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Peyraquile appears excited about something.

Quest description

A Fashionable Friendship A Fashionable Friendship is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.



  • Speak with Peyraquile.
  • Speak with Julchiezain.
  • Speak with Lycelle.
  • Speak with Lycelle again.


A Fashionable Friendship A Fashionable Friendship script
Peyraquile Oh, it's you again! Have you heard? All sorts of merchants and craftsmen from across the realm have come to Featherfall!
Peyraquile We were just going to head over there to see for ourselves. You should come with us─it'll be so exciting!
Julchiezain Hmph. This isn't supposed to be exciting, Peyraquile. These outsiders are the competition, and we're going to scout them out. Let's get going now!
Julchiezain Look at those stones! How do they make them sparkle like that!? ...Ah, I mean...that's easy.
Lycelle What do you suppose that is? And that...and that, too!
Peyraquile This is amazing! I've never seen anything like...any of these things before!
Lycelle If we could fashion some eye-catching wares of our own, I do believe we could earn good coin here.
Hwdboy Whatever shall we do, Sister?
Hwdgirl Indeed...
Julchiezain Hey, what's the matter? You're looking awfully glum.
Hwdgirl03959 Oh, hello there. My brother and I heard that traders from around the world had set up shop here in the Firmament, so we've come to peruse their wares.
Hwdboy03959 And what's more, Mother was kind enough to give us some extra gil to buy ourselves a special treat!
Hwdgirl03959 There's one most luscious-looking exotic fruit that caught our eye, but sadly, it's just a bit too expensive. Still, we don't want to settle for anything less...
Lycelle Is that all? If you need money, why don't you just earn it?
Lycelle That's what we do. We make all sorts of things and sell them for good coin!
Marcechamp Well, aren't you a spirited one. If you're hurtin' for gil, maybe we could make ourselves a deal?
Lycelle ...What kind of deal?
Marcechamp Bwahaha! A tough negotiator, I see! Here's the story: I'm a hunter from the Dravanian forelands─an' a pretty good one, if I do say so myself.
Marcechamp I was on my way back to the wilds after droppin' off my chocobo, an' that's when it hit me─it's bleedin' cold out there, an' I could use myself a new overcoat.
Marcechamp I'm not lookin' for anythin' fancy, mind you. If it keeps me warm and toasty in the blisterin' snow an' wind, that's plenty fine for me. Reckon any of you young ones'd be able to help a hunter out?
Lycelle Hah! Could we ever! You just watch─we'll whip you up the finest coat you've ever seen before you can bat an eyelash!
Marcechamp Good to hear it! I'll be lingerin' around the markets for a while still, so you can just bring it on back to me whenever it's ready.
Lycelle Well, looks like we have a job to do. It's off to Rolanberry Field for me to procure the needed tools─perhaps you'd like to come along?
Lycelle Julchiezain and Peyraquile─I can count on the two of you to get some cloth from old Achard, yes?
Lycelle When we have all that we need, let's meet back here. All right, everyone─let's get to work!
Marcechamp Would've reckoned someone like you'd have more important matters on your plate than tendin' to children─though I s'pose I'm not one to talk. Anyroad, I imagine you'll be going along to see that they don't get themselves into trouble.
Marcechamp That lass's a determined one, ain't she? I daresay she reminds me of a certain someone...
Achard Well, if it ain't the Rolanberry children! What can old Achard do you for today?
Peyraquile Er, we need a length of... Drat, what was it again?
Hwdgirl03959 Th-This gentleman certainly is...friendly...
Hwdboy03959 Oh, how I would love to take part in a good snowball fight. Sister simply refuses to even entertain the notion. She says she can't abide getting her hands cold.
Rasequin Ah, you're back! I trust there's something you need from me?
Julchiezain Oh, you came too! Good! There's something I wanted to ask you.
Julchiezain What sort of fabric do you think is best for making an overcoat? Peyraquile and I, we really don't know anything about weaving, you see. It's Lycelle who fancies herself a seamstress.
