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Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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Gerolt has the air of a man defeated.

Quest description

A Relic Reborn (Bravura) A Relic Reborn (Bravura) is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • Gerolt has reluctantly agreed to lend his expertise to the restoration of a legendary arm of yore. For the first step, the weaponsmith bids you venture within U'Ghamaro Mines in outer La Noscea to retrieve a lost Bravura. Search for a vessel in which the valuable relic might be kept.
  • You have obtained the timeworn Bravura. Make your way back to Hyrstmill and present the relic to Gerolt.
  • According to Gerolt, the restoration process involves merging the old with the new─that is, embedding the original relic in a new host weapon. To this end, you must bring him a barbarian's bardiche melded with two grade three battledance materia.
  • You have delivered the materia-enhanced barbarian's bardiche to Gerolt. The weaponsmith next directs you to go to the Weeping Saint in the Coerthas central highlands, and obtain alumina salts from the dhorme chimera.

※The dhorme chimera can be confronted via the Duty Finder upon examining the quest destination. ※This objective must be completed as a warrior.

  • You have painstakingly obtained the pinch of alumina salts. Make your way back to Hyrstmill and deliver it to Gerolt.
  • Using the alumina salts you brought him, Gerolt adds the finishing touches to your relic weapon. Even as he declares his work over, however, the man believes that there is still something incomplete about it. In order to shed light upon the mystery, Gerolt suggests that you seek out literature surrounding the hero associated with the relic. Perhaps the trader Rowena back at Revenant's Toll will be able to assist you in this endeavor.
  • You have consulted Rowena, who agrees to procure the literature you seek...for a price. For your part of the deal, you must obtain for her an Amdapor glyph. Make your way through Amdapor Keep in the South Shroud, and procure this artifact.

※Amdapor Keep can be accessed via the Duty Finder. ※This objective must be completed as a warrior.

  • You have successfully obtained an Amdapor glyph. Make your way back to Revenant's Toll and deliver it to Rowena.
  • You give the Amdapor glyph to Rowena, who upholds her promise and furnishes you a copy of The Warrior Within. You now possess literature on the hero who once wielded the relic weapon. Gerolt the weaponsmith will be keen to peruse it.
  • After a cursory examination of the text, Gerolt declares that he will require some time to make sense of its contents. In the meantime, you are to familiarize yourself with the restored weapon in its current state. Arm yourself with the unfinished Bravura, make your way to U'Ghamaro Mines in outer La Noscea, and there slay eight U'Ghamaro quarrymen, eight U'Ghamaro roundsmen, and eight U'Ghamaro bedesmen.
  • You have defeated the specified kobolds. Return to Hyrstmill and report your success to Gerolt.
  • Upon your return, Gerolt deduces that you must face mightier adversaries if you are to experience a revelation pertaining to your relic. To this end, he bids you challenge the hydra within Halatali, the abandoned training grounds situated in eastern Thanalan. Armed with the unfinished Bravura, enter Halatali and defeat the hydra.

※The hydra can be confronted via the Duty Finder upon examining the quest destination.

  • You have overcome the hydra. Take word of your accomplishment back to Gerolt at Hyrstmill.
  • Combining information gleaned from the text with your firsthand experience, Gerolt has ascertained what must be done next. Hand over the unfinished Bravura to the weaponsmith.
  • Gerolt declares that but one step remains in the restoration. In order to create the raging fire that he needs, the weaponsmith bids you fetch him a white-hot ember, a howling gale, and a chunk of hyperfused ore. The first of these can be obtained by defeating Ifrit within the Bowl of Embers (Hard).

※The Bowl of Embers (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder. ※This objective must be completed as a warrior.

  • You have extinguished the Lord of the Inferno and obtained a white-hot ember. Next, take on Garuda in the Howling Eye (Hard) and defeat her to obtain a howling gale.

※The Howling Eye (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder. ※This objective must be completed as a warrior.

  • You have silenced the Lady of the Vortex and obtained a howling gale. Next, take on Titan in the Navel (Hard) and defeat him to obtain a chunk of hyperfused ore.

