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Tataru is desperately trying to retain her composure as she prepares to see you off on another perilous journey.

Quest description

A Frosty Reception A Frosty Reception is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.


  • You stand on the cusp of another adventure into parts unknown, where Tataru's lovingly woven garments may be your only protection against the unforgiving climate of the frozen north. Thankfully, most of the journey will be made by airship, and your pilot stands at the ready.
  • Almost immediately after landing in Ilsabard, you are drawn into a confrontation with a sizable force of tempered imperials. Thancred's bravery and ingenuity are instrumental in tipping the scales in your favor, although Vergilia and her IIIrd Legion troops prove stiff opposition nonetheless. Having taken them into custody in order to cure them of their tempering, your contingent marches onward to Garlemald.
  • Your party decides to make use of an abandoned village to establish a temporary base of operations, which is granted the moniker of Camp Broken Glass for the constant sound of ice cracking underfoot.

※You can now travel to Garlemald by speaking with the Ironworks pilot in the Ala Mhigan Quarter.

  • With the airships safely moored and the tempered imperials receiving treatment, Alphinaud informs you that Lucia wishes to decide on a course of action with the Scions. Before that, you must round up Y'shtola and G'raha Tia, who have been exploring the vicinity.
  • Y'shtola is particularly sensitive to disturbances in ambient aether, and since drawing close to the imperial capital, she has been beset by a strange malaise. She posits that it is likely caused by the monstrous tower looming on the horizon, where she senses vast amounts of aether gathering. Fortunately, she should still be well enough to participate in the meeting, and she agrees to join you soon.
  • G'raha Tia has busied himself investigating the nearby residences, and his findings strongly suggest that much, if not all of the local populace, has been tempered. Without any villagers present to verify this theory, however, the current evidence can only be considered circumstantial at best. Putting aside his work for the time being, he makes his way towards the meeting place.
  • Now that you have successfully infiltrated Garlemald, Lucia outlines the contingent's plans for scouting the vicinity. She assigns you, Alisaie, and Alphinaud the task of searching for survivors in the outskirts of the capital, which despite being within the city walls, are largely covered in vast swathes of ice and snow.
  • Alisaie, like many members of the contingent, has yet to acclimatize herself to the unrelenting cold of Ilsabard. As she points out, even the people of Garlemald would soon perish in such conditions if deprived of warmth. Though you know not what awaits in the frozen wastes, you grit your teeth and prepare to venture forth.


  • Speak with the Ironworks pilot.
  • Speak with Alphinaud.
  • Speak with Y'shtola.
  • Speak with G'raha Tia.
  • Speak with Lucia.
  • Speak with Alisaie.