Achard Well, if it ain't the hero of Ishgard! I'm glad to see you as well. I've been tryin' to get these lads to tell me just what sort of fabric they need, but they can't seem to give me a straight answer! So, what'll it be?
Achard Hah, is that all? Well, why didn't you say so!? Old Achard has just the thing for you!
Achard An' here you go! I reckon this'll serve you well enough.
Julchiezain Why, it most certainly will! Many thanks, my good man!
Lycelle Um, Rasequin? There's a favor I would ask of you.
Rasequin Well, if it isn't Lycelle! What can I do for you and your friends today?
Lycelle A hunter we met at the markets has hired us to make him an overcoat. Do you have a needle and thread we could borrow?
Rasequin I do, indeed, but I can't just let you have it. Why, if you so much as pricked your finger with my tools, I'd never hear the end of it.
Lycelle No need to fear! [Player Name] is here to watch over me and see that I'm perfectly safe. Isn't that right, [Player Name]?
Rasequin ...I see. Well, if the savior of Ishgard is willing to vouch for you, who am I to oppose? Here you go. Just be careful with them, yes?
Lycelle Thanks, Rasequin! You're the best!
Marcechamp The children all came runnin' back like someone'd set their pants on fire. Just between you and me, I ain't in that much of a hurry.
Julchiezain Honestly, I was hoping for more of a challenge. Why, I could have procured that square of fabric in my sleep!
Peyraquile I've never made something for a real hunter before! I hope he likes it...
Hwdgirl03959 How marvelous it must be to be able to fashion clothing with one's own hands. I can scarcely wait to learn myself!
Hwdboy03959 Is there aught I might do to assist?
Lycelle Well, I do believe we have everything we need. Shall we get started, then?
Hwdgirl03959 Say...what do I do with this part here?
Lycelle Ah! Just hold that in place, fold it over─yes, just like that─and now stitch right there. Exactly! You're a natural!
Lycelle Why, it's a perfect fit! Our best work yet, if I do say so myself. And how does it feel, good sir?
Marcechamp It's sturdy, warm, an' even a fair bit more stylish than I'd been expectin'. You've got yourself one satisfied customer, lass.
Marcechamp I reckon this should cover it. Go an' buy yourself somethin' nice, now.
Hwdgirl03959 Oh, thank you!
Hwdgirl03959 And thank you. We couldn't have done this without you. Here, this is your share.
Lycelle What? But this is just about all of it...
Hwdgirl03959 Well, seeing as you did just about all the work, it seems only fair. Together with what our mother gave us, we have enough here to buy our fruit.
Hwdgirl03959 Speaking of Mother, we'd best head back before she starts worrying what's become of us. Might we come back to play again?
Lycelle But of course! You're welcome to visit any time.
Lycelle How nice it must be to have a mother to return to...
Marcechamp Don't look so down, lass. Bein' able to help out a couple of nobles ain't nothin' to sneeze at─an' I reckon the friendship you've made today will serve you well.
Marcechamp Speakin' of new friends, I've got just the thing to cheer you up. How'd you like to take a baby chocobo off my hands?
Lycelle ...A baby chocobo?
Marcechamp Aye. Hatched from the egg of one of my best birds, but I've been having the damnedest time tryin' to train it. Doesn't seem suited for the huntin' life. An' so I thought it could use a new family─how'd you like to be its new mother?
Lycelle Me, its...mother? Why, yes...I'd like that very much!
Julchiezain And with the coin we've earned, we can buy it food and everything! Heh, the little ones are going to be over the moon when they hear who's coming to live with us!
Peyraquile Not just the little ones─Rasequin too! He adores chocobos! Come on, let's go and tell him right now!
Marcechamp You know, [Player Name]... Just lookin' at you and those children, it calls to mind that time I came upon you and Ysayle in Tailfeather. Gods, how time flies...
Marcechamp But speakin' of time flyin', I'd best be movin' on. I've got a chocobo to deliver─and then it's back to the road for me. Till next we meet, lass/lad.
Quest complete.