A Good Role Model script
Good evening/Good morning/Good day to you/Good evening, [Player Name]/ [Player Name]/[Player Name]. Still fighting the good fight, I take it? Would that we had more soldiers like you.
I cannot speak for the Immortal Flames or the Maelstrom, but we of the Twin Adder are not accustomed to combat in such wide-open expanses.
The beasts that roam these lands are quite dangerous, and to be frank, our new recruits are simply not up to the task of fending them off. For you, I imagine it would be like crushing ants underfoot.
That is why I would ask you to give my men a brief lesson in combat by slaying the antlions at Pike Falls. I've instructed them to stay well out of sight, so you should have no trouble fighting without distraction. When you've finished, any advice you can offer them would no doubt be invaluable to their training.
They've been instructed to watch you closely, albeit from a safe distance. I'm sure they will take to heart any advice you can offer them afterward.
I'll never be a match for the Garleans if I can't even defeat an antlion.
I wasn't expecting the antlions to be so tough.
It's an honor to meet you, miss/sir. To watch you fight was quite inspiring. Tell me, did you have any tactics in mind before engaging the antlions?
What will you say?
Finding their weak points is key.
Only to keep swinging until victory was assured.
Yes, of course. I noticed how you consistently aimed for what seemed to be soft spots between their shell plating. I can't promise your words will remain with me in the heat of battle, but I will do my best not to disappoint you or my superiors.
I...I see... Yes, I suppose all enemies eventually yield to your superior strength. <sigh> I have much, much more training ahead of me, don't I?
[Player Name] of the Maelstrom!/ [Player Name]!/[Player Name] of the Immortal Flames! The rumors of your prowess do no justice to what I just witnessed. What is your secret?
What will you say?
Keep moving and wait for an opening.
Battles just seem to work out in my favor.
Seeing your nimble footwork firsthand, it is hard to refute the truth in that. Truth be told I'm a rather clumsy fellow, but I will practice every day until I'm as sure-footed as the illustrious [Player Name].
What? Do you mean to say you've come all this way simply because the unseen hands of fate demand you be victorious? If only I could have armor so thick as that...
Pray excuse me, I...I need time to think on this...
Welcome back. The men seem transformed having met you, though I suppose you're accustomed to having that effect on people.
Sadly I have no memorable acts of daring with which I can inspire them.
Still, I'm heartened to know there are those like you to whom they can look up to, who will inspire them to train harder.
I'll be the first to admit I was skeptical when they first began enlisting adventurers in the Grand Companies, but I'm glad my doubts were proven unfounded.
Safe travels, [Player Name]//[Player Name].
Quest complete.