AP Up materia is a Support Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. When linked with any materia, it will double the Ability Points that materia earns from battle.
An AP up materia is found in the Mythril Mine in chapter 3, "Deeper into Darkness", at the end of the walkway after Barret and Red XIII go off on their own.
Two AP up materia are earned for completing the following combat simulator challenges: "Corel Battle Intel: Badlands Beasts" in chapter 9, "The Planet Stirs", and "Nibel Battle Intel: Chthonian Rondo" in chapter 11, "The Long Shadow of Shinra".
Another AP up materia is earned by completing the "Six-Person Bouts: Ululating Quartet" in Musclehead Colosseum after completing the story.
AP Up materia doubles the AP that the paired materia earns from battle. This should be used on any materia that the player prioritizes for leveling up, particularly when that materia is not in use. Materia that require a large amount of AP to level up include Revival Materia,
Elemental Materia,
Warding Materia,
Magic Focus Materia,
Magic Efficiency Materia, and
Swiftcast Materia.
Because materia will level up on all party members whether or not they are in the back line, the player should give the materia ideally to a party member in the back line. Battles in combat simulator or colosseum have no backline, however.
The File:Armor from FFVII Remake.png Chocobo Armband armor triples all AP earned, and contains a linked materia slot. As such, the player can pair AP Up materia with any materia on the armor to multiply AP earned by six.