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Все началось, когда я увидела в сфере тебя.
— Юна

Final Fantasy X-2 первый сиквел в серии Final Fantasy, релиз которого состоялся в 2003 году в Японии и Северной Америке,и спустя год в Европе. Сюжет рассказывает о бывшем призывателе Юне, где действия происходят в Спире, спустя два года после событий Final Fantasy X, где она и весь мир пытается привыкнуть к жизни без Греха, когда политические конфликты и древние тайны прошло пытаются разрушить новоиспеченный мир.

Обновленная HD версия игры для PlayStation 3 и PlayStation Vita была анонсирована на пресс-конференции Sony в Японии 14 Сентября, 2011, в рамках подарка к 10-летней годовщине. Игра будет также включать оригинальную Final Fantasy X, которая тоже будет обновлена.



Визуальный концпет-арт системы боя Final Fantasy X-2.

Final Fantasy X-2 содержит изменяемую систему работ, которая появилась в Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy V, и в серии Tactics. Уникальный стиль Final Fantasy X-2 осуществляется в системе одежд, при которой способности персонажа зависят от Дрессфер,в которую одет данный персонаж. Сеть Одежд выделяет каждому персонажу дрессферы, для использования их в сражениях. Сети имеют свойственные полномочия, которые активируются во время их установления или во время изменения сфер, проходя через врата. Сеть Одежд возрастает по ходу игры или, когда игрок завершает квесты.

Система дрессфер позволяет игроку настроить стиль боя для каждого персонажа, с присвоенными им работой и костюмом. Также особенностью системы дрессфер является то, что она позволяет персонажам сменить работу во время боя, позволяя скорректировать сильные стороны персонажа, находя при этом слабые стороны противника. Изменяя все костюмы через дрессфер на Сети Одежд персонажа, он может использовать специальные дрессферы, уникальные для каждого персонажа.


Система боя в действии.

Боевой системой является классическая Active Time Battle, в отличии пошаговой системы боя Final Fantasy X, хотя персонажы действуют одновременно, в отличии от одного действия во время системы, используемой в предыдущих системах Active Time Battle. Когда персонаж сражается и убивает противников, он получает Очки Навыка которые позволяют выучить новые способности на данной сфере-одежде. Когда персонаж еще выбирает команду, то Время Зарядки может выполнить команду за него. Также нововведение в серию Final Fantasy это соединение атак персонажа для нанесения большего урона и оглушения врагов.

Final Fantasy X-2 во многом отличается от оригинальной игры, в том числе в особенности миссий, основанныые на сюжетной линии, позволяя игроку принять участие в различных квестах и мини-играх. Главная сюжетная линия включает половину от общего геймплея.

Final Fantasy X-2 Mission Complete

Экран "Миссия Выполнена!" обычно можно увидеть после успешного завершения миссии.

Игра имеет новую систему миссий, что позволяет игроку создать собственное путешествие, делая нелинейной историю. Все зависит от игрока, в какие квесты стоит попробовать поиграть, а какие пройти полностью. Игра разделена на пять глав, и большинство мест в Спире имеют новые побочные квесты, играя в них в каждой главе. Впервые, игрок имеет доступ ко всем локациям в начале игры. Некоторые задания и квесты охватывают всю игру, в то время, как другие могут быть начаты только в течении определенной главы. Те, кто закончат игру на 100%, могут увидеть специальный ролик.

Мини-игры, такие как блитцбол, выращивание чокобо, раскопки махин в Пустыне Биканел, и новая монетная игра, Рывок Сферы, являются отступлением от основного сюжета игры.


См. также: Список персонажей Final Fantasy X-2

Играбельные персонажи


Играьельные персонажи Final Fantasy X-2 (слева направо): Рикку, Юна и Пейн.

В отличии от других игр Final Fantasy, распределение игровых персонажей Final Fantasy X-2 установлено с самого начала игры, и первый раз в серии только три персонажа играбельны и вся распределенная команда состоит из женских персонажей. Игрок управляет Юной, Рикку и Пейн, установив каждому персонажу работу по своему желанию. Многие персонажи Final Fantasy X возвращаются как неиграбельные персонажи.