A Frosty Reception A Frosty Reception script
Garlondpilot We'll depart once the contingent has finished its preparations.
Tataru I'm told the airship pilot has been sent to meet you.
Tataru Ah, there he is!
Tataru All right, this is where we go our separate ways. Do be careful, won't you?
Tataru I modeled your clothing on what Alphinaud and I wore when we journeyed from Lord Haurchefant's “Falling Snows” to Ishgard for the first time.
Tataru In those days, I barely knew one end of a sewing needle from the other, and as you've always had very...individual tastes, I let you pick your own outfit.
Tataru I'd like to think my skills have improved since then─but do you know what's more important than skill? Heart and soul! There's plenty to be found in each and every one of my works!
Garlondpilot It's an honor to finally meet you! We of the Garlond Ironworks will be ferrying you and your contingent across the mountains and into Garlemald.
Garlondpilot For many of us, it will be something of a homecoming. Our illustrious founder was only our most notable imperial defector.
Garlondpilot For that reason, the company is committed to the success of this expedition.
Garlondpilot Our resources are at your disposal, and if there is aught we might do to be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask!
Garlondpilot If you are ready to depart, I will ready the engines.
Garlondpilot The airship is ready when you are. But say the word and we'll have you in Ilsabard before you know it.
Alisaie Shouldn't be long before we have a half-decent camp with so many helping hands. I was concerned the snow might hinder our progress, but our Ishgardian friends are used to working in conditions like these.
Yshtola Sorry, I'm feeling...rather unwell.
Grahatia Our comrades certainly haven't wasted any time establishing a base of operations...
Lucia Once everything is in place, we will discuss our next move.
Maxima This is all that remains of Laterum... Homes become empty husks. If this is the state of the outlying villages, I dread to think what has become of the capital.
Aruhnsenna The tempered soldiers are sleeping soundly while they undergo treatment. There are too many to attend at once, but I and the other healers will see to all eventually.
Sicard Hells' bells, this place is bloody freezin'! Rather be tied to the topmast in a storm than suffer this cold any longer! Anyone what can spare a swig o' rum? That'll sort me right out!
Pipin We've asked the Ironworks members and some of our other comrades to stay with the airships. In the event we are discovered, we must be ready to move them swiftly to a safer location.
Lyse Raubahn taught me a lot about military strategy during exercises in the Fringes. Coordinating units with wildly different capabilities, surveying and securing hostile terrain, that sort of thing. Now, I have the chance to put his teachings into practice.
Cirina Vergilia is in our care, along with the rest of the tempered. “Glory to Garlemald, glory to Garlemald,” they still whisper in their sleep, even as they writhe in pain...
Alphinaud In spite of the obstacles we've faced, our plan proceeds apace. Just a little farther and we will reach the capital itself.
Alphinaud Still, we mustn't get ahead of ourselves. As soon as the camp has been made fit for purpose, we are to discuss a course of action with Lucia.
Alphinaud Would you mind asking Y'shtola and G'raha to join us in that building to the northeast of the camp? Alisaie and I will meet you there.
Yshtola A meeting? Yes, I'll make my way over once my head has cleared.
Yshtola In truth, I've been feeling out of sorts since we arrived. The air is thick with a palpable aura of malevolence...
Yshtola 'Tis the monstrous tower on the horizon. Jagged, hideous, unholy... Even at this distance, its presence is overwhelming.
Yshtola Much like the sensation I felt in the Tower of Zot, only far more terrifying. Aether flows unceasingly towards it, converging into a swirling mass of unfathomable power.
Yshtola ...For a blessing, the constant chill in the air is helping to anchor my senses in the here and now. Tell the others I shall be with you in a few moments.
Grahatia You will be pleased to know most of the tempered have been quartered inside the nearby buildings and are receiving treatment as we speak.
Grahatia I do however feel no small amount of guilt for commandeering civilian homes. The occupants may be long gone, but everything is exactly as they left it...
Grahatia Considering the length of time that has clearly passed since, one would expect to find them ransacked. Strangely, there are no signs of anything having been stolen.
Grahatia It's possible that everyone fled at the first sign of trouble, though it seems to me they left far too many useful possessions behind... Aye, although there is no conclusive evidence, I strongly suspect they were tempered.
Grahatia Sorry, I was merely thinking aloud... You mentioned a meeting? I will make my way there.
Lucia Thank you for informing the others of our meeting.
Lucia When everyone is here, we will begin.
Alphinaud I've never thought myself much of an explorer, though I suppose my adventures have taken me to all sorts of strange and distant places. With that in mind, traversing an ice field should be a simple feat!
Emmanellain There's this odd perception that Ishgardians have lived their whole lives in the snow, but it really wasn't that bad before the Calamity. And afterwards, well, I was rarely more than a few paces from a raging fire...
Emmanellain This dreadful place, on the other hand, is nothing but cold, cold, cold! And it's my understanding that Ilsabard has always been this way. Gods, can you imagine!?
Alisaie Gods be good... If it's this cold with Tataru's clothing, I dread to think how we'd fare without it! I must remember to thank her when next we meet.
Alisaie It makes me realize, too, that while the people of Garlemald have spent their whole lives in conditions like these, even they'd be hard-pressed to survive away from the warmth of their homes. If there are any survivors, we must find them, and quickly.
Quest complete.