※The Navel (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder. ※This objective must be completed as a warrior.

  • You have buried the Lord of Crags and obtained a chunk of hyperfused ore. Deliver it along with the white-hot ember and the howling gale to Gerolt.
  • You have delivered the three items Gerolt requires to create a raging fire. Now he only wants for a bottle of Radz–at–Han quenching oil to complete the restoration of your relic. Obtain this item and deliver it to the weaponsmith.
  • You have delivered the bottle of Radz–at–Han quenching oil to Gerolt, who promptly sees to the final stage of the restoration process. After no small amount of effort and perseverance, you are now the proud owner of Bravura. May it serve you well in your adventures to come!


  • Obtain the timeworn Bravura from a treasure coffer in U'Ghamaro Mines.
  • Deliver the timeworn Bravura to Gerolt.
  • Deliver a materia-enhanced barbarian's bardiche to Gerolt.
  • Examine the destination at the Weeping Saint and, as a warrior, use the Duty Finder to complete the trial “A Relic Reborn: The Chimera.”
  • Deliver the alumina salts to Gerolt.
  • Speak with Rowena at Revenant's Toll.
  • Obtain an Amdapor glyph by completing Amdapor Keep as a warrior.
  • Deliver the Amdapor glyph to Rowena.
  • Deliver the copy of The Warrior Within to Gerolt.
  • Slay U'Ghamaro quarrymen while equipped with the unfinished Bravura.
  • Slay U'Ghamaro roundsmen while equipped with the unfinished Bravura.
  • Slay U'Ghamaro bedesmen while equipped with the unfinished Bravura.
  • Speak with Gerolt.
  • Examine the destination outside Halatali and, with the unfinished Bravura, use the Duty Finder to complete the trial “A Relic Reborn: The Hydra.”
  • Speak with Gerolt.
  • Give the unfinished Bravura to Gerolt.
  • Obtain a white-hot ember in the Bowl of Embers (Hard) as a warrior.
  • Obtain a howling gale in the Howling Eye (Hard) as a warrior.
  • Obtain a chunk of hyperfused ore in the Navel (Hard) as a warrior.
  • Deliver the requested items to Gerolt.
  • Deliver a bottle of Radz–at–Han quenching oil to Gerolt.