  • Юна: Высший призыватель, который победил Греха и привел Спиру к Вечному Покою два года назад, в настоящее время является охотником за сферами и членом Крылья Чайки. После того, как Рикку показала ей сферу с человеком, похожего на ее потерянную любовь, Тидуса, Юна оставляет свою скучную жизнь в Бесайде, надеясь воссоединиться с ним.
  • Рикку: Оптимистичная девушка Аль-Бед, дочь Сида, младшая сестра Брата и двоюродная сестра Юны. Два года назад, Рикку стала еще одним стражем Юны во время ее паломничества. Во время одной из своих поездок к Юне на остров Бесайд, Рикку показывает ей сферу с человеком, который очень похож на Тидуса. Полагая, что Юна должна наконец развлечься и сделать что-нибудь для себя, Рикку убеждает ее присоединиться к группе Крылья Чайки и начать собственное путешествие.
  • Пейн: Загадочная девушка воин, которая вступила к Крыльями Чайки незадолго до Юны. Пейн имеет циничный характер, в основном все держит в себе и делиться только важной информацией, которая также важна и для нее. Она не любит говорить о своем прошлом, хотя как-то связана с Нудж, Баралаем и Гиппалом.

Основные неиграбельные персонажи


Три ключевые неиграбельные персонажа Final Fantasy X-2: Нудж, Баралай, и Гиппал.

  • Баралай: Нынешний претор Нового Евона, уважаемый жителями Спиры.
  • Нудж: В настоящее время Мейвн (лидер) Лиги Молодежи. Известный также как " Ищущий смерти", ранее был членом Багрового Отряда, пытаясь найти смерть в бою.
  • Гиппал: Аль-бед и лидер Фракции Махин. Ловелас, и старый друг Рикку, является бывшим членом Багрового Отряда в одной команде с Нуджем и Баралаем, а также рекордер на первой безымянной Сфере Фильма.
  • Лебланк: Охотник за сферами, ставшая им ради любви к Нуджу. Она также лидер Синдиката Лебланк, группы охотников за сферами, которые являются соперниками группы Крылья Чайки.
  • Кимари Ронсо: Один из бывших стражей Юны, теперь Старейшина племени Ронсо, чья задача сохранять ее порядок и процветание.
  • Брат: Член-основатель и якобы лидер Крыльев Чайки, владелец и пилот воздушного корабля Цельсиус. Аль-Бед, старший брат Рикку и двоюродный брат Юны. Игрок блицбола, который может быть назначен в команду Зубры Бесайда в Final Fantasy X, он также играет в блицбол за Крылья Чайки в Final Fantasy X-2.
  • Бадди: Аль-Бед, один из основателей Крылья Чайки вместе с Братом, второй пилот Цельсиус.
  • Сид: Бывший лидер Аль-Бед, отец Брата и Рикку, дядя Юны. Сид сводит концы с концами в Final Fantasy X-2, с Домом в руинах и отчуждается от своих детей.
  • Шинра: Техническое чудо Аль-Бед на борту Цельсиус, проектировщик Сети Дресссфер и коммуникаторов КоммСфер; его база данных помогает расшифровывать различные локации сфер для Крыльев Чайки на протяжении всей игры и отслеживает врагов, с которыми сталкивается Крылья Чайки.
  • Ленн: Популярная певица и призыватель из настоящего Занарканда и возлюбленная Шуина; зачинщик всех событий и последствий, которые происходят во всей истории. Умерла 1000 лет назад во время Войны Машин.
  • Шуин: Возлюбленный Ленн времен древнего Занарканда; его отказ от смерти и неспособность спасти Ленн делает его основным антагонистом Final Fantasy X-2.
  • Лулу: Одна из бывших стражей Юны, теперь обосновалась на Бесайде с Ваккой и ждет от него ребенка. Лулу является вдохновляющей силой, стоящей за его руководством.
  • Вакка: Бывший страж Юны, муж Лулу и лидер Бесайда, причем обе обязанности делают очень занятым.
  • Тидус: Протагонист Final Fantasy X; его исчезновение в конце Final Fantasy X побуждает Юну вступить к Крыльям Чайки. Тидус никогда не был назван в диалоге Final Fantasy X; к нему обращаются как "он" или "вы знаете кто".



The Eternal Calm

The game begins on the context of events featured in "Eternal Calm", a prologue included with the release of Final Fantasy X International.
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Yuna's imposter throws a concert in Luca.

