Final Fantasy Wiki
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===''[[Final Fantasy VI]]''===
===''[[Final Fantasy VI]]''===
Curaga is the strongest Healing spell in the game. It is learned by the [[Esper (Final Fantasy VI)|espers]] [[Лакшми]] at a x1 rate and [[Феникс (призыв)|Феникс]] at a x2 rate. It costs 40 MP to cast, power of 66, and is vulnerable to [[Руны]]. Curaga can be cast by [[Шерри]], [[Магия 80 Уровня]], and the [[Священный дракон (Final Fantasy VI)|Священный дракон]] in the [[Логово Драконов]].
В этой игре Curaga - самое сильное исцеляющее заклинание. Его можно выучить с помощью [[Эспер (Final Fantasy VI)|эсперов]] [[Лакшми]] со скоростью x1 и [[Феникс (призыв)|Феникса]] со скоростью x2. Оно затрачивает 40 MP, имеет магическую силу 66 и подвержено действию [[Руны|Рун]]. Среди врагов этим заклинанием могут пользоваться [[Шерри]], [[Магия 80 Уровня]] и [[Священный дракон (Final Fantasy VI)|Священный дракон]] из [[Логово Драконов|Логова Драконов]].
===''[[Final Fantasy VII]]''===
===''[[Final Fantasy VII]]''===

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FFV iOS Curaga

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Юна, Final Fantasy X

Curaga (ケアルガ, Kearuga?) (другие названия - Cure3 и Cure 3) - регулярное заклинание в серии игр Final Fantasy. Это более мощная форма в линейке заклинаний Cure и Cura, используемая для восстановления больших количеств очков здоровья.

В японских версиях игр Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV и Final Fantasy XII, Curaga первоначально называлась Curada (ケアルダ, Kearuda?), а собственно Curaga занимала законное четвертое место в линейке заклинаний Cure. Однако команда локализаторов провела при переводе замену суффикса, так как суффикс "-ga" обычно применялся для заклинаний третьего уровня; заклинание же четвертого уровня получило название Curaja. В игре Bravely Default, однако, такая замена не была произведена.

Curaga - высокоуровневое заклинание Белой Магии, которое персонажи обычно получают в завершающих частях игр. В самых последних играх серии Final Fantasy заклинание Curaga, наложенное на единственного персонажа, обычно полностью восстанавливает его HP.

См. также: Лечение (способность), Cura, Curasa, Curaja и Renew

Появления в играх

Final Fantasy

White Mage - CUR3

Заклинание Curaga, которое в версии для NES называлось CUR3, а в перевыпуске Final Fantasy Origins - Cure3, является заклинанием Белой Магии уровня 5, которое восстанавливает большое количество очков здоровья HP одному члену группы. В выпусках для NES и Origins количество восстанавливаемых очков находилось в диапазоне 66 - 132 HP, а в последующих перевыпусках это количество уже зависело от Интеллекта заклинателя.

Заклинание можно купить в Мелмонде, а выучить его могут игровые классы Белый Маг, Белый Волшебник, Красный Маг и Красный Волшебник. В выпусках игры Dawn of Souls и 20th Anniversary Edition это заклинание затрачивает 20 MP. В оригинальной версии игры для NES заклинание стоит 8000 гил, а во всех последующих перевыпусках - 4000 гил. Среди врагов этим заклинанием владеет только Темный Боец. При использовании Рунного Топора в качестве предмета он также способен вызвать заклинание Curaga.

Final Fantasy III

Заклинание Curaga является заклинанием Белой Магии Уровня 5, которое можно купить в Северо-восточной Саронии, Особняке Доги и Деревне Доги за 5000 гил. Этим заклинанием могут пользоваться только классы Белый Маг, Благочестивец, Мудрец и Луковый Рыцарь. Базовая мощность этого заклинания равняется 180.

Final Fantasy IV

Заклинание Curaga является заклинанием Белой Магии, которым могут пользоваться Роза и Пором по достижении уровней 31 и 33, соответственно. Еще два персонажа владеют этим заклинанием уже в момент присоединения к группе: Телла и Фусоя. Его время вызова равняется 1, и при вызове оно затрачивает 18 MP. В 2D-версиях заклинание имеет базовую магическую мощность, равную 144, а в 3D-версиях - 72. Это заклинание всегда достигает своей цели. Из врагов этим заклинанием могут пользоваться Маска смерти, Лунная Асура и Асура.

