I played the demo of XVI ( gotta get used to that) and I must say i was really really impressed by it. The Graphics, Voice acting (Mostly) characters and most importantly and the best part of it...the gameplay! Holy hell this is the best gameplay I've played in awhile (probably the best since DMC 5 or Doom Eternal if i had to pick a benchmark) fast, smooth, and best of all simple and easy. The graphics are great but that's Square's specialty, music was good, characters were good and Clive seems to have potential to be the best Protagonist of the series in 21st century (IX-XVI) though considering his competition is Tidus, Vaan, Lightning, Noctis and VII remake Cloud that's not really much of an achievement but hey, gotta take the positives in life.
To wrap it up, the keyword is " potential " I believe this game has the potential to be the best game of the post golden age of Final Fantasy ( IV-IX ) and maybe bring the series into a new silver age. This is a demo so it's just appetizer, the not the main dish but you know what? It was the best appetizer I've had in a long long time. If the main game flops i will eat my words, I'm never afraid of being wrong. Thank you for reading this terrible " review " of a demo of a video game.