Two years after defeating Sin, Yuna has led a quiet life in Besaid when Rikku arrives and presents a sphere discovered by Kimahri. The footage shows a man resembling Tidus caged in prison and demanding to see the summoner, and motivates Yuna to believe Tidus might still be alive. She joins Rikku as a sphere hunter to learn more about the mysterious sphere.

Yuna, Rikku, and Paine are members of a sphere hunting group called the Gullwings. The game is punctuated by a narration of Yuna addressing Tidus, as though she is recounting the game's events to him as they occur in a style reminiscent of Tidus's narration in Final Fantasy X.

Although Yuna's goal is to find clues that may lead her to Tidus, much of the story is concerned with the clash of factions that have established themselves in the time since Yu Yevon's fall and the coming of the Eternal Calm, as well as with the uncovering of hidden legacies from Spira's ancient history. A significant portion of the game's events are unnecessary for the completion of the main storyline, but much of the depth of the story – including characterization and background details – are featured in the optional content, which generally follows how each part of Spira is healing in the time since the passing of Sin.

Uncovered Mysteries

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The Gullwings complete a mission in Kilika.

The hostilities between the Youth League and New Yevon build to a head as an "awesome Sphere" is discovered in Kilika. The Youth League and New Yevon compete over it but the Gullwings, hearing about this, take the sphere for themselves. It turns out to be an ancient sphere containing images of a machina weapon called Vegnagun secretly buried beneath the city of Bevelle. The weapon has enough power to threaten all of Spira, and is unable to distinguish friend from foe once activated. The Gullwings join forces with the Leblanc Syndicate to investigate the underground areas of the city to destroy the weapon. Discovering a tunnel recently dug into the floor of the weapon's chamber, they realize Vegnagun has been moved to the Farplane, at Spira's core.

Disagreements between Spira's factions escalate after Baralai, Nooj and Gippal – the leaders of New Yevon, the Youth League, and the Machine Faction respectively – go missing. Returning to the underground of Bevelle, the Gullwings discover the missing faction leaders discussing Vegnagun and learn the machina's artificial intelligence allows it to detect hostility and respond by activating itself and fleeing. Previously Nooj had come to Bevelle with the intention of destroying Vegnagun, prompting it to flee to the Farplane. Yuna learns Paine had once been friends with the three men, assigned as their sphere recorder while they were candidates for the Crimson Squad, an elite group intended to be assigned leadership of Crusaders chapters across Spira.

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Nooj threatens Gippal and Baralai.

Two years earlier in a cave beneath Mushroom Rock Road called the Den of Woe, just before the failed Operation Mi'ihen, the squad's final exercise was conducted. Within the cave the candidates were swarmed by pyreflies and driven to kill one another. The only survivors were Paine, Baralai, Gippal and Nooj, who were targeted by the Yevon order afterward when they revealed having seen images of Vegnagun while in the cave. Nooj shot his surviving comrades, and although all parties survived, the act severed the friendship the group had with one another. Nooj was not acting of his own accord when he shot his friends, but was being possessed.

The feelings that drove the squad members to kill one another are were the despair of Shuyin, a man who died 1000 years ago. Before the four survivors could leave the cave, the spirit of Shuyin – requiring a host to interact with the world physically – had possessed Nooj, and forced him to shoot his comrades. In the time since, Shuyin had been goading Nooj on a subconscious level, coercing him to approach Vegnagun so he could use Nooj's body to control it.

A Thousand Words Never Spoken


Yuna's concert in the Thunder Plains prompts Lenne's memories to emerge from the Songstress dressphere.

Nooj's will was too strong for Shuyin to be completely controlled, and his desire to destroy the machina prompted it to flee. Desiring a new host, Shuyin leaves Nooj's body and possesses Baralai, pursuing Vegnagun to the Farplane. Nooj and Gippal follow asking Yuna to keep things under control on the surface. Yuna fights and defeats each of her aeons from Final Fantasy X, their spirits corrupted by Shuyin's despair.

During this mission, Yuna falls into the Farplane and meets Shuyin, who mistakes her for a woman named Lenne, because of the dressphere Yuna possesses. Feeling affection toward him that is not her own, she listens as Shuyin describes how he "awoke" after dying, alone and unable to find Lenne. He is angry that after 1000 years Spira's citizens have not come to understand the heartache war can cause, and has developed a plan to use Vegnagun to destroy all of Spira, ending the possibility of there ever being a war again.

