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A Brilliant Green Mirage was a seasonal event in Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis. Coinciding with the traditional Spring Break academic recess, this event takes place in an alternate-reality version of the Corel Desert.


Our heroes have stepped through another portal after their stint at the Gold Saucer amusement complex. This wormhole leads into seemingly endless desert, leaving them lost and frustrated. However, they soon spot Gold Saucer Director Dio collapsed in the sands before them and proceed to rescue him.

Upon his recovery, Dio reveals that he was looking for a site to build a new botanical garden for the complex. Although skeptical in light of the vastness of the desert as well as its intense heat, the party agrees to help out. Their first order of business is to clear out the vicious monsters prowling the desert. The team then decides to split up in order to gather needed materials.

Cloud, Aerith, and Cait Sith return to Midgar to gather hardy seeds, where Cait Sith apparently "knows a guy" selling seeds on the black market. It takes him some time to procure these seeds, but no sooner is this done than a stray kitty races by and scatters the seeds. Some of these scattered seeds land on or near the expedition party, ergo hope is not yet lost.

Tifa and Barret are sent on an expedition to eradicate the monsters, all the while questioning why they agreed to help in the first place. A discussion on leadership follows. Somehow, they also locate a portal back home and debate whether to tell the others of it.

Meanwhile, Red XIII and Yuffie scour the desert for possible aquifers, as such a garden would require water. Her nose for treasure coupled with Red XIII's own keen senses has discovered a cache of water-based mako fragments that may help.

Though the party is successful in its multi-part mission, they have grown impatient waiting for signs of successful seedlings. Dio suggests "striking a pose", which they do. The gesture is purely symbolic, meant to boost morale..

Event rewards[]

Players fought desert-dwelling enemies including the Catoblepas, a variant behemoth, for Clear Fragments, Red Seeds, and Blue Seeds to exchange at the shop, where the featured weapons were Cloud's Rune Blade and Red XIII's Amethyst Collar. In addition, this was the first event to issue Draw Tickets for weapons previously issued during seasonal/holiday exchanges, with the same mechanics and odds as a regular draw.

Featured draw[]

This event also debuted a Stamp Card draw featuring Tifa's new Feathered set along with Zack's Glacier Armor and Pressure Ridge longsword.

Musical themes[]

A remixed version of "On Our Way" was used as the menu screen theme.
