Cloud Strife:
No way! That thing's just a machine.
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The bespectacled technician is enjoying the refreshing harbor breeze.
Quest description
A Heartless Hypothesis is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.
- The bespectacled technician turns at your approach, marveling at the serendipity of your meeting. She explains that she and her team have just begun combing through the Ragnarok's flight log data, only to discover the existence of a mystery transmission─an audio message of unknown origin. The technician invites you to join her at Thaumazein, insisting that one of the flight's original passengers should be present for the moment when they finally decipher the transmission's content.
- Upon your arrival, you learn that engineers from Garlond Ironworks will be coming to assist with deciphering the message. Sure enough, you are soon joined by the inimitable Biggs and Wedge, who themselves are accompanied by Alpha and the scale model of Omega. After exchanging surprised greetings, Biggs shares his suspicion that, in its final moments, the original Omega may have somehow transferred its mind into its toylike counterpart. The contraption's newly added voice module removes all doubt, allowing the entity to confirm its identity, not to mention its ability to understand the transmitted missive. Omega's willingness to cooperate, however, is contingent upon you assisting with its investigation into certain anomalies surrounding the Final Days...
- You agree to Omega's conditions, and it explains that there are three elements of the Scions' report which require clarification. The first of these concerns the pattern of those who succumbed to transformation during the Final Days. Motioning for Alpha to join you, it urges you to teleport your unlikely trio to Radz–at–Han.
- Once in the city, Omega hypothesizes that survivors of the Final Days will display significant strength of heart. Reasoning that a residential ward should provide suitable subjects for interrogation, you set off to question the inhabitants of Kama.
※You must be accompanied by Omega and Alpha to complete this task. Speak with either of them at the aetheryte plaza should you become separated. - Your interviews have provided Omega with a trove of revelatory data. Seemingly overwhelmed by the input, the former weapon construct requests a quiet location to process the information it has heard.
※You must be accompanied by Omega and Alpha to complete this task. Speak with either of them at the aetheryte plaza should you become separated. - After evaluating its initial hypothesis against the gathered evidence, Omega is struck by the inaccuracy of its assessments. Determined to identify the root of this computational conflict, Omega insists that a larger sample size of subjects is required. You conclude that Djinabaha of Ruveydah Fibers should meet the parameters set forth by your mechanical companion.
※You must be accompanied by Omega and Alpha to complete this task. Speak with either of them at the aetheryte plaza should you become separated. - A puzzled-but-welcoming Djinabaha does his best to answer Omega's questions, though it seems his responses serve only to add to the machine's confusion. Reluctant to disturb the “deep philosophical musings” taking place, Djinabaha nevertheless ventures to ask a favor of you. He asks that you spare a moment to talk with a man by the name of Nashvan, who should be sorting inventory just outside the facility's eastern exit.
※You must be accompanied by Omega and Alpha to complete this task. Speak with either of them at the aetheryte plaza should you become separated. - You find the man in question, and are transported back to that tragic moment in time when both his son and Ahewann were lost to the terrors of the Final Days. Nashvan's tale of sorrow and subsequent return to society leaves Omega confounded once more, the ephemeral mortal spirit as much a source of mystery as it ever was. Perhaps a change of location and objective will help further Omega's education...
- Speak with the bespectacled technician.
- Speak with Omega.
- Speak with Omega and have it accompany you.
- Speak with the residents of Kama while accompanied by Omega and Alpha.
- Accompany Omega to the designated location and then speak with it.
- Speak with Djinabaha while accompanied by Omega and Alpha.
- Search for Nashvan while accompanied by Omega and Alpha.