A thousand years ago Shuyin was a famous blitzball player in the high-tech metropolis of Zanarkand, and the lover of a popular songstress and summoner – Lenne. The two lived during Zanarkand's war with the more powerful Bevelle, and Zanarkand ordered all summoners to the front lines, separating the couple. Believing Lenne would die Shuyin decided the only way to save her was to infiltrate Bevelle, commandeer Vegnagun, and use it to destroy Zanarkand's enemies. Lenne perceived Shuyin's intentions, and followed him.

When she caught up to Shuyin in Bevelle, he had begun to operate Vegnagun but before he could use the cannon to destroy the city, Lenne pleaded for him to stop. A group of Bevelle soldiers shot the couple and Shuyin failed to hear Lenne say she loved him before they died.


Tidus and Yuna.


Shuyin and Lenne.

Over the following 1000 years Shuyin's despair and resentment over his failure to save Lenne bonded to pyreflies and caused him to re-experience the anguish of that moment. His despair became so powerful it began acting on its own, and he came to believe that – in addition to helping the world – he would fade away with Lenne if he destroyed Spira.

Now with an understanding of Shuyin's hatred for war, Yuna returns to the surface and the Gullwings organize a concert to which everyone in Spira is invited, supporters of the Youth League and New Yevon alike. The Songstress dressphere Yuna wears is comprised of Lenne's memories, resulting in a sphere screen projecting them to everyone in attendance during the concert. Witnessing images of Shuyin and Lenne's last moments, Spira's citizens understand the unproductive nature of their disagreements. Yuna learns it was because of Lenne's memories that Shuyin had mistaken her for Lenne and she had felt affection toward him.

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Lenne puts Shuyin's hatred to rest.

Although the factional fighting has ceased, Shuyin has nearly carried out his plan to use Vegnagun to destroy Spira from beneath its surface. Joining forces with the Leblanc Syndicate, the Gullwings make their way to the Farplane and find Gippal and Nooj battling Vegnagun. They disable the machina before its cannon can fire at Spira. Lenne's consciousness emerges from the Songstress dressphere and convinces Shuyin to abandon his mission and be at rest, guiding Shuyin's spirit to the Farplane in peace.


Основная статья: List of Multiple Endings#Final Fantasy X-2
Yuna Tidus X-2

Yuna reunites with Tidus in one of the endings.

Final Fantasy X-2 features multiple endings. Depending on certain criteria additional cutscenes will be featured before or after the regular ending FMV.

  • The standard ending FMV features Nooj, Gippal, and Baralai addressing the people of Spira in Luca's stadium and announcing the dissolution of their respective factions for the peace of the world. Yuna and the Gullwings depart for Besaid on the Celsius, and as YRP ride onboard the deck, Yuna's final narration states her story will continue as she embraces her new life.
  • If the player fails to defeat the fourth and final part of the Vegnagun battle in time, Shuyin fires Vegnagun's cannon and destroys all of Spira.
  • A short cutscene will play before the ending should the player fail to reach at least 75% storyline completion and/or the certain criteria. As YRP departs from the Farplane, the spirit of Tidus appears to say goodbye to Yuna. Yuna accepts she will always love Tidus and he will always have a place in her heart.
  • An additional ending FMV will play after the credits roll should the player reach at least 75% storyline completion and fulfill the ending criteria. The fayth have located Tidus's scattered pyreflies and sent him to Besaid, where he surfaces from the water where Yuna and Tidus reunite, an event witnessed and celebrated by Wakka, Lulu, and the people of Besaid.
    • A final cutscene will play after Tidus and Yuna's reunion, should the player achieve 100% storyline completion. Tidus and Yuna have a conversation in Zanarkand, where Tidus claims he is no longer just a dream.


X2pre-concept 3

Early concept design for Final Fantasy X-2.

Final Fantasy X wasn't originally planned to have a sequel, but after a strong fan reaction to the short story titled "Eternal Calm" included with Final Fantasy X International, the development team decided to continue the story in a sequel.[1] Yoshinori Kitase has commented that at the time the development team was ready for a new challenge, and thought that creating a sequel to Final Fantasy X would be a kind of challenge they hadn't yet tried.