В версии игры Easy Type это заклинание получило название Cure 3.

Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-

И в этом продолжении Final Fantasy IV заклинание Curaga является заклинанием Белой Магии. Роза и Пором уже владеют им, когда присоединяются к группе. Заклинание восстанавливает большое количество HP одному члену группы или умеренное количество - всем сразу; кроме того, им можно наносить урон врагам-зомби. При вызове оно затрачивает 18 MP.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years

Заклинание Curaga присутствует и здесь, причем Роза и Фусоя знают его с самого начала, Сеодор выучивает на уровне 49, Пором - на уровне 33, а Леонора - на уровне 45. При вызове оно затрачивает 18 MP.

Final Fantasy V

Здесь Curaga - заклинание Белой Магии Уровня 5. Это самое сильное исцеляющее заклинание в игре, и пользоваться им могут только Белый Маг или любой другой класс с экипированной способностью Белой Магии Уровня 5. Его можно купить в Муре за 6000 гил, а при его использовании затрачивается 27 MP. Единственным врагом в игре, который может применять это заклинание, является Сказочный орк. Кроме того, игрок может воспользоваться этой способностью, поймав и выпустив Сказочного орка или Зверя Целителя. Также Curaga - одно из заклинаний, которое может быть вызвано без затрат MP с помощью Волшебной палочки.

Final Fantasy VI

В этой игре Curaga - самое сильное исцеляющее заклинание. Его можно выучить с помощью эсперов Лакшми со скоростью x1 и Феникса со скоростью x2. Оно затрачивает 40 MP, имеет магическую силу 66 и подвержено действию Рун. Среди врагов этим заклинанием могут пользоваться Шерри, Магия 80 Уровня и Священный дракон из Логова Драконов.

Final Fantasy VII

Cure 3 is the final spell in the Restore Materia learned only after Regen is mastered, and costs 64 MP to cast. Cure 3's spell power is equal to the base magic damage plus 2860. The spell is used by the 2-Faced, Shred, and Scissors (Lower) enemies, as well as the boss Jenova∙SYNTHESIS.

Cure 3 is available to Aeris in the 1996 demo release, and can be used for a cost of only 40 MP. Despite having Cure 3, she does not have Regen, but still has Cure and Cure 2.

Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-

Curaga is a Curative Magic Materia. It costs 150 MP to cast.

Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-

Curaga restores a large amount of Zack's HP. It costs 26 MP to cast. It cannot be bought at the shop, but can be created through Materia Fusion by upgrading from lesser Curative Materia.

Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VIII was the first English version of the game in the series to call the spell Curaga, and it is the strongest curative spell obtained in the game. It can be obtained fairly early, as Сирена, a Guardian Force obtained early in the game, learns the L Mag-RF ability, and Палаткаs, which can be bought at any normal shop, refine into Curagas.

Casting Curaga in battle increases compatibility with Carbuncle and Alexander by 0,2, but lowers compatibility with Eden by 0,2 as well.

When Magic Booster is used in the 2013 PC re-release, the player's inventory gains 100 Curaga spells, among other basic spells.

Извлечь из Level 1-100: Bahamut
Level 30-100: Abadon, Anacondaur, Caterchipillar, Diablos, Esthar Soldier, Fujin*, G-Soldier, GIM47N, Guard, Left Probe, Mesmerize, Oilboyle, Propagator, PuPu, Right Probe, Sphinxara, Sphinxaur, Tonberry King
Точки Извлечения Winhill Laguna's room (hidden, never refills), Edea's Orphanage, Esthar City (at a junction near city entrance), Lunatic Pandora (room with the three elevators), Ultimecia Castle Storage Room (hidden)
Улучшение L Mag-RF: 1 Wizard Stone refines into 5 Curagas, 1 Tent refines into 10 Curagas, 1 Cottage refines into 20 Curagas, 1 Whisper refines into 50 Curagas, 1 Healing Ring refines into 100 Curagas
High Mag-RF: 5 Curas refine into 1 Curaga
HP-J Str-J Vit-J Mag-J Spr-J Spd-J Eva-J Hit-J Luk-J
+22 +0,20 +0,65 +0,20 +0,65 +0,10 +0,04 +0,10 +0,10
Elem-Atk-J Elem-Def-J ST-Atk-J ST-Def-J
No effect No effect No effect No effect

Final Fantasy IX

Curaga is the strongest curative White Magic spell and both permanently playable White Mages, Dagger and Eiko, can cast it. It costs 22 MP to cast and 155 AP to learn, and can be learned from Wizard Rod, Whale Whisker, Hamelin, and Angel Flute. It can be reflected and works with Return Magic. The spell has a power of 107.

