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FFIX Steiner Attack

Атака Штайнера в Final Fantasy IX.

Атакуй своим оружием или голыми кулаками.
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection.

Атака (англ. Attack, яп. たたかう, Tatakau?) (другие названия - Бой (англ. Fight) или Сражение (англ. Battle)) - основная команда, присутствующая в каждой игре серии Final Fantasy; ей обучен практически каждый игровой персонаж.

Персонаж проводит простую атаку одного противника, используя экипированное оружие либо, если никакого оружия не экипировано, то голые кулаки. Статус-эффект Слепота повышает вероятность промаха по цели при проведении Атаки. Атака всегда считается нестихийной, если только экипированное оружие не обладает свойством какой-либо стихии.

В некоторых играх Атака может быть улучшена до Барража, позволяющего за один ход персонажа проводить несколько атак. Существуют также команды, отменяющие действие Атаки, как, например, Грабеж, являющийся сочетанием физического удара и одновременной Кражи, а также Прыжок, являющийся усиленной (и, как правило, более медленной) версией Атаки.

У некоторых виды оружия, обладающих дополнительными качествами, эти качества проявляются только во время Атаки. В Final Fantasy VII команда Атака становится недоступной, когда соответствующий персонаж проходит через Прорыв Предела. Начиная с Final Fantasy VIII этот алгоритм был исправлен, и команды, появляющиеся с Прорывом Предела, могут быть либо выбраны стрелками влево или вправо (в зависимости от игры), либо проигнорированы - при этом можно выполнить обычную команду Атака.

См. также: Двойная Атака, Барраж и Молния клинков

Появления в играх

Final Fantasy

Команда Атака (в оригинальной версии игры она называлась Бой (англ. Fight)) находится в самом верху списка команд всех персонажей. Сила Атаки различается у разных персонажей, особенно при подсчете урона, наносимого Монахом.

Формула расчета наносимого обычной атакой урона приведена ниже. Наносимый урон равен сумме силы атаки экипированного оружия и половине показателя Силы соответствующего персонажа.

  • Attack - наносимый командой Атака урон
  • Weapon Attack - сила атаки экипированного оружия
  • STR - показатель Силы персонажа

Однако при подсчете урона, наносимого Монахом с экипированным оружием, к вышеприведенной формуле добавляется единица.

Если же урон наносит невооруженный Монах, то он равняется удвоенному Уровню этого персонажа.

  • Level - Уровень персонажа

Если из-за каких-либо причин сила Атаки превышает 255, то из-за переполнения разрядности хранимого значения от нее берется значение по модулю 256 (т. е. 256 становится 0, 257 - 1, 258 - 2 и т. д.). В обычных условиях, однако, такое поведение невозможно.

Final Fantasy II

Команда Атака доступна для всех игровых персонажей и позволяет им наносит физические удары экипированным оружием. Каждый удар повышает мастерство персонажа во владении этим оружием. Чем ниже мастерство во владении оружием, тем больше будет промахов Атаки, таким образом, общая вероятность попадания Атаки по цели тоже будет ниже. В некоторых версиях игры присутствует ошибка, позволяющая игроку легко повышать мастерство владения оружием, всего лишь повторяя выбор и отмену команды Атака.

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Final Fantasy III

Команда Атака, называвшаяся в версии игры для NES Бой (англ. Fight), находится в самом верху меню команд для всех игровых классов.

Урон, наносимый Атакой (применительно ко всем видам физических атак), рассчитывается как сумма базовой силы атаки экипированного персонажем оружия, четверти показателя Силы этого персонажа и четверти показателя его Мастерства.

  • Base Damage - базовый урон
  • Weapon Base - базовая сила атаки экипированного оружия
  • Strength - показатель Силы персонажа
  • Skill - показатель Мастерства владения персонажем экипированным оружием

Если атакующий персонаж подвержен статусу Спешка, то к указанной сумме добавляется урон, вычисляемый для Спешки.

  • Final Damage calculated from Haste - урон, вычисляемый для Спешки

При каждом применении Бардом способности Подбодрить сила физической атаки всех членов группы возрастает на 10 единиц.

