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Игровой спрайт Барама.

Барам (англ. Baram, яп. ビリー, Birī?) - бывший напарник Тени из Final Fantasy VI. Он появляется только в снах-воспоминаниях Тени, которые те видит по ночам в гостиницах, если входит в состав группы.


СПОЙЛЕР: Ниже раскрывается сюжет и/или детали концовки. (Пропустить раздел)

Within Shadow's dreams, it is revealed that he (under his original name Clyde) and Baram were bandits who once robbed a million Gil from a train. To celebrate their success, Baram dubbed the duo "the Shadow Bandits". Baram fell injured on the journey to flee the authorities afterward, and urged Clyde to get to safety. However, Baram also asked Clyde to finish him off and kill him, afraid of what would happen should he be caught. Clyde refused and left Baram for dead. Clyde then fled to a faraway village, got married, and fathered a child. Since he could not bear his tragic past, he fled from his family and changed his identity, renaming himself "Shadow", after the name Baram dubbed the two of them.

During the ending of Final Fantasy VI, after Kefka Palazzo is defeated, Shadow stays behind in the collapsing tower while everyone, including Interceptor, head back to the Falcon, and says "Baram... It looks like I can finally stop running... Come and find me all right?" It is unknown if Shadow survives, and it is left up to the player to interpret what happens, as he is not seen later on the Falcon with the rest of the cast.

Интересные факты

  • The name "Baram" bears a vague resemblance to "Bonnie". Together with Clyde, the two could be a reference to the famous thief duo, Bonnie and Clyde. Alternatively, it may refer to the real Clyde's last name, Barrow.
  • Baram's Japanese name, Biri or Billy, is likely a reference to Billy the Kid.