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Judging by the glint in Runar's eye, there is more for you to learn about Slitherbough.

Quest description

A Helping Hand A Helping Hand is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.



  • Speak with Minfilia.
  • Take the water jug to the garden.
  • Speak with Minfilia.
  • Take the water to the garden.
  • Report to Ersabel.


A Helping Hand A Helping Hand script
Ryne I can see now how they've come to thrive in these woods, even with all the sin eaters.
Runar Ah, you are returned. Very good.
Runar No doubt they were glad of your company. It has been too long since we have had visitors.
Runar Remember: if you have any questions, or there is anything you need, do not hesitate to ask.
Runar Speaking of which, we must arrange food and lodgings for your stay.
Runar As friends of Master Matoya, we cannot ask for payment, but if you would be willing to lend a hand...?
Runar We are fortunate indeed to play host to such generous souls. The task I have in mind is simple enough.
Runar Come now, it is but a single task. As reward, I will give you an extra helping of my famous stew at dinner!
Runar All I ask is that you take a jug and water the crops in the square.
Ryne May I help too?
Runar Of course! One of you can do the filling, and the other the watering.
Runar Speak with Ersabel when you have finished. She will be relieved to hear the crops have been tended to.
Runar While you take care of that, I will see to your room and a warm meal.
Ryne Right, then. I'll fill, you water!
Ryne This was the only jug I could find which was small enough to lift, but I'm afraid there's a crack in the bottom.
Ryne You'll need to hurry to the garden before all the water leaks out.
Ryne Oh no, did all the water leak out? Here, let me refill it for you.
Ryne Was there enough water for the plot?
Ryne Only half? I see. Well, let me refill the jug for you.
Ryne All done? Then we just need to speak to...Ersabel, was it?
Ersabel Well met, travelers. I observed you earlier speaking with the others. Have you need of something?
Ersabel You watered the crops? Ah, my apologies for not noticing sooner. I have been...rather distracted of late.
Ersabel Watering the crops was always Toddia's duty, but she...she is no longer with us.
Ersabel We have since taken to sharing the duty─though never with guests... You are most kind.
Ryne Is there anything else we can do to help? We could plant something if you like.
Ersabel There is no need. The plot is small, it is true, but it provides us with enough to survive. We ask for no more.
Ryne I don't know how you manage...
Ryne Have the Blessed not considered leaving? Life would surely be easier almost anywhere else.
Ersabel I can understand why you might say that, but the easiest path is not always the right one.
Ersabel Tell me, do you know our history? How our faith came to be?
Ryne Ah, er...yes, I believe so. The Night's Blessed was initially formed by those who lost their homes in the wake of the Flood.
Ryne What began as an occasional gathering of survivors eventually grew into a community, which ultimately decided to strike out on its own in the Rak'tika Greatwood.
Ersabel I see you have read your history.
Ersabel But there is a history that is told, and one that is lived.
Ersabel Like so many in those times, the first of the Night's Blessed lost everything. Their homes, their loved ones─all they held dear.
Ersabel To make matters worse, none could say what became of the souls of those lost to the Flood when their bodies were reborn as sin eaters.
Ersabel The people were without answers, without hope, their gods having drowned along with everything else. It seemed that nothing was beyond the reach of the Light.
Ersabel But soon they realized that where there is Light, there must be Darkness.
Ersabel And in that truth, they found new faith─a belief that the souls of the departed could yet find peace beyond these burning skies, in the sunless sea above.
Ersabel That is why we pray. For the safe passage of wayward souls unto that blessed black abyss. For the return of the night, that we might someday look upon the kingdom of heaven with our own eyes.
Ersabel We remain in these woods for the selfsame reason our founders first chose them─that we may lead lives of simplicity, with the shade of these trees as a constant reminder of our faith.
Ryne With so many seeking paradise in Eulmore, it's refreshing to find people who value a humbler existence.
Ersabel You are kind to say so. Many consider our way of life foolish─and so it must seem to those who yet cling to their worldly possessions.
Ersabel In times such as these, when everything can be taken away in an instant, it is all too easy to lose sight of why we fight to go on living.
Ersabel ...It is not to hold fast to material things, but to hold those who went before us in our hearts─to keep alive the legacy they have left us.
Ersabel This we must do for them, our children, and generations yet unborn.
Ryne ...To keep their legacy alive.
Quest complete.