The developers didn't want Final Fantasy X-2 to be a mere extension of the previous game. Even before the team had completed the story for the sequel, they had worked on recreating Yuna's look, and then decided on a story to fit that style.[1] In the beginning, the team decided on an action-adventure game with a trio of female characters; the decision to have a female cast was one of the new challenges the developers wanted to try out with the game. One other approach that had been discussed was depicting the story of Jecht and Auron's generation, but the idea was scrapped for being too traditional, and also, the team didn't want a game with no female playable characters.[2]

Director Motomu Toriyama has commended it's not uncommon for women to star as main characters in Hollywood movies and the team looked into films like Charlie's Angels and Tomb Raider for inspiration[3], but the Hollywood stories were using 'macho' women to fill the same type of roles usually played by men. With Final Fantasy X-2, ideas from movies were used as a starting point but the goal was to base the story around cuter and more feminine characters.[3] This was achieved in offering various outfits for the characters, using ladylike movements in battle, and the group's lively reactions to events to keep the atmosphere light-hearted and reinforce the cuter aspects of the game's heroines.[3]

Yuna concept4

Concept art of Yuna with an unused dressphere design.

The developers wanted a change from the previous game's theme. Final Fantasy X's theme was described as independence from the ties of law and customs, whereas Final Fantasy X-2 was to be about the changes that occurred from the chaos after gaining that independence. In Final Fantasy X, each character had something big to face, but in Final Fantasy X-2 the developers wanted to show their journey searching for their new self. To contrast with Final Fantasy X's at times sorrowful atmosphere, Final Fantasy X-2 was to have a "pop" and upbeat atmosphere in the game's first part.[1] To portray Spira's change, summons were excluded, locations were redesigned, and new vehicles were included.

It was known since the beginning Final Fantasy X-2 was not going to have summons and that something else was needed in the summons' place; this is where the idea for the Spherechange system came from, since it provides something appealing both visually and in terms of gameplay.[3] Since Final Fantasy X-2 was the first game in the series to use the same game world as a previous title, the developers wanted to offer something new in other areas of the game and took a different approach to the battle system.[3]

The production team for Final Fantasy X-2 was only a third the size of the previous installment; because the team was already familiar with the material and lot of the content from Final Fantasy X could be reused, it allowed the game to be developed in one year, and at half the time it normally takes to produce a Final Fantasy title.


Шаблон:Spoiler Possibly the main theme of Final Fantasy X-2 is the search for the lost as Kimahri's discovery prompts Yuna to set on a journey to find her lost love. The theme of memories and how they affect certain characters is also prominent. Yuna, Rikku, and Paine think about the events of the past and find strength in them to keep going and look towards the future. As Shuyin's despair over the Machina War and his failure to save Lenne grew over a thousand years and began to act on their own, he became a monster believing that destroying Spira would make things better. Lenne's memories and emotions are shown through Yuna acting as her vessel, and she sought to have Yuna help her express the pain that results from war and stop Spira's people from repeating their past mistakes, and ultimately help Shuyin find peace.

Another prominent theme is friendship. Paine joins the Gullwings and initially keeps mostly to herself, but as the story unfolds, she opens up even though she is often annoyed by Yuna and Rikku. The party discovers Paine's past friendship with Nooj, Gippal, and Baralai, but those three are also a reason for Paine joining the Gullwings. Yuna's journey of self-discovery is another theme in the story. Since she is no longer a summoner and burdened by its responsibilities, she is now free to embrace the life she believed she would have to sacrifice for Spira's sake. Through her time under Rikku's influence, Yuna finds a new role for herself in the new Spira, and finds a strong and confident woman inside herself.[4]

Another theme is the humans' conflicts. Spira has greatly changed since Sin's defeat. With the arrival of the Eternal Calm, a reformed Yevon fights with the recently formed Youth League over the control of Spira's future, while the Machine Faction tries to remain neutral by supplying machina to both sides. An accompanying theme is the aftermath of the events of Final Fantasy X. Now that Sin is gone forever, Spira now has its independence, and the people are now free to have fun in life and live in their own ways, no longer subject to Yevon's teachings. However, they have to deal with the repercussions of the actions taken to achieve that independence and the people who lost their lives in the process. They also have to come to terms with the changes overtaking Spira and the consequences that come with progress.



Soundtrack cover art.

The game's music was composed by Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi; the regular series composer Nobuo Uematsu did not contribute a single track, despite having composed the majority of the first game's soundtrack. The Final Fantasy X-2 Original Soundtrack was released on two discs in 2003 and after the release of Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission, an album entitled Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission Original Soundtrack composed of the songs added to the soundtrack was released as well.

