A Familial Resemblance script
Seeing how reluctant some of the citizens were to answer your questions, I believe it best for me to take over investigations in the Brume.
As for you... Ah, yes. I am given to understand that Blaisie and her friends have been conducting their own investigation.
Though I am loath to admit it, given the fact that they are seminarians, I should not be surprised if they have noticed something we overlooked...
You may as well go and see what Blaisie has learned. If you cannot find her at the scholasticate, I imagine someone can point you in the right direction.
Time is of the essence, [Player Name], for we still cannot discount the possibility that the girl is in danger.
Of course I don't know where she is. While I may be in charge of the dormitory, it is not my responsibility to hold the seminarians' hands or wipe their arses.
As you should well know, in light of recent events, Archombadin has not the luxury to concern himself with such trivialities.
If you're here to ask after another seminarian, allow me to spare you the trouble─I don't know where anyone is or what they might be doing. Good day.
(Have you or the inspector managed to deduce anything from the book yet? Pray apprise me of your progress when you are able.)
Blaisie? I haven't seen her all day. I expect she's gone out again with her friends to look for Ulaa.
I still don't understand why they bother. The girl's probably off gallivanting about with heretics and revolutionaries. Even if they find her, I doubt she'll want to return.
I'm sorry I could not be of any help. Rest assured, however, that if I do hear aught of Blaisie, I shall be sure to tell you.
Hasn't she been following Theomocent around like a lost puppy this past fortnight? Find him and you'll probably find her, that's what I say.
I don't know how he puts up with it, frankly. I suppose that, unlike some of the seniors, he's simply too kind for his own good.
Theomocent? I haven't the slightest idea where he could be...
Oh, what with them both working to bring Ulaa back, Theomocent and Blaisie have had good reason to spend a great deal of time together.
These past few days they've been running around the city making inquiries. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they were up to today.
Precisely where they might have gone, I cannot say. Mayhap one of the other seminarians might know?
<sigh> That is a question I, too, would like to know the answer to. It feels as though we haven't spoken in ages!
I did, however, overhear some of the other seminarians say that they saw Theomocent at the Arc of the Venerable. If so, Blaisie is certain to be close by.
If you hurry, you might still be able to catch them.
Have you seen a young woman, small of stature, with auburn hair and pale blue eyes?
And you're certain you've seen no one that fits that description?
'Tis a wonderful evening/morning/afternoon/evening to enjoy a spot of reading outdoors. Why, I daresay it's nearly as lovely as you, my fair lady. Do you often come here to study?
Gah! Y-You startled me. I'm... I am here for Ulaa's sake, lest you wonder! This is all part of my investigation, I swear!
Wait, you're not a seminarian... And yet you seem so familiar. Ah, I know! You're my brother's associate!
M-My apologies, Mistress/Master [Player Name]. With all the stories I've heard from Briardien about you, I'd forgotten I have yet to introduce myself. I'm Blaisie, Briardien's younger sister. A pleasure to meet you.
My apologies, Mistress/Master [Player Name]. I suppose we have yet to be properly introduced. I'm Blaisie, Briardien's younger sister. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.
...So he's sent you to see what I've learned? Then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I spent all day/night/morning/day questioning merchants, watchmen, and random passersby, and they told me absolutely nothing of interest.
I recorded their statements for good measure but, quite honestly, it was a waste of ink and paper.
Blaisie! What are you doing here?
Theo! I...er...fancy meeting you here! I was just taking a moment to review these testimonies I had taken and thought to, um...
Ah, but of course! You then thought to come and share your findings with us.
Y-Yes, that's it! While it might be a bit much, I wanted to make sure I did not omit a single word.
By the Fury, Blaisie, this is over one hundred fulms long! I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of effort it took to organize all this information... It's incredibly heartening to know that there are others as dedicated as us to seeing Ulaa returned! Now, let's have a look, shall we?
“Investigation Log, Entry 1: Master of Ishgardian markets, Mistress Elaisse
Problems? Well, with this recent run of bad weather, we've had plenty. Why, just the other day my back started to give me trouble again, and I've had to hobble from place to place...”
