Wiki Final Fantasy
Wiki Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy XIII-2  LRXIIILogo                                                                                             

Yeul's Theme est le thème illustrant Paddra Nsu-Yeul. Composé par Naoshi Mizuta et chanté par Joelle, il constitue son leitmotif, à savoir son envie d'un futur radieux et évoquant de son cycle de réincarnation.

Des variantes de ce thème sont "Song of the Farseers", "Eyes of Etro", et la partie finale de "Closing Credits".

Dans Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, une variation de ce thème nommée "Noel and Yeul -The Promise-" est jouée lors des évocations de l'ancienne prophétesse. Seules les 3 premières strophes sont chantées; une autre variante est entendue au début de "Lost Souls -Caius and Yeul-".


Sooner than memories begin to fray
Everything from the past just swept away
Remembering when all
Who have gone
Are now lost
Many paths, many seasons I have seen
Time has washed them away just like the sea
So many fates and dreams
Will become tragedies
To see you safe
To watch you grow
Visions of love, my only hope
Such loneliness is worth the price
I'll protect you with my life
Constantly guiding despite the cost
Hoping against fear when all is lost
Pity not my destiny, no
My sacrifice is worth this
To see you safe
To watch you grow
Visions of love, my only hope
This loneliness is worth the price
I'll protect you with my life
This burden I must bear alone
For many lives and more to come
My loneliness is worth the price
I'll protect you with my life
I'll protect you with my life

Traduction littérale[]