A Relic Reborn (Bravura) A Relic Reborn (Bravura) script
Gerolt Jus' let me make one thing clear: it might be as I'm repairin' kettles to pay for yesterday's mead, but I still got me pride as a master weaponsmith. Ye'll get no less than the finest out of me forge.
Gerolt An' it might be as ye've got that godsdamned slip of paper, but it'll only get ye so much. Restorin' relics like these calls for some rare ol' materials, an' I ain't got none. So if you want the job done, ye'll have to run along an' fetch 'em for me.
Gerolt So, what is it ye want restored?
Gerolt Fancy yerself a dauntless warrior, like they had in the olden days, eh? So the rumors're true, then─the Company of Heroes did have one in their ranks... Bloody hells.
Gerolt I'll tell you what, though─we weaponsmiths like a good axe, and them warriors' axes were better than good. Ain't no weapon more fearsome to look at, I reckon.
Gerolt An' of all the kinds out there, there's none I'd take over Bravura. Aye, from the intimidatin' form to the destructive power, 'tis everythin' a warrior could ever want.
Gerolt There's jus' one snag: the only blacksmith clan what knew how to forge Bravura died out years ago. The last of 'em didn't quite get 'round to trainin' a successor, see, an' the hapless sod took the techniques to his grave.
Gerolt Might be some warriors out there bear the axe still, but if I was them, I wouldn't willin'ly part with such a prized possession. Nay, not for all the mead in Eorzea...or would I?
Gerolt Anyroad, if yer to have any hope of gettin' a Bravura to call yer own, it'd be through the kobolds. The creatures're renowned for their skill at the forge, an' it jus' so happens they also have a penchant for scourin' ancient ruins an' mines for artifacts, precious ores, an' the like.
Gerolt To find what we need, ye might try venturin' into U'Ghamaro Mines. Mayhap the kobolds have a Bravura stowed away in a repository or summat.
Gerolt We weaponsmiths like a good axe─and them warriors' axes were better than good. Ain't no weapon more fearsome to look at, I reckon.
Gerolt An' of all the kinds out there, there's none I'd take over Bravura. Aye, from the intimidatin' form to the destructive power, 'tis everythin' a warrior could ever want.
Gerolt There's jus' one snag: the only blacksmith clan what knew how to forge Bravura died out years ago. The last of 'em didn't quite get 'round to trainin' a successor, see, an' the hapless sod took the techniques to his grave.
Gerolt Might be some warriors out there bear the axe still, but if I was them, I wouldn't willin'ly part with such a prized possession. Nay, not for all the mead in Eorzea...or would I?
Gerolt Anyroad, if yer to have any hope of gettin' a Bravura to call yer own, it'd be through the kobolds. The creatures're renowned for their skill at the forge, an' it jus' so happens they also have a penchant for scourin' ancient ruins an' mines for artifacts, precious ores, an' the like.
Gerolt To find what we need, ye might try venturin' into U'Ghamaro Mines. Mayhap the kobolds have a Bravura stowed away in a repository or summat.
Gerolt Well, bugger me... Never in me wildest, drunkest dreams did I imagine ye'd actually find the bloody thing... Bah, so I'll have to fire up the forge, after all.
Gerolt Havin' said that, the relic's in far worse shape than I thought. It ain't like to survive much poundin' in this state. Truth be told, I'd be worried about sneezin' near it.
Gerolt <sigh> We're gonna need a new host what'll give itself for the restoration.
Gerolt Bring me a barbarian's bardiche, one with two grade three battledance materia melded to it. This'll serve as the vessel for the restored relic.
Gerolt Remember, that's two grade three battledance materia. Aught less, an' ye'll get naught from me, no matter how many slips of paper ye wave in me face.
Gerolt Ye need to bring me a barbarian's bardiche, one with two grade three battledance materia melded to it. This'll serve as the vessel for the restored relic.
Gerolt Hm? Aye, I could hammer one out in me sleep, but then I could wipe yer arse without much trouble, an' I ain't plannin' on doin' that neither! Seems ye'll jus' have to do both yerself, eh?
Gerolt Ah, 'tis a fine base ye've brought me. Aye, jus' the thing to host yer relic.
Gerolt I've merged what was left of the relic with the host weapon, so the groundwork's done. But don't go jumpin' for joy jus' yet─there's still more to do.
Gerolt I need to work on the finishin' touches, but due to the reinforcement work I've had to do, the weapon's provin' rather stubborn to shape.
Gerolt To get 'round this, we'll be needin' some alumina salts, a substance made by grindin' a rock called alumina into fine grains. Unlucky for ye, though, it ain't easy to get hold of.
Gerolt Mayhap ye already know this, but there's beasties out there what devour their prey whole. An' some of 'em swallow rocks so as to aid with digestion.
Gerolt The dhorme chimera what terrorizes the central highlands o' Coerthas happens to swallow alumina salts for this purpose.
Gerolt Slay the bugger an' bring me the alumina salts, an' I'll see to the finishin' touches on yer weapon.
Gerolt Jus' a dozen more kettles, then it's off to the tav─

You again!? What in the seven hells do ye want this time!?

