Heavensward Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack (ファイナルファンタジーXIV: 蒼天のイシュガルド オリジナル・サウンドトラック) est sorti en 2016. Il inclut les musiques de Heavensward, et certaines de sa version 3.1 Final Fantasy XIV: As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness.
- Heavensward
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chant: Omega Bone
- A Cold Wind (雪風)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Solid (堅牢 ~イシュガルド下層:昼~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Against the Wind (風に向かって ~クルザス西部高地:昼~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Melt (熱戦 ~イシュガルド地方:戦闘~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Descent (堕落 ~廃砦探索 ダスクヴィジル~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ryo Takahashi
- Ominous Prognisticks (不吉なる前兆)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Black and White (黒闇と白雪)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- Nobility Sleeps (ノブレス・スリープス ~イシュガルド上層:夜~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Borderless (国境なき空)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ken Ito
- Shelter (旅の宿)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Lost in the Clouds (雲に隠れて ~アバラシア雲海:昼~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Coming Home (大らかな家)
- Composition et arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- Like a Summer Rain (夏の雨の如く ~神域浮島 ネバーリープ~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ken Ito
- Close to the Heavens (天上の世界 ~アバラシア雲海:夜~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- Jewel (宝石 ~雲海探索 ディアデム諸島~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- For the Sky (天のため)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ken Ito
- Safety in Numbers (みんなでいれば怖くない)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- Painted Foothills (彩られし山麓 ~高地ドラヴァニア:昼~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Kenichi Kuroda
- The Hand that Gives the Rose (武神降臨 ~蛮神ラーヴァナ前哨戦~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Unbending Steel (曲がらぬ刃 ~蛮神ラーヴァナ討滅戦~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chant: Dan Inoue
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Painted Skies (彩られし夜空 ~高地ドラヴァニア:夜~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- Slumber Eternal (永遠の眠り ~霊峰踏破 ソーム・アル~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ken Ito
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Landlords (ランドロード ~ドラヴァニア雲海:昼~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- What is Love ? (それは愛くぽ?)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- Roar of the Wyrm (邪竜の咆吼 ~邪竜血戦 ドラゴンズエアリー~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ken Ito
- Skylords (スカイロード ~ドラヴァニア雲海:夜~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- Contention (闘争)
- Composition: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Kenichi Kuroda
- Nobility Obliges (ノブレス・オブリージュ ~イシュガルド上層:昼~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Yukiko Takada
- Hallowed Halls (聖座 ~強硬突入 イシュガルド教皇庁~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Kenichi Kuroda
- The Heavens' Ward (蒼天騎士団)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Kenichi Kuroda
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Night in the Brume (雲霧街の夜霧 ~イシュガルド下層:夜~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Yukiko Takada
- Heavy Rain (雷雨の如く)
- Composition: Yukiko Takada
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Limitless Blue (果てなき蒼 ~蛮神ビスマルク前哨戦~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Woe that Is Madness (狂気なる災厄 ~蛮神ビスマルク討滅戦~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Misconception (誤想)
- Composition: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Ken Ito
- Missing Pages (欠けた頁 ~低地ドラヴァニア:昼~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Paradise Found (約束の地)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- The Mushroomery (マトーヤの洞窟 ~蒼天~)
- Composition: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Yukiko Takada
- Ink Long Dry (万世の言葉 ~禁書回収 グブラ幻想図書館~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Homestead (ホームステッド)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- The Silent Regard of Stars (静寂の星空 ~低地ドラヴァニア:夜~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- Poison Ivy (有毒植物 ~草木庭園 聖モシャーヌ植物園~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yukiko Takada
- Upon the Rocks (座礁 ~制圧巨塔 シリウス大灯台~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Aetherpause (エーテル圏 ~魔航船ヴォイドアーク~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- In Darkness, There Is One (深淵に潜む者 ~魔航船ヴォイドアーク~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Kenichi Kuroda
- Voidal Manifest (ヴォイドの棺 ~魔航船ヴォイドアーク~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Kenichi Kuroda
- Stone and Steel (石と鋼)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Order Yet Undeciphered (未解読法則 ~魔大陸アジス・ラー~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Unbreakable (アンブレーカブル ~博物戦艦 フラクタル・コンティニアム~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Ryo Takahashi
- Imagination (イマジネーション ~蒼天聖戦 魔科学研究所~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ken Ito
- Heroes Never Die (英傑は死なず ~蒼天幻想 ナイツ・オブ・ラウンド討滅戦~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Heroes (英傑 ~ナイツ・オブ・ラウンド討滅戦~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Kenichi Kuroda
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Inception (発端)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Dragonsong
- Composition: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Tsutomu Narita
- Paroles: Kazutoyo Maehiro
- Traduction: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chant: Susan Calloway
- Sins of the Father, Sins of the Son (製造者責任 ~機工城アレキサンダー:起動編~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Locus (ローカス ~機工城アレキサンダー:起動編~)
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chant: Masayoshi Soken & Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Metal (メタル ~機工城アレキサンダー:起動編~)
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chant: Masayoshi Soken & Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Torn from the Heavens (天より降りし力) from A Realm Reborn
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Film Score
- A New Hope (希望の都) from A Realm Reborn
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken & Film Score
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