Для окончательного расчета к вычисленному значению базового урона применяется показатель Защиты цели Атаки, а также различные коэффициенты атаки, такие, как коэффициент Спешки (Haste), Точность% (Hit%) и коэффициент Слепоты (Blind).

Final Fantasy IV

Команда Атака, первоначально называвшаяся Бой (англ. Fight), находится на самом верху меню команд каждого персонажа. Сила Атаки существенно зависит от различных условий, например, от типа экипированного оружия и от персонажей.

Урон, наносимый командой Атака персонажа без какого-либо оружия в его ведущей руке, равняется сумме четверти его показателя Силы и четверти Уровня.

  • Base Attack Power - базовая сила Атаки
  • Str - показатель Силы
  • Level - Уровень

Если экипировано оружие (кроме Лука со Стрелами), то вышеприведенная формула видоизменяется: к сумме добавляется сила атаки оружия.

  • Weapon's Attack Power - сила атаки оружия

Если персонаж собирается атаковать или Луком, или Стрелой (в любой руке), то наносимый урон на единицу больше, чем урон от голых кулаков.

Однако, если персонаж экипирован одновременно и Луком (не в ведущей руке), и Стрелами (в ведущей руке), то урон, наносимый этим персонажем при команде Атака, становится равным сумме половины силы атаки Лука, силы атаки Стрелы и четверти показателя Силы персонажа.

  • Bow's Attack Power - сила атаки Лука
  • Arrow's Attack Power - сила атаки Стрелы

В то же время Лук, экипированный в ведущей руке, дает урон, равный всего лишь 4/5 от вышеприведенного.

Для урона, наносимого Янгом и Эджем, используется совершенно другая формула, так как эти два персонажа способны держать оружие в каждой руке, в отличие от остальных членов группы. Урон, наносимый командой Атака Янга, рассчитывается по нижеприведенной формуле (необходимо отметить, что, какое бы вид оружия ни использовал Янг, оно в первоначальном виде не влияет на эту формулу, так как у всех них сила атаки равна 0):.

Эдж, держащий по мечу в каждой руке, своей командой Атака наносит урон, зависящий от силы атаки обоих клинков и рассчитываемый по следующей формуле:

  • Weapon on Left Hand's Attack Power - сила атаки оружия в левой руке
  • Weapon on Right Hand's Attack Power - сила атаки оружия в правой руке

Однако, если он держит оружие только в одной руке, то наносимый его командой Атака урон в точности равняется силе атаки этого оружия.

После вычисления базовой силы Атаки к ней применяется несколько модификаторов - например, коэффициенты, учитывающие Критический удар, стихийность оружия и установленные статус-эффекты.

For status attacks, if a character is inflicted with either the Toad or Mini status, the player's attack power is automatically set to 1. If the character is under Curse status, then the damage is halved. If the character is under Berserk status, the damage is multiplied by 3/2. If the target has Toad or Mini status, and the character using the Fight command, or a physical attack, attacks normally, then the damage is doubled.

Some command abilities also use a specific formula. For instance, the Kick command's formula is equal to half of the attack power (though it does 0 damage to Flan-type enemies), both Jump and Power double the damage, and Deadly triples the damage.

When applying elemental attacks, if the monster is attacked with their weakness and has the weak+/very weak property, then the damage dealt through an elemental attack through a physical attack is quadrupled. If they do not have the weak+/very weak property, but are still hit with their weakness, the damage is doubled. If the character attacks a monster that has resistance to an elemental attack, then the damage will be halved. When a player attacks a monster with a weapon that applies to a specific race (for example, attacking an Ogre with the Ogrekiller), the damage done is quadrupled.

After applying the modifiers, the game then must computer Attack%, or Hit Rate, of the attack, which also varies for various situations. For those unarmed or with fist weapons, the hit rate is equal to 50 plus that character's level divided by 4.

For any non-Bow/Arrow weapon, the hit rate is equal to weapon's hit rate plus the character's level divided by 4.

