Before the Fall Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack (ファイナルファンタジーXIV: 希望の灯火 オリジナル・サウンドトラック) est sorti le 26 août 2015. Il inclut les musiques des diverses mises à jour de A Realm Reborn (Through the Maelstrom, Defenders of Eorzea, Dreams of Ice et Before the Fall). À l'instar de la précédente bande-son, des morceaux issus Final Fantasy XIV: Before Meteor sont présents sur le disque.
- Wreck to the Seaman (船乗りには難破を ~蛮神リヴァイアサン前哨戦~) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Through the Maelstrom (混沌の渦動 〜蛮神リヴァイアサン討滅戦〜) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition, arrangement et chant: Masayoshi Soken
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chœur: Tidus Seven
- The Scars of Battle (魔大戦の傷跡 ~腐敗遺跡 古アムダプール市街~) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Persistence (不屈の挑戦) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Wrath of the Eikons (怒れる神々) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement original: Tsutomu Narita
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- Breathless (ノォヴ一味) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Gluppity-schlopp (クズテツどもの歌) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition originale: Naoshi Mizuta
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Fury (憤怒 ~盟友支援 ブレイフロクスの野営地~) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement original: Tsutomu Narita
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- Pa-Paya from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chœur: Masayoshi Soken & Masami Abe
- Birds of a Feather (キャラバン護衛 ~剣闘領域 ハラタリ修練所~) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Beneath Bloodied Banners (紅蓮の戦旗の下に ~剣闘領域 ハラタリ修練所~) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement original: Tsutomu Narita
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- Big-boned (でぶチョコボ騎乗) from Through the Maelstrom
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Battle on the Big Bridge (ビッグブリッヂの死闘 ~新生~) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Through the Maelstrom (Female Vocals) (混沌の渦動 〜蛮神リヴァイアサン討滅戦:女性版〜) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chant: Masayoshi Soken & Srisombut Preechaya
- Chœur: Tidus Seven
- Meteor (メテオ) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition et arrangement originaux: Ryo Yamazaki
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- Blades (剣と剣 ~大迷宮 バハムート侵攻編~) from Through the Maelstrom
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Tempest (戦乱) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement original: Tsutomu Narita
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- Rise of the White Raven (白銀の凶鳥、飛翔せり) from Through the Maelstrom
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Traduction: Eva Kappeller
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- Horizons Calling (地平線の彼方 ~財宝伝説 ハルブレーカー・アイル~) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement original: Tsutomu Narita
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- Far from Home (何よりも高く) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Dark Vows (漆黒の誓い ~惨劇霊殿 タムタラの墓所~) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Answers - Reprise from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Paroles: Yaeko Sato
- Traduction: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chant: Susan Calloway
- Thunder Rolls (雷光雷鳴 〜蛮神ラムウ討滅戦〜) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chant et chœur: Akane Ikeya
- Moonfire Faire (紅蓮祭) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement original: Tsutomu Narita
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- Thicker than a Knife"s Blade (刃、厚いほどに) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- The War Room (作戦会議室) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Rouse Out! (総員抜剣!) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Blood for Blood (血で血を洗って) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Or the Egg? (卵が先か?) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Game Theory (ゲーム理論) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Now I Know the Truth (ドーガとウネの心) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Out of the Labyrinth (絢爛 ~クリスタルタワー:シルクスの塔~) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Shattered (破砕 ~クリスタルタワー:シルクスの塔~) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Loss of Time (時はこぼれ落ちて) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- His Holiness (教皇) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- A Light in the Storm (嵐の中の灯火 ~怪鳥巨塔 シリウス大灯台~) from Defenders of Eorzea
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Riptide (潮衝 ~逆襲要害 サスタシャ浸食洞~) from Dreams of Ice
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- The Edge (忍びの刃) from Dreams of Ice
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Forgotten by the Sun (落日の遺跡 ~遺跡救援 カルン埋没寺院~) from Dreams of Ice
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Pennons Aloft (槍旗) from Dreams of Ice
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement original: Tsutomu Narita
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- The Warrens (秘密坑道 ~氷結潜窟 スノークローク大氷壁~) from Dreams of Ice
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Footsteps in the Snow (雪上の足跡 ~蛮神シヴァ前哨戦~) from Dreams of Ice
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Oblivion (忘却の彼方 〜蛮神シヴァ討滅戦〜) from Dreams of Ice
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Paroles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
- Chant et chœur: Ayumi Murata & Akane Ikeya
- Everbinding Oath (永遠の誓い) from Dreams of Ice
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement original: Tsutomu Narita
- Tirée de Before Meteor.
- From the Ashes (灰より生まれし者) from Dreams of Ice
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Chœur: Music Creation
- The Coil Tightens (侵攻) from Dreams of Ice
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Four-sided Circle (マンダヴィル・ゴールドソーサー) from Before the Fall
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Gateway to Paradise (天国の扉) from Before the Fall
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Sport of Kings (チョコボレース) from Before the Fall
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Aftermath (戦禍 ~邪念排撃 古城アムダプール~) from Before the Fall
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ken Ito
- Tricksome (聖域の罠 ~武装聖域 ワンダラーパレス~) from Before the Fall
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ken Ito
- Magiteknical Difficulties (魔導仕掛けの友) from Before the Fall
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Blind to the Dark (薄闇 ~クリスタルタワー:闇の世界~) from Before the Fall
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Hamartomania (暗闇 ~クリスタルタワー:闇の世界~) from Before the Fall
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Hunger (死闘の序曲) from Before the Fall
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Chœur: Music Creation
- The Reach of Darkness (最後の死闘 ~新生~) from Before the Fall
- Thème original: Nobuo Uematsu
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Yoshitaka Suzuki
- Eternal Wind (悠久の風 ~新生~) from Before the Fall
- Composition originale: Nobuo Uematsu
- Arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Faith in Her Fury (戦神の教義 ~皇都イシュガルド防衛戦~) from Before the Fall
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Unworthy (仇敵 ~皇都イシュガルド防衛戦~) from Before the Fall
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Silver Tears (銀の涙 ~幻龍残骸 黙約の塔~) from Before the Fall
- Composition: Masayoshi Soken
- Arrangement: Ken Ito
- Primogenitor (始祖たる幻龍) from Before the Fall
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Chœur: Music Creation
- Ink Long Dry (万世の言葉 ~禁書回収 グブラ幻想図書館~) from Heavensward
- Composition et arrangement: Masayoshi Soken
- Under the Weight (Super Ultra Hyper Version) (過重圧殺! ~SUPER極タイタン討滅戦~)
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