Nearly everyone on the planet knows that Magic God Kefka Palazzo destroyed the Gestahlian Empire, as well as killed Emperor Gestahl on The Floating Continent, and that he had followers around The Magic Tower with one of them being Strago Magus. However, there are a few questions that are on my mind right now, and they have nothing to do with neither the followers, nor the Human and Magitek Colour Palette Swap enemies of Kefka's Tower.
Here are the questions:
1) Did Kefka Palazzo have an Empire in The World of Ruin Era?
If not,
2) Why didn't Kefka Palazzo decided to get himself an Empire?
But if Kefka Palazzo did have an Empire,
3) Where were the Kefka Palazzo Soldiers, Magitek Soldiers, and other Imperial Units that were loyal to Kefka Palazzo?
4) Would Kefka Palazzo's Empire be larger than the Gestahlian Empire?
And finally,
5) How would The Returners deal with Kefka Palazzo's Empire in The World of Ruin Era?
It would make perfect sense for Kefka Palazzo to either claim half of The Gestahlian Empire for himself, or create himself a giant new Empire that is free from Emperor Gestahl, so that Kefka Palazzo can create a giant big 'F**k You!' to Emperor Gestahl after his death to mock his memory. Also, it would be cool to see Kefka Imperial Soldiers, as well as Kefka Magitek Armour with Kefka Palazzo's Face on the side, and it would make for an interesting take on The World of Ruin part of Final Fantasy VI's Story.
But what do Final Fantasy VI Fans think of Kefka Palazzo's Empire?
Leave your comments down below.
Thank You 😇.