The game's musical style is different from its predecessor's, including many lighthearted and upbeat tracks. Unlike "Suteki da ne", Final Fantasy X's vocal themes, "real Emotion" and "1000 Words", received English versions for the global release.


Cover of the International + Last Mission Original Soundtrack.

None of the themes from Final Fantasy X were re-used in Final Fantasy X-2. When asked about the chosen composers, the game's director, Motomu Toriyama, stated, "As symbolized in Yuna's live performance in the opening, we wanted to incorporate a pop feeling even with the music this time, which is very different from the typical Final Fantasy world. Ms. Matsueda and Mr. Eguchi were a perfect fit to the changes we were trying to achieve so we asked those two to handle the music for FFX-2. In fact, the drastic change in the music is one of the big differences that gave new direction for FFX-2. I wanted Mr. Uematsu to participate but due to other projects, we weren't able to have him on board for FFX-2."[1]


Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission

International + Last Mission logo.

On February 19, 2004 (the day before the European and PAL release of Final Fantasy X-2), a special edition of the game was released in Japan. The new version features two modes: International and Last Mission. While the dialogue is the English dialogue (except for Last Mission), the subtitles and menus are all in Japanese.

International is the entire game itself, with general tweaks to the look, feel, speed, and dialogue; as well as two extra dresspheres, new Garment Grids, and the inclusion of a Creature Create system similar to the Monster Arena, where fiends can be captured, trained and used in battle. Among these are Strongest Shinra (a demonic-energy infused Shinra) and Major Numerus (the final boss of the Last Mission, a four-headed snake beast that rivals other Final Fantasy bosses for the spot of most difficult).

Many of the Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 non-player characters can be trained and used in battle, including Tidus, Auron, Seymour, Lulu, Kimahri, Lucil, Nooj, Baralai, and several others. Over 150 additional party members can be gained through this system, with the majority having their own small storylines and endings (some including familiar faces, such as Seymour and Jecht).

Last Mission is a storyline-based mission set three months following the defeat of Vegnagun where Yuna, Rikku, and Paine meet up for the first time since going their separate ways after their victory to explore the recently-discovered Yadonoki Tower ruins. The tower has 80 levels with a boss battle on every 20th level. On every 10th level, the girls have a conversation regarding current events in their lives and in Spira, adding many post-game conclusions for NPCs. These conversations can be altered depending on how the player begins the mission.

If one selects New Game at the start screen, one will be prompted to load a save game file from Final Fantasy X-2 normal or International, or to begin without loading. When beginning from scratch, the dialogue will be based on the normal ending of Final Fantasy X-2. However, if one loads a save game file with the happy or perfect endings, Yuna will talk about her new life with Tidus on Besaid Island at 30th level. It is possible to remove certain pieces of dialogue: i.e., at one point the girls mention Wakka and Lulu's baby Vidina has grown a tooth, but by loading a save game set before completing Besaid in Chapter 5, any references to Vidina will be removed as the girls have not met him.

Click Here to find an English translation of Last Mission.

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster

The logo of Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Remaster package.
Основная статья: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster

On 19 March, 2013, it was confirmed that Final Fantasy X-2 is receiving an HD remastering alongside that of Final Fantasy X and that it will be based on the International version of the game. The two games will be available together on a single Blu-ray disc for the PlayStation 3 version, but sold separately on PlayStation Vita.[5]


Final Fantasy X-2 sold well; within nine months of its Japanese release, the game sold a million copies in North America, and nearly four million copies worldwide.[6] The game's stylistic changes from past Final Fantasy titles created controversy; Final Fantasy X-2 was the first direct playable sequel to a Final Fantasy title, and the game's atmosphere was a drastic change from that of Final Fantasy X.

The reuse of content from Final Fantasy X received criticism. Despite negative comments Final Fantasy X-2's critical reception was largely positive. The game maintains an 86% approval rating on GameRankings and an 85% rating on Metacritic, both only slightly down from its predecessor. As of June 2011, it has sold at least 5.3 million copies.