For Bow and Arrows, the hit rate is the same as the previous formula, but factors in the Bow's hit rate instead.

After factoring that in, the hit rate modifiers are then factored in. Several commands and statuses affect this modifier. For example, if the Aim command is used, the hit rate is automatically set to 255.

For Jump/High Jump and Build Up/Power/Deadly, the hit rate is equal to the hit rate plus the character's level divided by 4.

If a character uses Fight under Blind status or is targeting a monster in the back row (though back row hit rate only applies in the SNES version), then the hit rate is halved.

Afterwards, Attack Multiplier is calculated, which is equal to the character's Strength divided by 8 plus the character's Agility divided by 16 plus 1.

Next, the game must then calculate the target's Defense, then factors in Defense modifiers such as Protect and Defend. After that, Defense% and Evade Modifiers are calculated, as well as Defense Multiplier. Finally, the game calculates the Attack multiplier, and then plugs in all the numbers to calculate the final damage, which is shown below.

If the target is undead and the character is using a Drain-elemental weapon.

Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-

Attack returns in the sequel to Final Fantasy IV, and it has the same function as the previous one. It's no different from the previous game.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years

Attack is a basic command that simply uses the chosen character's equipped weapon on an enemy. Like other games in the series, melee weapons do more damage in the front row. Ranged weapons do the same damage in either row, making it more useful to have a ranged attacker in the back row to minimize damage to said character.

Final Fantasy V

Attack is a default ability and doesn't require ABP to learn. It is already equipped on all jobs apart from the Mime, which is a customizable job. The strength of the attack is based on the player's Attack stat and the character's level.

The steps for calculating damage varies depending on the weapons equipped, statuses in effect, and monsters and levels.

The basic steps for damage is as follows:

  • Determine initial Hit% and Evade% values.
  • Apply appropriate modifiers to Hit% and Evade%.
  • Determine whether the attack hits or not. If the attack misses, do not follow any more steps.
  • If the Attack hits, get initial values for Attack, Defense and M.
  • Apply appropriate modifiers to Attack, Defense and M.
  • Calculate Final Damage.
  • Apply any appropriate Status Effects.

Certain weapons have an Added Ability that randomly activates when the weapon is used with the Attack or Aim commands. Activated spells are cast in addition to the used command, but Mug from Thief Knife and Dance from Dancing Dagger replace the Attack command if triggered.

The Twin Lance weapon attacks twice when the user uses the Attack command with it.

Final Fantasy VI

Attack is the top command on every character's command list, except for Gau, who has Rage instead, Umaro, who is uncontrollable, and Gogo, who has Mimic on top but can equip Attack as a secondary command. The strength of the attack is based on the player's Attack stat and Level. Some relics will replace the Attack command with other commands, such as Jump.

The formula for calculating how much damage a character's physical attack is as follows:

If Vigor >=128, then Vigor2 = 255 instead:

If the character is equipped with a Gauntlet, the Attack stat increases further:

The base damage is calculated as follows:

If the character is equipped with the Master's Scroll, the damage is halved. If the character is equipped with Atlas Armlet or Hero Ring, the damage is multiplied by 5/4. If the attack is a standard fight attack and the character is equipped with a Genji Glove, but only one or zero weapons (see also Genji Glove Bug).

If the character is in the Back Row then:

  • (Certain weapons ignore this step)

The next step takes into account Critical Hits, Berserk status, and Trance (Morph) multipliers. Every Attack has a 1 in 32 chance of being a critical hit (although some weapons, known as MP Critical weapons, will consume MP for a Critical Hit 100% of the time), and the Trance multiplier only applies when the attacker is in Trance mode (this will almost always apply only to Terra, but in the Super NES version anyone can have the Morph status due to the Rippler Bug). This works by setting a damage multiplier equal to 0. For Critical Hits, add 2 to the damage multiplier.

If the attacker is Berserked, add 1 to the damage multiplier. If the attacker is in Trance, add 2 to the damage multiplier:

Next, the game factors in random variance:

Next, the game factors in the target's Defense:

  • (The Ultima Weapon (Atma Weapon) and the Valiant Knife ignore this step).