Curaga spell is also available to some of the most formidable foes in the game: Hilgigars can cast it, in addition to the final two bosses of the game, Trance Kuja and Necron, as can the superboss, and hardest boss of the game, Ozma.

The formula for Curaga is as follows:


If the ability Concentrate is equipped, the final piece of the formula becomes HP Restored = Base * [Bonus + 50%] instead.

Final Fantasy X

Curaga FFX

Tidus healing Yuna with Curaga.

Curaga is the strongest curative spell and is located on Yuna's section of the Sphere Grid, however, every character is capable of accessing it. It costs 20 MP to cast. Curaga can be cast by Hornet, Jumbo Flan, Neslug, Sanctuary Keeper, Yunalesca in her last two forms, and Yu Yevon.

Final Fantasy X-2

Curaga is a powerful curative spell part of the White Magic skillset, second only to Full-Cure. It is only used via the White Mage dressphere or can be cast from Healing Wind, Heart Reborn, Healing Light, Immortal Soul, and Wishbringer Garment Grids after going through certain nodes. It costs 20 MP to cast and 80 AP to learn, and can only be learned after learning Cura.

Curaga can be cast by Angra Mainyu, Balivarha (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Barong (Fiend Arena), Dark Elemental (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Seymour (Fiend Arena), and YSLS-99 (Fiend Arena).

Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission

Curaga is an ability that can be used by any character when using the White Mage dressphere, it costs 5 MP to cast. It restores HP to one dressphere or base character. It is the only way the player can recover HP aside from items or the HP Heal Over Time auto-ability.

Final Fantasy XI

Curaga is available in Final Fantasy XI to White Mages at level 16. In this incarnation, it heals all party members in a limited area. Upgraded versions may be learned at higher levels.

Final Fantasy XII

Curaga the is the third strongest curative White Magick spell. It restores HP to one party member and can be bought first in Eruyt Village for 3200 gil. Late in the game, various other vendors sell it as well. It is unlocked with the White Magick 5 license which costs 45 LP. It takes (initially) 28 MP to cast.

In the International Zodiac Job System version, Curaga is a White Magick 6 license and can be used by the White Mage, the Red Mage, and the Knight. It can be bought from Mt Bur-Omisace for 2400 gil.

Because of the Effect Capacity system hindering players from performing special actions or magick spells (as only a limited amount can be performed at once), casting Cura and Curaga under Faith status instead of Curaja is more efficient, and they consume less MP as well, meaning Curaga is still useful even after obtaining the higher-class spell Curaja.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Curaga is a spell learned by Penelo at level 3 and enemy White Mages use it as well. It restores a large amount of HP to all allies in range.

Final Fantasy XIII

Curaga is an ability exclusive to Eidolons, which fully restores the summoner's HP. Hecatoncheir is the only Eidolon that cannot use this ability.

Final Fantasy XIII-2

In Japanese version, Curaga is a term used for the area-based Curasa, while the English release localize the spell as Curaja.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Curaga appears as an EP ability. It is available by default and fully restores Lightning's HP. It takes 2 EP to use on Normal/Hard mode and 1 EP on Easy mode. It can be used both in and out of battle.

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Final Fantasy XIV

Restores HP of all party members within range of target. Healing priority is given to those with lowest HP.
— Description
Curaga icon in the original Final Fantasy XIV.

Curaga appeared as an ability in the original Final Fantasy XIV. In the original, Curaga was a Conjurer ability available at level 46. The ability restored HP to all party members within range of the target. The spell had a casting time of 3 seconds and a recasting time of 10 seconds.

In the Japanese version of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, the Cure III spell is called Curaga.

