Sau đây là danh sách các nhân vật trong Final Fantasy XII.
Nhân vật điều khiển được[]
Basch fon Ronsenburg
Nhân vật điều khiển tạm thời[]
Nhân vật không điều khiển được[]
Phản diện[]
- Vayne Carudas Solidor
- Cidolfus Demen Bunansa
- Venat
- Ba'Gamnan
Đế chế Archadia[]
- Emperor Gramis Solidor
- Judge Gabranth
- Judge Ghis
- Judge Bergan
- Judge Drace
- Judge Zargabaath
Nhân vật khác[]
- Al-Cid Margrace
- Gran Kiltias Anastasis
- Deweg and Gibbs
- King Raminas B'nargin Dalmasca
- Kytes
- Marquis Halim Ondore IV
- Migelo
- Mjrn
- Nono
- Old Dalan
- Rasler Heios Nabradia
- Tomaj
- Jote
- Jules
- July
- Daguza
- Havharo
- Rikken
- Elza
- Raz
- Montblanc
- War-chief Supinelu
- Great-chief Uball-Ka
- Gerun
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Characters |
Playable characters |
Vaan - Penelo - Balthier - Fran - Basch - Ashe |
Guest Characters |
Reks - Larsa - Vossler - Reddas |
Non-playable characters |
Al-Cid - Ba'Gamnan - Dr. Cid - Daguza - Old Dalan - Elza - Filo - Gerun - Gibbs and Deweg - Emperor Gramis - Gran Kiltias Anastasis - Chairman Gregoroth - Gurdy - Havharo - Horne - Hurdy - Jote - Jovy - Jules - July - Kytes - Marquis Ondore - Migelo - Mjrn - Monid - Montblanc - The Moogles Eight - Nono - Pilika - Dynast-King Raithwall - King Raminas - Lord Rasler - Raz - Rikken - Sorbet - War-chief Supinelu - Tomaj - Great-chief Uball-Ka - Vayne Solidor - Venat - Weather Eye |
Archadian Judges |
Gabranth - Drace - Ghis - Bergan - Zargabaath |
Nations and Locations in Ivalice |
Countries |
Archadian Empire - Kingdom of Dalmasca - Republic of Landis - Kingdom of Nabradia - Rozarrian Empire |
Other Regions |
Bancour - Jagd Difohr - Jagd Naldoa - Jagd Ramooda - Jagd Yensa - Purvama |
Locations |
Nalbina Fortress - Garamsythe Waterway - Royal City of Rabanastre - Dalmasca Estersand - Giza Plains - Royal Palace of Rabanastre - Nalbina Dungeons - Barheim Passage - Skycity of Bhujerba - Lhusu Mines - Dreadnought Leviathan - Dalmasca Westersand - Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Tomb of Raithwall - Ozmone Plains - Jahara - Golmore Jungle - Eruyt Village - Henne Mines - Paramina Rift - Mt. Bur-Omisace - Stilshrine of Miriam - Mosphoran Highwaste - Salikawood - Phon Coast - Tchita Uplands - Sochen Cave Palace - Imperial City of Archades - Draklor Laboratory - Port at Balfonheim - Cerobi Steppe - Feywood - Ancient City of Giruvegan - Great Crystal - Sky Fortress Bahamut - Ridorana Cataract - Pharos at Ridorana - Zertinan Caverns - Nabreus Deadlands - Necrohol of Nabudis - Subterra |
Races |
Baknamy - Bangaa - Garif - Helgas - Hume - Moogle - Nu Mou - Occuria - Rev - Seeq - Urutan-Yensa - Viera |
Terms |
Airship - Clan Centurio - Dynast King - Esper - Fishing - Galtean Alliance - Gambits - Genus - House Solidor - Hunt - Imperial Senate - Kiltia - Knockback - License Board - Loot - Magicite - Magick - Moogling - Nethicite - Quickening - Rare Game - The Resistance - Skyferry - Sky Pirate - Sun-Cryst - Technick - Trial Mode - Withered Trees - Zodiac Job System |
Soundtracks |
Original Soundtrack - Kiss Me Good-Bye - Selections from Final Fantasy XII Original Soundtrack - Symphonic Poem "Hope" "Opening Movie" - "Boss Battle" - "Kiss Me Good-Bye" - "The Battle for Freedom" |
Archives |
Augments - Accessories - Allusions - Armor - Bazaar - Enemies - Enemy Abilities - Insights - Items - Jobs - Technicks - Magic - Walkthrough - Wallpapers - Weapons - Gambits |
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Nhân Vật Xuất Hiện Nhiều Trong Các Loạt Game |
Aerith Gainsborough - Artemicion - Biggs and Wedge - Boco - Cait Sith - Cid - Cloud Strife - Gilgamesh - Lone Wolf - Magus Sisters - Mog - Namingway - Ultros - Princess Sarah - Squall Leonhart - Stiltzkin - Warriors of Light |
Những Bản Danh Sách Nhân Vật |
Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy II - Final Fantasy III - Final Fantasy IV - The After Years - Final Fantasy V - Legend of the Crystals - Final Fantasy VI - Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children - Dirge of Cerberus - Before Crisis - Crisis Core - Last Order - On the Way to a Smile - Final Fantasy VIII - Final Fantasy IX - Final Fantasy X - Final Fantasy X-2 - Final Fantasy XI - Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII - Final Fantasy Agito XIII - Final Fantasy XIV - Tactics - Tactics Advance - Tactics A2 - Vagrant Story - Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates - My Life as a King - Echoes of Time - My Life as a Darklord - The Crystal Bearers - Mystic Quest - Hikari no 4 Senshi: Final Fantasy Gaiden - Chocobo Racing - Unlimited - The Spirits Within - Dissidia |