The Moonflow is a large river that dissects Spira's main continent into Southern and Northern halves. The primary method of crossing is on Shoopuf, an elephant-like creature that can swim across the expansive river.
Moonlillies grow on the banks of the Moonflow and pyreflies gather at night, making the water glow and sparkle, truly a wondrous sight to behold.
There are many merchants operating from each of the banks, including O'aka XXIII.
In the deepest part of the waters the remains of an ancient machina city can be seen. Legend says its people tried to defy the laws of nature by building on bridges crossing the river, but eventually the city grew so large that the bridges could no longer support it and it sank. According to Wakka, this story is a perfect example of the teachings of Yevon; that having too much power and seeking to use it is a dangerous thing.