Next, if the target has the Protect (Safe) status, then:

  • (The Ultima Weapon (Atma Weapon) and the Valiant Knife ignore this step)

Next, if the target is Defending, then:

Next, if the target is in the Back Row, then:

Next, if the target has the Trance (Morph) status, then:

Next, another damage multiplier step is performed. The damage multiplier again starts at 0. If the attacker is facing the target's back, add 1 to the damage multiplier. If the attacker is attacking with the Hawkeye or Sniper and the target has the Float status, there is a 50% chance of adding 4 to the damage multiplier (if the target is not floating there is a 50% chance of adding 1 to the damage multiplier). If the attacker is attacking with the Man-Eater and the target is Human, add 2 to the damage multiplier.

If the target is petrified, the damage is reduced to 0 at this point. Otherwise, the game now checks elemental properties, which finalizes the damage.

Elemental properties are checked in this order:

  • If Force Field is in effect for the element in question, the damage reduces to 0.
  • If the target absorbs the element in question, the damage remains the same, but the attack heals the target.
  • If the target is immune to the element in question, the damage reduces to 0.
  • If the target is resistant to the element in question, the damage is cut in half.
  • If the target is weak to the element in question, the damage doubles.
  • Otherwise, the damage remains the same.

If one of the elemental checks is true, the game does not check subsequent steps.

Special Weapons

Certain weapons have different damage formulas.

  • Some weapons have a 25% chance to cast a spell from the Magic skillset. These spell ignore Reflect and Runic. Unless the weapon is a long range weapon, the spells are affected by the Back Row penalty and any Jump multipliers. If the Attack is a Critical Hit, the spells are not affected unless the weapon is an MP Critical weapon.
  • The Valiant Knife ignores defense. Also, it adds on an extra step after element calculation:
  • The Ultima Weapon (Atma Weapon) ignores defense and adds on three extra steps after element calculation:
  • The Dice uses its own independent damage calculation formula:
  • The Fixed Dice uses its own independent damage calculation formula:
  • If all three dice show the same number, a second step is added:


FFVI Control

Monster's Attack command within its battle menu.

In the Super Nintendo and PlayStation version, the Attack command was called Battle. In the Game Boy Advance, it was renamed to Attack. A player will see this when a monster is under their Control on the monster's battle menu. The monster's normal attack will look and sound like certain weapons the player can equipped, but unlike the player's weapon. These weapon are only for show, this can be seen when Gau uses a Rage.

Each monsters are assign a specific weapon for their normal attacks. The weapon only takes the graphic and sound effect and not its special properties. For example, the Ice Rod is not ice-elemental and it does not randomly cast Blizzara when Gau attacks or when Apocrypha attacks. It merely looks and sounds like the Ice Rod, nothing more.

Final Fantasy VII

Attack, labeled Fight in the demo, is the top command on every party member's command list. The Attack's strength is based on the player's Attack stat and Level.

To work out the Attack's strength ignoring any other factors, the Attack stat has to be added to the truncated total of the Attack and Level stats added together and divided by 32, which is all multiplied by the truncated total of the Attack stat multiplied by the Level stat, and then divided by 32.

Then Power and Defense factors are applied. The Defense factor is the stat found on all targets. The Power factor is a stat given to most abilities.

Every time the player attacks the same target, they do not take off the same amount. This is due to additional math that adds a random factor to the equation. The lowest possible damage the attack can do is 3841/4096 of the damage shown above.

There are many other factors that affect the damage of the attack, such as a critical hit, which will double the damage. If either the user or the target is in the back row position without having a long range weapon or the Long Range Materia, the attack will deal half damage. If the target has its back to the user, the attack is usually doubled. For a small amount of enemies, the attack will take off more than double.

Cloud Attack Animation Sketch

Concept art for Cloud's attack animation.

If the user has the Berserk status they will deal 1.5 of the normal damage; with Frog status 0.25 the normal damage; and with the Mini status deal only 1 HP damage per hit. If the target has the Sadness status it will take off 1.3 the damage; with the Barrier status 0.5 the damage; and with the Defend status 0.5 the damage.