Gerolt Forgotten what to bring, eh? Gods' sake, woman/man, ye've got the memory of a bleedin' whatsit!
Gerolt Slay the dhorme chimera an' bring me alumina salts, an' I'll see to the finishin' touches on yer weapon.
Gerolt ...An' o' course, the adventurer comes back triumphant. <sigh> Should've bloody known not even the chimera would be able to put ye out o' me misery.
Gerolt Hand over those alumina salts, an' I'll get right to work.
Gerolt There, the deed's done. I've squeezed out every onze of me skill to restore yer weapon, an' I think ye'll agree it looks the part.
Gerolt Yet there's summat...missin' somehow, though I'm buggered if I know what. The piece jus' lacks a certain glow, as it were.
Gerolt We need to learn more about the relic. Literature surroundin' the hero associated with it would be a fine place to begin...but I ain't exactly a scholarly an' haven't the slightest inklin' where to get me hands on such stuff.
Gerolt As much as I hate to say this, Rowena's probably the one to talk to. Thing is, I'd sooner shove hot kettles up me arse sideways than owe that thrice-damned harridan another debt.
Gerolt Yer gonna have to make yerself useful once again. Take yerself to Rowena an' ask for her help, an' return here once ye've learned summat what might be of use.
Rowena You're lookin' a bit more run-down than before. Your dealin's with Gerolt takin' their toll? Actually, forget I even asked. My mouth tastes o' bile if I so much as think o' that sorry specimen. So, is there somethin' you need?
Rowena ...Literature on the hero of old who once wielded your weapon?
Rowena Hm, I reckon I can find what you need. Might take a bit o' time, is all.
Rowena 'Course, this ain't a charity I'm runnin' here. I can get you what you want, but you'll have to do likewise for me.
Rowena I'll track down literature on the warriors of old.
Rowena For your part, you're to bring me an Amdapor glyph. You'll find this inside Amdapor Keep, a ruined castle situated in the South Shroud.
Rowena Clear on the deal? Then run along and fulfill your part of it.
Rowena Ah, good on you/lad! This is exactly what I was after. You've honored your part o' the bargain, and so I'll do the same.
Gerolt Back to pester me so soon? Judgin' from that smirk on yer face, I take it ye've found what ye need?
Gerolt Aye, this text is about the warriors of old, all right. But gods, would it have killed the bugger that wrote it to use normal bloody words!?
Gerolt It'll take me bleedin' moons to get through this lot─time I could be spendin' on kettles! Gah...while I try to make head or tail of it all, why don't ye take this here unfinished Bravura an' try it out?
Gerolt As I mentioned before, it's still missin' summat, but it's all there shape-wise, meanin' it should serve ye jus' fine as an ordinary weapon.
Gerolt Seein' as yer a ripe ol' warrior, mayhap ye'll be able to feel out exactly what it wants for.
Gerolt That's to say, get out there an' fight some nasty foes, as the warriors who went afore ye must've done back in the day.
Gerolt U'Ghamaro mines over in outer La Noscea oughta serve yer needs. Pit yerself against some U'Ghamaro quarrymen, roundsmen, an' bedesmen─eight of each, say─then come back an' tell me what ye've gleaned.
Gerolt With the information in the text an' yer firsthand experience, I reckon we'll solve this puzzle yet.
Gerolt I want ye to get out there an' fight some nasty foes, as the warriors who went afore ye must've done back in the day.
Gerolt U'Ghamaro mines over in outer La Noscea oughta serve yer needs. Pit yerself against some U'Ghamaro quarrymen, roundsmen, an' bedesmen─eight of each, say─then come back an' tell me what ye've gleaned.
Epicmoogle You mustn't lose your relic, kupo! I went to great pains to retrieve it, so promise me you'll take better care of it!
Gerolt Back already? By the frown yer wearin', I take it ye've got nothin' to show for yer time with the kobolds.
Gerolt Hmmm, might be as ye want for better sport. An' I know jus' the creature what'll give it to ye─the hydra what reigns over the fiends within Halatali. A nasty piece of work, that. Try not to piss yer britches when ye see it.
Fafajoni We Immortal Flames have managed to cull most of the feral denizens of Halatali, but the hydra still remains. Frankly, we're out of our─
