now there's a woman who understands how to stimulate latent potential! She lashes me with contempt while grinding a boot heel into my impudence─a mistress most cruel, the Halone of my fever dreams...
Wiscard But enough about me─let's talk about you. Are you ready to perform better...and look better? Are you prepared to meet the new you, not tomorrow, but today?
Wiscard With a glamour prism, you can project the likeness of one object on another. A little practical magic, and the world sees you as you should be seen─in a better light!
Wiscard Now, I know what you're thinking: shouldn't people respect you for who you are? Or, wouldn't they anyway, once they knew you? And I say: good luck! Who's going to want to take the time, unless you give them a reason to?
Wiscard But don't take my word for it! Now that you have a glamour prism of your own, see for yourself. The best minds in the arcane arts agree: ninety–nine out of a hundred prefer glamour!
Quest complete.