When the player's Limit gauge is full, their Attack command is replaced with a Limit Break command and they can't use a normal attack except through the use of similar commands like Mug. Each attacking Limit Break uses the actual damage. For example, Cloud's Braver Limit takes off three times the damage of a normal attack. His Cross-Slash will do 3.25 the damage, and inflict Paralyze.

Some Command Materia commands replace the Attack command. The Slash-All Materia replaces the Attack command with the Slash-All command that attacks all enemies without applying the long range rule. Slash-All upgrades to Flash after leveling up which kills all enemies instantly, but halves the hit-rate. Double Cut's 2x-Cut and 4x-Cut replace the Attack command and attack the target twice or four times respectively. In both these commands, the long range rule does not apply.

The Mug command, the second level of the Steal Materia, functions the same as the Attack command but has the added steal effect. The Deathblow Materia grants access to the D.blow command which has a third of the hit-rate a normal attack would, but guarantees a critical if it hits.

If the player is in the All Lucky 7s status, their attacks will disregard any other factors and take off 7777.

The Added Cut Support Materia adds the Attack command to a paired Materia as an Added Ability, and has the user use the Attack command on the same target as the paired Materia was used.

Due to the Master Command and Support Materia Glitch, support effects can be applied to the Attack command via the Master Command Materia.

Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-

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Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-

Attack is the primary command available to Zack. A physical attack, it uses no MP or AP. As an action RPG, the commands are executed real-time as soon as the player presses the Шаблон:PS X button. The targets can evade and block physical attacks with correct timing, and when targets are hit from behind, it results in an automatic critical hit. The command can be chained up to four times in succession with each hit being stronger than the previous.

Its damage formula is as following:

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Final Fantasy VIII

Attack is the standard (and only) command that is usable by every character, and is at the top of each character's command window.

When the Attack command is chosen, the game first determines whether the attack will connect or not.


If the attacker's hit rate is 255, this step is skipped and the attack will always connect.

Next the game determines whether the attack criticals.


This step is skipped if the attacker is Squall or Seifer, as these two characters never critical by chance; instead, they have the trigger ability.

Next, if the attack connects, the amount of damage is calculated.


A normal attack has an Power value of 20. If the target has Protect or Zombie status, the damage is halved. If the target has Invincible or Defend status, the damage is 0. If the attack goes critical or if the target is attacked from behind, the damage is doubled. If the damage goes critical due to Squall's or Seifer's triggers, or if the user attacks the target while under Berserk, the damage done is x1.5.

Characters can also junction elemental properties to their physical attacks that affects the damage outcome.


Elemental attack can be anything between 0 and 100%. Elemental Defense starts at 800 (0%), 900 nullifies damage and 1000 absorbs the damage. If an enemy is shown to be weak against an element, its Elemental Defense is below 800. If damage becomes negative (due to high Elemental Defense), the target is healed by that amount.

Final Fantasy IX

The Attack command is at the top of every character's command window, and the damage formula for it varies per weapon type, whereas the final damage will always be the base (oftentimes Attack Power minus the target's Defense) multiplied by the bonus, which varies per weapon as seen below.

  • Standard Weapons and Save the Queen
  • Save the Queen:
  • Thief and Knight Swords:
  • Hammers and Forks:
  • Rackets:

The Bonus formula is also affected by various other factors. If the character using the Attack command is using a Killer ability, is under Berserk status, is using MP Attack, is in Trance, is attacking an enemy that is under Mini status, strikes an enemy with their elemental weakness, if the attacker is wearing an elemental attack raising item, or back attacking an enemy, the bonus is multiplied by 50%. If the target is under Protect or if the attacker is in the back row, the bonus is halved. If the attacker is under Mini, the bonus is set to 1.

When in Ipsen's Castle, the formula is completely different for the base formula, shown below:

Final Fantasy X

Attack is a command available to all characters, found at the top of each of their command windows.