Fafajoni What!? You mean to face the fell creature!? To be sure, we would be grateful if you could rid us of it, but I must warn you of the dangers. Survival is not guaranteed.
Gerolt Bloody hells, not ye again! Can't a man have a moment's bleedin' rest!? I've barely had time to piss since you gave me that damnable text.
Gerolt Readin' the thing's given me a fierce bloody headache...which yer makin' worse by houndin' me!
Gerolt Do me a favor an' make yerself scarce, will ye? Go an' play with yer bloody Bravura or summat.
Epicmoogle You mustn't lose your relic, kupo! I went to great pains to retrieve it, so promise me you'll take better care of it!
Gerolt Yer... Yer still alive! Why the hells do you adventurers have to be so godsdamned sturdy!? I was bloody sure ye'd be hydra dung by now... <sigh>
Gerolt But what's done is done...or in this case, not done. Anyroad, let's talk about that text ye brought. It follows the life of Iron Eater, the legendary sellsword...or maybe sellaxe, who lived five centuries ago.
Gerolt The man was the ultimate warrior, if the account's to be believed. With the amount of coin Iron Eater demanded for his services, they say ye could hire a whole bleedin' army.
Gerolt ...That, or keep me in mead for a fortnight! Hra hra hra!
Gerolt A-Ahem! Anyroad, I managed to find mention of Bravura in amongst all the maimin' an' killin'. Like any warrior worth his salt, Iron Eater wielded a Bravura...but there was a tellin' difference: his axe head was forged to weigh double the usual. Not a weapon for the faint of heart, I tell ye.
Gerolt Needless to say, the thing was a bugger to wield. But gods, if ye had the brute strength to swing it... Hoo hoo! Ye could make a proper mess o' someone!
Gerolt As ye can see, I've done me research. I trust ye've also been pullin' yer weight, puttin' the relic to use like I said. Well, go on, then─tell me what ye've learned.
Gerolt Is that so? Aye...I'd wondered about that.
Gerolt Based on what we've gleaned from the text an' yer firsthand experience, I'll rework the relic so as to improve yer affinity with it. Hand it over for a second, will ye?
Epicmoogle You mustn't lose your relic, kupo! I went to great pains to retrieve it, so promise me you'll take better care of it!
Gerolt Based on what we've gleaned from the text an' yer firsthand experience, I'll rework the relic so as to improve yer affinity with it. Hand it over for a second, will ye?
Gerolt There, the deed's done. That leaves us with one last step.
Gerolt That is, fully mergin' the old relic, the new host, an' the soul of the bearer─aye, that's you. Only then can the weapon be restored to its former glory.
Gerolt But to do this, I need a fire what's hotter than the seventh hell. An' to keep such a fire alive an' ragin', I need a wind what's fiercer than the...than, hangover I had last week. Gah, ye know what I mean!
Gerolt Jus' get me a white-hot ember, a howlin' gale, an' a chunk o' hyperfused ore, an' I'll finish yer bloody weapon! Ah, an' I need me a bottle o' Radz–at–Han quenchin' oil as well to cool it off!
Gerolt In order to restore yer weapon to its former glory, we need to fully merge the relic with the new host. Oh, aye─an' yer soul. Don't worry, though─it might not hurt much.
Gerolt Get me a white-hot ember, a howlin' gale, an' a chunk of hyperfused ore, an' I'll finish yer bloody weapon.
Gerolt So yer back... Never doubted for a second ye'd trounce all three primals an' come back to pester me again.
Gerolt All right, then, let's see the white-hot ember, the howling gale, an' the hyperfused ore.
Gerolt Aye, these oughta get me the levels o' heat I need. Which leaves just the Radz–at–Han quenchin' oil for coolin' things off afterwards. Ye've got that, too, I assume?
Gerolt Ye've done yer part, an' so I'll do mine.
Gerolt Watch now, an' try not to bat yer eyelids─ain't every day ye get to see a relic reborn!
Gerolt Muahahaha... MUAHAHAHAHAHA! These gods-given hands've worked yet another miracle! Feast yer eyes on Bravura, jus' as it was in days of yore! 'Tis a sight to move a man to lucky bastard. Ye'd better bloody well take care of it!
Gerolt Gods, I've been dry as a bone for the past six bells. M-Mead... Jus' give me enough mead to wet me lips...
Quest complete.