“Investigation Log, Entry 2: House Fortemps steward, Honoroit
I cannot guarantee that this news will be great interest to you and yours, but a twelve-point proposal for the reformation of the inquisition has recently been tabled by Lord Artoirel in the House of Lords...”
“Investigation Log, Entry 10: Weaponsmith, Elbert
Ever since the blue bastard and his lapdog put an end to the war, profits have plummeted! I've had to sell my best stock for a fraction of its worth just to make ends meet...”
“Investigation Log, Entry 21: Carvery, Mestonnaux
I've barely enough time to fill my customers' orders, much less keep an eye out for foolish─”
Godsdammit, Theo! That's enough! None of that rubbish is even remotely relevant!
Now, now, don't you think you're being a touch too hasty? We've not gotten even a third of the way through. We may yet learn something of value. Let's not dismiss Blaisie's hard work out of hand.
Th-Thank you, Theo, for your kind words. I'm glad you think it may be of use...
Fine. Let us briefly entertain this thought and say that something in these notes will help us find Ulaa. How exactly do you propose that we determine what that is?
Leigh, Leigh. We needn't do a thing. For though we may lack the skill to discern the relevant from the mundane...
...A certain inspector we know and love is a dab hand at such things, no?
But of course, Inspector Briardien! Brilliant idea, Crammevoix! [Player Name], if you would, take this scroll to him and see what he can make of it.
Hmph. I doubt even he could make heads or tails of this rubbish. In any event, it's out of our hands. We should continue with our search.
We meet again. Doubtless you have much to share─I know I do.
Do you recall Gibrillont's patron who recently paid off his debts and the gentleman attempting to attain cough syrups? Upon further investigation, it turns out they share one astoundingly similar facial feature: a pale, raised scar running from the top of their left cheekbone to their jaw.
It so happens that this description also matches that of a notorious thug who was known to hang around outside taverns and harass patrons for coin─until an unexpected windfall saw his fortunes vastly improve.
He is now rumored to make a living as a traveling merchant, though where he goes and what he sells, none can say. We shall find out in due time. But enough of my discoveries─what have you learned?
...By the Fury, this is longer than some scripture! And she compiled it all in less than a single day, you say? Remarkable...
“Investigation Log, Entry 1: Master of Ishgardian markets, Mistress Elaisse
Problems? Well, with this recent run of bad weather, we've had plenty. Why, just the other day my back started to give me trouble again, and I've had to hobble from place to place.”
“On the other hand, the Crozier has seen increased trading in oils, furs, and other goods folks begin to crave when it grows cold, so in that regard I can't complain...”
“Investigation Log, Entry 13: Purveyor of sundries, Pasdevillet
The other day, there was this one fellow who wanted to purchase robes for a young woman. A merchant, he said, but I've never known one who couldn't be bothered to haggle─not that I minded, of course!”
“Investigation Log, Entry 21: Carvery, Mestonnaux
I've barely enough time to fill my customers' orders, much less keep an eye out for foolish girls getting themselves into trouble.”
“Now, if you would excuse me, I really must be getting back to it. I'm expecting several regular customers any minute!”
“Investigation Log, Entry 47: Apothecary, Pienne
Mestonnaux has bought my whole stock of cough syrup every day for the past week. Passing strange, needless to say, so I followed him and found that he was reselling my products to another! The nerve of some people, I tell you!”
A gentleman procuring cough medicines through a third party. That story has a familiar ring to it, does it not?
A man with a questionable past, recently come into wealth and playing at being a merchant, who so happens to travel with a young girl prone to fits of coughing...
Are you thinking what I'm thinking, [Player Name]?
...Perhaps not. It seems to me that Mestonnaux appears to be colluding with our man. In time, you may come to understand how I reached this conclusion. But first, we must pay a visit to his stall!
Nor I. 'Tis a pity our merchant friend had not the wits to match his newfound wealth─I could have done with a greater challenge. But that is neither here nor there. Come, [Player Name], let us pay a visit to Mestonnaux's stall.
Ah, certainly, for the average mind it can be a lot to digest. However, seeing as how we haven't got all day, allow me to provide the answer: Mestonnaux has been colluding with our scar-faced friend. Shall we go and pay a visit to his stall, then?
Quest complete.