The damage formula for the Attack command, as well as any physical attack, is as follows:

Where Stat is equal to Strength plus Cheer, and DmCon is equal to the Damage Constant.

Afterwards, the game must calculate the reduction of base damage due to Defense by converting the Defense integer into the DefNum integer, which can be found through the following formula:

After finding the DefNum integer, it is to be used in the following formula:

Before moving onto the final step, the game must also factor in any reduction from Cheer, which is done in the following formula:

After all of that, the game then calculates the final damage based on the following formula:

Several other modifiers apply to the damage of physical attacks as well, such as the Strength Plus abilities. If the attacker attacks an enemy with the Armor property, damage is divided by 3. If target is under Defend, Sentinel, or Protect, or if the attacker is under Power Break, then damage is halved.

Each Celestial Weapon has their own special damage formula as well, which is shown below:

  • For Caladbolg, World Champion, Spirit Lance and Godhand:
  • For Nirvana and Onion Knight:
  • For Masamune:

If Tidus uses the Attack command against an ally, they lose affection with him.

Final Fantasy X-2

Attack is a command present in each dressphere except for Songstress, Black Mage, and White Mage. While under the effects of Berserk, any dressphere is capable of uncontrollably performing the Attack action.

The formula for the offensive side of the Attack is as follows:

The formula for the defensive side of the Attack is as follows:

Also, all abilities have the following formula for randomization of the damage dealt:


Final Fantasy XII


Red line shows when an enemy is attacking the player.

Attack is one of the only two commands, the other is using Items, available to the player that doesn't require purchasing a license beforehand. Some Espers can also use the Attack command as long as the enemy is immune or can absorb their elemental attacks. Attack commands can execute simultaneously whenever the game is set to "Active" mode, regardless of Effect Capacity, even during long spell animations.

The formula in which attack damage is calculated is based upon the type of weapon equipped. For example, swords, spears, rods, and Crossbows are based on the character's strength while daggers, bows, and ninja swords are calculated using a characters strength and speed. Attack is also an action that can be applied to self, allies or members in current party.

Melee weapons can combo their attacks and hit multiple times in a row. Certain enemies, often the game's most difficult bosses and optional marks, also chain their attacks. The combo rate is a hidden value specific to each weapon. Ranged weapons don't combo, but have the chance to deal critical damage.

Attack damage is calculated differently depending on the type of weapon the character is equipping.

The formulas are as follows:

  • Unarmed (Without Brawler Augment):
  • Unarmed (With Brawler Augment):
  • Swords, Spears, Crossbows, Rods:
  • Poles:
  • Maces:
  • Katana, Staves:
  • Axes, Hammers, Handbombs:
  • Daggers, Ninja Swords, Bows:
  • Guns, Measures:

After the Attack command has been selected the Charge Time starts, and once the attack has charged the command is executed. Each attack action has its own animation with a fixed length, and this also varies between different characters and which weapon they use. If the game config is set on "Wait", then only one action can execute at any time. When set on "Active", multiple actions can execute simultaneously (although some magick spells with long animations cannot be cast simultaneously even with "Active").

Certain augments on the License Board enhance battle power: Adrenaline boosts attack when the user is in HP Critical status, and Focus boosts battle power when the user's HP is full. These effects can also be gained via accessories Steel Gorget and Blazer Gloves.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Attack is the basic command for most melee units; however, certain characters such as Kytes have magical actions as their core commands. The abilities of Espers and monsters are given unique names, such as Balasa's Fire Fist.

Final Fantasy XIII

Attack is a Commando ability that physically attacks one enemy, having a damage multiplier of 1.2. Attack command expends one ATB segment.

Damage is calculated as following:

Whereas Parameter is equal to the attack's basic parameter and the Damage Multiplier is equal to the base multiplier of the ability. For instance, a normal Attack command from Lightning will have the base damage multiplier of 1.2, if she also has 1700 attack power, her base damage will be 1700 x 1.2 = 2040. Adding more Commandos to the current line up boosts the damage multiplier.

Unknown to the player, Lebreau's Attack command cost two ATB segments to execute compare to the main cast where it only cost them one ATB segment.

