ディシディア デュオデシム ファイナルファンタジーの登場人物では、ディシディア デュオデシム ファイナルファンタジーに登場する架空のキャラクターを解説する。
- コスモス
- カオス
- ルフェインのシド
- 神竜
v · e · d Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
Dissidia Duodecim Prologus |
Characters |
Warriors of Cosmos |
Warrior of Light - Firion - Onion Knight - Cecil - Bartz - Squall - Zidane - Jecht - Shantotto |
Warriors of Chaos |
Garland - The Emperor - Cloud of Darkness - Golbez - Exdeath - Terra - Kefka - Cloud - Sephiroth - Ultimecia - Kuja - Tidus - Gabranth |
New characters |
Kain - Gilgamesh - Tifa - Laguna - Yuna - Prishe - Vaan - Lightning - Feral Chaos |
Non-playable characters |
Cosmos - Chaos - Aerith - Cid of the Lufaine - Shinryu |
Areas |
World B |
Old Chaos Shrine - Pandaemonium - Pandaemonium-Top Floor - Crystal Tower - World of Darkness - Lunar Subterrane - The Rift - Kefka's Tower - Phantom Train - Planet's Core - Ultimecia's Castle - Crystal World - M.S. Prima Vista - Dream's End - Empyreal Paradox - Sky Fortress Bahamut - Orphan's Cradle - Order's Sanctuary - Edge of Madness |
Story Mode |
Prologus - Treachery of the Gods - Light to All - Confessions of the Creator - Reports |
Other Gameplay Modes |
Arcade Mode - Labyrinth - Original Quests - Quick Battle |
Terms |
Accomplishments (Prologus) - Assist - Banish Trap - Battlegen - Bravery - Chase Sequence - Combination - Command Mode - Cycle - Dash - Data Install - EX Mode - Friend Card - Gateway - KP - Light Orb - Manikin - Mognet - Pieces - Play Plan - PP Catalog - Quickmove - Rules - Skills - Summonstone - Teleport Stone - Wall Rush |
Music |
Original Soundtrack |
"Cantata Mortis & God in Fire" |
Archives |
Abilities - Accessories - Armor - Gameplay Changes - Moogle Shop - Museum - Player Icons - Shop - Translations - Wallpapers - Weapons |
v · e · d Characters |
Recurring Characters of Final Fantasy |
Aerith Gainsborough - Artemicion - Biggs and Wedge - Boco - Cait Sith - Cid - Cloud Strife - Four Fiends - Gilgamesh - Lone Wolf - Magus Sisters - Mog - Namingway - Ultros - Princess Sarah - Squall Leonhart - Stiltzkin - Warriors of Light |
List of Characters |
Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy II - Final Fantasy III - Final Fantasy IV - The After Years - Final Fantasy V - Legend of the Crystals - Final Fantasy VI - Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children - Dirge of Cerberus - Before Crisis - Crisis Core - Last Order - On the Way to a Smile - Final Fantasy VIII - Final Fantasy IX - Final Fantasy X - Final Fantasy X-2 - Final Fantasy XI - Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII - Final Fantasy Type-0 - Final Fantasy XIV - Tactics - Tactics Advance - Tactics A2 - Vagrant Story - Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates - My Life as a King - Echoes of Time - My Life as a Darklord - The Crystal Bearers - Mystic Quest - Chocobo Racing - Unlimited - The Spirits Within - Dissidia - Dissidia 012 -The 4 Heroes of Light |