Production credits



Producer Yoshinori Kitase
Directors Motomu Toriyama, Takayoshi Nakazato (field), Takatsugu Nakazawa (battle)
Sound Producer & Music Noriko Matsueda, Takahito Eguchi
Main Programmers Yukio Ishii (field), Masaki Kobayashi (battle)
Art Director Shintaro Takai
Character Designer Tetsuya Nomura
Writers Kazushige Nojima, Daisuke Watanabe
Supervising Dialogue Editor Teruaki Sugawara
3D Map Director Yohichi Kubo
Image Illustrator Yoshitaka Amano
Chief VFX Programmer Yasunari Ohinishi
Sound Programmer Minoru Akao
Real-Time Graphics Director Yohichi Kubo
Lead Menu Designer Yoichi Machida
Menu Programmer Tomonari Ohnishi
Real-Time Programmer Koji Sugimoto
Movie Director Kazuyuki Ikumori
Alternative Costume Designer Tetsu Tsukamoto
Concept Art Director Toshitaka Matsuda
Motion Director Yoshiyuki Soma
Main Character Model Designer Toshiaki Matsumura
Lead Designer Eiji Fujii
Supervising Sound Editor Chiharu Minekawa
Character Supervisor Taiji Okusawa
Configuration Supervisor Kei Miyamoto
Animation Supervisor Kohichiro Shiratori
Motion Capture Supervisor Masaharu Inoue
VFX Supervisors Koji Tanaka, Yasuharu Yoshizawa
Assistant Producer Hideki Imaizumi
Localization Directors Kazuyoshi Tashiro, Nobuko Kanaya

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Voice Cast

Character Japanese English
Yuna Mayuko Aoki Hedy Burress
Rikku Marika Matsumoto Tara Strong
Paine Megumi Toyoguchi Gwendoline Yeo
Brother Takayuki Yamaguchi David Rasner
Buddy Ken Taira Ogie Banks III
Shinra Akeno Watanabe Pamela Adlon
Barkeep Junichi Suwabe John Demita
Nooj Nobutoshi Kanna George Newbern
Baralai Kenji Sobu Josh Gomez
Gippal Kenichi Suzumura Rick Gomez
Leblanc Satomi Yasuhara Masasa Moyo
Ormi Kyotaka Furushima Sarge
Logos Nobuo Tobita Scott Bullock
Wakka Kazuya Nakai John DiMaggio
Lulu Rio Natsuki Paula Tiso
Kimahri Ronso Katsumi Cho John DiMaggio
Cid Koichi Sakaguchi Michael McShane
Dona Nanaho Katsuragi Candi Milo
Barthello Jun Ishimaru John Demita
Isaaru Akio Suyama Quinton Flynn
Maroda Masataka Nakai Robbie Rist
Pacce Motoko Kumai Candi Milo
Lucil Sayaka Ohara Candi Milo
Elma Sumomo Momomori Julia Fletcher
Clasko Takayuki Yamaguchi Matt Miller
Beclem Shunsuke Sakuya Adam Paul
Yaibal Masataka Nakai Scott Menville
Maechen Takuma Suzuki Dwight Schultz
Shelinda Miki Nagasawa Sherry Lynn
Rin Shunsuke Sakuya Tom Kenny
O'aka XXIII Hidenari Ugaki Dwight Schultz
Tromell Ryuzo Ishino Cory Burton
Calli Rio Natsuki Cree Summer
Tobli Hideo Ishikawa Rob Paulsen
Nhadala Sayaka Ohara Daisy Torm
Benzo Rio Natsuki Dee Bradley Baker
Garik Ronso Masatoyo Tetsuno Jack Fletcher
Lian Rob Paulsen
Ayde Dee Bradley Baker
Bahamut's Fayth Rio Natsuki Debby Derryberry
Seymour Guado Junichi Suwabe Alex Fernandez
Auron Hideo Ishikawa Matt McKenzie
Jecht Masuo Amada Gregg Berger
Braska Takuma Suzuki Dee Bradley Baker
Shuyin Masakazu Morita James Arnold Taylor
Lenne Kumi Koda Cree Summer
Tidus Masakazu Morita James Arnold Taylor

Packaging Artwork





  • As Final Fantasy X-2 is set two years after Final Fantasy X, it was also released two years after Final Fantasy X.
  • During the first mission in Chapter 1, when the Gullwings race the Leblanc Syndicate to the top of the Mt. Gagazet ruins, an animated picture which resembles the logo of Final Fantasy X-2, but with Leblanc, Logos and Ormi depicted, is shown at the top of the screen.
  • Kingdom Hearts Final Mix contains a trailer for Final Fantasy X-2.


External Links
