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Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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The fresh-faced Student's face lights up at the sight of you.

Quest description

A Mission in Mor Dhona A Mission in Mor Dhona is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.


  • After receiving you with a smile, the fresh-faced Student leaves to fetch Krile, who has been wanting you and G'raha Tia to assist with a certain task. Though the details are sparse, the request comes from none other than Rammbroes of the Sons of Saint Coinach, and you depart for Revenant's Toll to meet with him.
  • No sooner do you join G'raha at your destination than Rammbroes arrives, and the two former comrades enjoy a brief-but-warm reunion. The conversation then turns to business, with Rammbroes informing you that an explorer recently appeared who claimed to have discovered the phantom realm, an enigmatic place that has long persisted in Eorzean legend. Wishing to see the realm with your own eyes, you and G'raha Tia go to find the explorer in question, one Deryk, who should be somewhere near the banks of Silvertear Lake.
  • Your search leads you to a peculiar baby opo-opo, whom you definitely did not assume to be the explorer. It turns out, however, that the creature is associated with the man, as it promptly clambers on his shoulder when he appears with G'raha Tia. Having been introduced, Deryk offers to show you to the phantom realm's entrance, and you watch in awe as he takes one step, and then another, onto the shimmering water of Silvertear Lake. Keeping your amazement in check for a moment, you follow him across the lake and into the unknown.
  • You emerge in the phantom realm, a gasp escaping your lips as you take in the breathtaking scenery. Picking your jaw off the floor once more, you go to join your companions.
  • According to Deryk, the floating isle to which you have come is called “the Omphalos”─a name of his own conception, meaning “navel” in an ancient tongue in reference to Mor Dhona's location in the heart of Aldenard. The explorer hopes that you will be able to shed light upon this place, and to that end you and G'raha Tia split up to explore.
  • You take yourself around the Omphalos and make a note of its peculiarities. Having explored to your satisfaction, you head back to the waiting Deryk.
  • Shortly after you rejoin Deryk, G'raha Tia also returns, and you review your findings together. Based on available evidence, it would seem the isle lies a considerable distance above Silvertear Lake, and it served as a place of worship for the Twelve. However, there is no telling who created such a place, and concerted effort will be required to get to the heart of the mystery.


  • Wait at the designated location in Revenant's Toll.
  • Search for the explorer.
  • Speak with G'raha Tia in the Omphalos.
  • Explore the Omphalos.
  • Speak with Deryk.