A Burning Passion is a time-limited event where Snow from Final Fantasy XIII can be added to Mog's group of warriors. This paralogue of the main scenario is located after Chapter 4.
Story cutscenes[]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Reckless Courage:
It is recommended that you clear Ch. 4: Snowy Peaks of Crudelis before playing.
- Mog: Kupo?
- Mog: Someone's heading toward the Torsion up ahead.
- Warrior of Light: A foe, perchance?
- Mog: Quite the opposite, kupo! They're one of us!
- Tifa: You think they're trying to close the Torsion then?
- Rem: They probably have no idea what they're getting themselves into.
- Vaan: Which is why we oughta save them. The monsters here are too tough to fight alone.
- Mog: We have to hurry then, kupo!
- Warrior of Light: Indeed.
- Sazh: Seriously though, you gotta be pretty reckless to be out here wrestling monsters all alone.
- Sazh: ...Especially while trudging through all this snow.
- Warrior of Light: That is simply a testament to his courage. I am certain he shall prove to be a great help to our cause.
- Mog: There's only one way to find out. Come on, kupo!
The Hero Among Us:
- Warrior of Light: Well, we were able to close the Torsion.
- Warrior of Light: But where is the lone warrior who came this way?
- Hope: He's probably still around here somewhere.
- Hope: There are still some monsters left—
(A Silver Lobo appears nearby)
- Hope: Ah!
(The Silver Lobo lunges at Hope)
- ???: Take this!
- Hope: Huh...?
(Hope finds Snow in front of him)
- Hope: Snow!?
- Snow: Hope!?
- Snow: Is that really you!?
- Zidane: You two know each other?
- Sazh: He's a friend of ours from back home. Never expected to run into him here though.
- Snow: Sazh, it's good to see you. By the way, who are your new friends?
- Mog: They're warriors gathered here from different worlds, kupo!
- Zidane: And any friend of Hope and Sazh is a friend of ours.
- Zidane: I mean, you risked your life to save someone who you thought was a stranger.
- Zidane: Now that's a real hero!
- Snow: A talking moogle and a guy with a tail—and I thought I'd seen it all.
- Snow: Consider my mind blown.
- Hope: Doesn't take much to do that.
- Zidane: Whoa, harsh. What's gotten into him?
- Sazh: Let's just say things weren't always sunshine and rainbows between them.
- Warrior of Light: For what purpose did you approach the Torsion?
- Snow: You talking about that portal-thing? I don't know where it came from.
- Snow: But I can't just ignore something that's spitting out monsters.
- Snow: So I figured I should do something about it before anyone got hurt.
- Mog: Then you should come with us to save the world, kupo!
- Snow: Save the world, huh? I like the sound of that.
- Snow: All right! You need a hero, you got one!
- Mog: Great! We're counting on you, kupo!
- Snow: I know how to take a hit, so if you need me to lure the enemies, just let me know.
- Hope: You never change, do you?
The Will to Protect All of Us:
- Snow: So all of you are fighting for something, huh?
- Zidane: You too, right? You must've got some sort of plan.
- Zidane: I mean, you wouldn't be risking your life to protect others if you didn't.
- Snow: I'll do anything to protect those I care about. Doesn't matter where I am.
- Snow: Besides, if this world were destroyed, then Cocoon...
- Hope: It's someplace back in our world. Snow, come on, nobody knows what you're talking about.
- Snow: Yeah, my bad. Anyway, I can't allow my home to be destroyed.
- Snow: I've got someone there I care about, you know? I'm not going to let anyone get hurt.
- Cloud: Pretty sure of yourself, huh?
- Cecil: Do you really think you can do it all on your own?
- Snow: It's not gonna be easy, but I'm sure it'll all work out. It always does.
- Snow: Besides, I'm not alone. I've got you guys, right?
- Zidane: That's the spirit! I think we're gonna get along just fine.
- Zidane: ...So is this someone you're trying to protect really that cute?
- Snow: You bet she is. I could go on about her all day. ...So I better not see you try to make a move on her.
- Hope: Don't worry. Her sister would kill you before Snow ever got to you.
- Zidane: Y-you don't say. Sounds like Snow has it rough back home.
- Warrior of Light: Someone to protect...
- Snow: Come on, I know there's someone you're fighting for, too.
- Warrior of Light: I have walked the path of light.
- Warrior of Light: But I question if I have ever risked my life to protect someone as you do.
- Mog: Don't beat yourself up over not being able to remember, kupo.
- Cloud: I'm sure you'll find yourself if you just keep moving forward.
- Cloud: Talking about it can only get you so far.
- Warrior of Light: You're right.
- Warrior of Light: Perhaps one day, I will become more like you, able to—
- Snow: You're thinking too much again! Just go with the flow and it'll all work out. I promise.
- Hope: *Sigh* While I'm glad he's okay, I'm starting to miss when things were a little...quieter.
- Zidane: Come on, what's the fun in that? Besides, I kind of like the guy.
Spoilers end here.
A Burning Passion Pt. 1[]
A Burning Passion Pt. 2[]
A Burning Passion Pt. 3[]
A Burning Passion Pt. 4[]
A Burning Passion Pt. 5[]
A Burning Passion Co-op[]