Final Fantasy Tactics

White Magick that soothes injuries, restoring HP.
— Description
Blessing breeze, blow in energy! Cure3!
— Upon casting in PlayStation version.

White Mages can cast Curaga. It costs 450 JP to learn and is the second strongest curative spell in the game. It costs 16 MP to use and has a speed of 15. It restores a great amount of HP to allies in a cross-shaped area.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

White Mages can learn this spell from the Spring Staff for 300 AP. It restores a great amount of HP to allies in a cross-shaped area. It heals varying amounts of HP depending on the user's and target's stats. It costs 16 MP to cast, has a Magic Power of 80, is Святость-elemental, and has a range of 4 and vertical reach of 3. It is stealable through the ability Steal: Ability.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift

The Spring Staff teaches Curaga to White Mages for 300 AP. The spell costs 18 MP to cast and restores a great amount of HP in a cross-shaped area.

Final Fantasy Tactics S

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Final Fantasy Type-0

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Final Fantasy Agito

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Final Fantasy Legend III

Cure3 recover 100% of a character's HP, it can also be used to attack undead. It cost 24 MP to use, and it can be bought for 5500 GP in Floatland Town (Floatland), Darius (Pureland), and Knaya (Pureland).

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

Curaga is cast by piling three Cure spells. Curaga +1 can also be cast by piling two Cura +1 spells. Curaga restores 600 HP, while Curaga +1 restores 800 HP.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

Curaga is a level 20 restoration ability for the White Mage class, and caps at level 100. It restores all allies' HP, can be used once per battle, can be used up to three times a day, and requires two turns to cast.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

Curaga is cast by stacking three Cure spells and restores a large sum of HP depending on character stats.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light

FF4HoL Curaga Slot

Curaga appears a high level White Magic spell. The spell costs 4 AP to cast and it heals the entire party. It can be given to any character by having a Curaga Tome in the character's inventory. The spell can be purchased for 5000 gil in Guera, Urbeth, and Arbor all after darkness floods the world.

Bravely Default

Curada is a level 5 White Magic spell. It grants major HP recovery. It costs 27 MP. Curaga is a level 6 White Magic spell. It grants super high HP recovery. It costs 60 MP. Group-casting is allowed for both spells and casting them on undead enemies will damage them.

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Final Fantasy Dimensions

Curaga is the highest leveled healing spell in Final Fantasy Dimensions. It can restore a large amount of HP to one person as well as the entire party.

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Dissidia Final Fantasy

Curaga is a Story Mode skill. It fully recovers the character's HP.

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy

Curaga returns as a story mode skill, this time recovering the HP of the entire party when used.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy

Curaga is an ability that activates automatically when the character falls below 50% HP, and recovers 40% of their HP. However, it only activates once per stage. Minwu learns Curaga at Level 75, Cecil learns it at Level 65, and Yuna learns it at Level 70. Any character can learn Curaga through a Curaga Scroll.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy

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Final Fantasy Artniks

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper

Curaga is a White Magic Ability with a Rarity of ☆☆☆. It restores a large amount of HP to one target, it can initially be used four times and it can be honed to Rank 5. It can be created by using White Orb x5, Wind Orb x3, Minor Holy Orb x3 and 5000 gil.

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Final Fantasy Explorers

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Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon

Curaga is a level 7 White Mage spell, learned for 600 JP and costing 3 SP to use. It restores all HP and cures all statuses to Chocobo.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game

One of Porom's cards can use Curaga. For the activation cost of discarding another Porom card, Curaga prevents the next damage that would be dealt to a Forward during the turn it is used.

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Non-Final Fantasy Appearances

Kingdom Hearts series

Curaga, along with its lower tier spells Cure and Cura, appears as a spell in the Kingdom Hearts series. Just like in the Final Fantasy series, the spell recovers HP when used. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Curaga has been specialized to provide area-of-effect healing to the player and their allies, while in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, both a standard Curaga and a Group Curaga alternative are available.




The word curaga distinctly means "to take charge" or "to take responsibility" or "manage" in Latin. In several Eastern European languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, and Lithuanian, the word curaga can be translated as "dried apricots."

In the Final Fantasy series naming tradition, starting from Final Fantasy VIII, the -ga suffix is added to spell names to denote the third and often the highest level of that type of spell.
