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Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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The malingering moogle is shivering in fear.

Quest description

A Frightening Field Trip A Frightening Field Trip is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • The moogle expedition is visiting the ruins of Tharl Oom Khash to learn more of the time when dragons and mankind lived amicably together. However, the leader of the expedition has cold wings and is scared to explore any further. Inform the rest of the moogles in the expedition that it is time for them to return home.
  • You have informed the moogle expedition that the time has come for them to leave. Despite some protests, they have complied with their orders. Report back to the expedition leader.
  • It seems that the ruins were once home to a great wyrm by the name of Ratatoskr. The moogles are surprised that another great wyrm besides Hraesvelgr and Nidhogg had ever inhabited these lands.


  • Search for the moogles.
  • Report to the malingering moogle.
  • Report to the expedition leader.


A Frightening Field Trip A Frightening Field Trip script
Fieldtripmoga01856 What a find, kupo! Everyone will be amazed!
Fieldtripmogb01857 I never thought the ruins would be so massive. There's so much space for exploring!
Guidemog01855 Our expedition is exploring the ruins of Tharl Oom Khash to learn of the time when there was peace between the skylords and the landlords. None have stepped foot here in ages... To be honest, it's quite frightening, kupo...
Guidemog01855 ...It might be time to cut the expedition short. Could you inform the other moogles that we'll be returning home shortly? I'm too scared to move, so I'll be waiting here!
Guidemog01855 I get the feeling we shouldn't be here... Could you tell the others that it's time to go home?
Fieldtripmoga01856 What!? We're leaving already!?

<sigh> ...Well, I suppose it is somewhat sinister here...

Fieldtripmogb01857 The ruins are massive, but the architecture indicates someone─or something─lived here in comfort... What's that? Time to go home? Well, if you say so, kupo...
Fieldtripmogc01858 I've found traces that Ratatoskr's brood once lived here... Most interesting... Oh! The expedition is over? I shall return at once, kupo.
Fieldtripmogd01858 I've barely been able to scratch the surface of these ruins, there's so much to see, kupo. But, I am getting quite tired... I suppose I'll go back.
Fieldtripmoge01858 The ruins resemble Zenith at parts... I wonder what kind of dragons could've lived here, kupo. Well, I guess we'll explore more tomorrow.
Fieldtripmoga01856 While scouring the ruins I came across a seal that could've only belonged to the brood of a great dragon. There's still much to explore, kupo!
Fieldtripmogb01857 This kind of palace is much too large for moogles. We'd have to take several naps just getting from one place to the other, kupo.
Fieldtripmogc01858 Ratatoskr... I'll have to do more research into this dragon's true nature.
Fieldtripmogd01858 The ruins are so massive it's hard to know where to begin... I think I'll just lie down for a bit, kupo...
Fieldtripmoge01858 The skylords living here must've been a breed like none other, kupo.
Guidemog01855 Everyone seems to have returned. Thank you, adventurer! It seems that these ruins were once home to skylords loyal to a great wyrm named Ratatoskr.
Guidemog01855 To think that such palaces were dedicated to dragons outside of the great Hraesvelgr and the evil Nidhogg... Ratatoskr must surely have rivaled them in greatness, kupo!
Guidemog01855 As interesting as the ruins are, staying here fills me with a sense of dread. For now, the expedition will return home. Thank you once again, adventurer!
Quest complete.