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Final Fantasy XIII-2

Similarly as in its predecessor, the Attack command is a Commando ability that physically attacks one enemy, and expends one ATB segment. The strength of the attack is determined by the attacker's Strength stat, and the role level bonus, as well as the number of Commandos in the current paradigm.

Both Serah and Noel are able to use the Attack command in both close-range and long-range hits. Serah deals close-range attacks with a sword, but her sword transforms into a bow for ranged attacks. Noel wields his two swords with one in each hand for close-range combat, but combines them into a javelin he can throw for long-range targets.

Most of the Commando monsters have Attack as their physical damage ability, which in rare cases is replaced with Drain Attack.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Attack deals physical damage to one target. Rafflesia drop the Attack command. On level 1 it has ATB cost of 10, initial attack of x0.50, stagger power of E and stagger time of C.

Edgar - Chainsaw2
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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Players may auto attack an enemy by targeting them and pressing enter while on active mode. While archers' auto attack is a simple punch, they can shoot arrows using the Light Shot command.

While the full formula is currently unknown, auto attack damage is based on the player's Attack Power, weapon damage, level difference and two other stats based on the class.

  • Pugilist - Intelligence and Strength
  • Gladiator - Mind and Strength
  • Marauder - Vitality and Strength
  • Archer - Dexterity and Piety
  • Lancer - Piety and Strength
  • Conjurer - Mind and Piety
  • Thaumaturge - Mind and Piety

Final Fantasy Tactics

The Attack command can be used by any job. Its power depends on the weapon used:

  • Unarmed without Brawler:
  • Unarmed with Brawler:
  • Knife, Ninja Sword, Cloth:
  • Sword, Rod, Spear, Crossbow:
  • Knightsword, Katana:
  • Staff, Stick:
  • Flail, Axe, Bag:
  • Longbow:
  • Physical Gun: (cannot be evaded)
  • Instrument, Dictionary:
  • Magical Gun: (Q = 14 60% of the time, Q = 18 30% of the time, Q = 24 10% of the time)

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

The Fight command is available to every unit. It is sometimes prohibited by Law, or encouraged when Color Magic is the prohibited action.

The base damage formula for the majority of physical attacks are as follows:

Afterwards, damage will be multiplied by Power/100, where Power is usually equal to the strength of the ability being used. For weapon-based abilities, this will be the EqAtt bonus the unit's equipment (minus secondary weapons) gives, For other abilities, this will be the Power stat of the ability itself.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift

The action is called Attack and occasionally discouraged by Law.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Damage icon in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.

The Attack command is one of four basic commands in the game, selecting it will cause the character to attack with the current equip weapon. All physical attacks are classified as Damage-elemental, and attacks that do not possess any elemental attributes are classified as Non-elemental. There's an unused Elemental Defense called Damage, which reduces the damage taken from physical attacks. It can only be gotten by the use of a cheating device.

Final Fantasy Adventure

The weapon attack is the most basic kind of attack. To attack enemies, the player will have to move Sumo so that the enemy is in range of the equipped weapon. Then press the A button. Every time the player successfully hit the enemy, it will receive damage. Once it's HP reach 0, it will die.

Final Fantasy Legend II

The Fight command is one of two command available to the player, selecting it will bring up the list of equipped weapons and abilities the current character possesses.

Final Fantasy Legend III

The Fight command causes the character to attack enemies that causes physical damage, except for a few weapons, a common late-game resistance on many enemies and bosses.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light

The Attack command is one of the default commands available for all playable characters. It expends one Action Point and has the character attack an opponent with their equipped weapon.

The player may not choose the target of the attack unlike in other Final Fantasy games. The weapon's range determines the target: long range weapons prioritize the enemies at the back, and short range weapons prioritize the enemies in the front. If there is only one enemy all attacks target that one.

Bravely Default

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Final Fantasy Dimensions

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Final Fantasy All the Bravest

Attack is the ability that is used by both the Warrior and Onion Knight during battle.

Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon

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Chocobo's Dungeon 2

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