For me, the only thing is it has way better boss music!
Force your way is the most underrated boss theme in the series and video games in general!
For me, the only thing is it has way better boss music!
Force your way is the most underrated boss theme in the series and video games in general!
The first one is how you're only able to name Squall and Rinoa, the main couple, and associated symbols (Griever and Angelo respectively). Considering the game's main theme is love, even though the main couple is absolute trash, it feels more special you only being able to name the two of them instead of everyone, ultimately "creating" the love story of whomever you want. While there's all this symbolism and whatnot, I must admit I like this since I don't have to press confirm every time a playable character is introduced, though I guess the big amount of GFs make up for that.
The other thing I love is how all main party members become the leader/controllable character at some point, even if it's a very very brief one.
Zell becomes the leader during D-District Prison and when Lunatic Pandora flies over Eshtar (if the player does decide to make him the leader. I personally always do).
Quistis is the leader during the Delling Sewers segment.
Selphie is the leader during the Missile Base segment.
Rinoa is controllable during her brief parkour section before the parade at Delling City, during which the player can take her to retrieve a Weapons Month magazine or not (which might prompt some battles, or not). This segment is later completed by Squall and Irvine.
Irvine is controllable during the Fisherman's Horizon concert segment, where one might not get all the instruments done with right away and instead explore FH and the Garden with Irvine (and find Squall sleeping, for example).
Squall's an obvious one. He's the main character after all, so obviously he is the leader for the most part of the game.
There's still Laguna, obviously, but Kiros and Ward aren't controllable on the field at any time, so I'm not exactly counting him among the main characters. He is sort of a secondary party anyway.
I don't know about that according enemies stats from FFVIII level are same from party member. all normal enemies just like level 1-20 , 20-50 , and 50-100
For example, if player is level 1-20 some enemies have ability fire but player has reach max level some enemies ability different is change to Firaga
I just realized EXP such small give you around 60-300 unlike other final fantasy.
Is it possible defeat boss fight with small level around 15-30 or without grinding exp ?
I know I have another post bascially asking the same, but no one really gave me any insights then, so now that the guide is essentially finished, I'd like to ask again. This time, people can only read the document and no longer comment on it.
Do warn me in case it doesn't work.
Anyway, all that's missing now is take care of the end part that I constantly send people to. But I can work on that later. I also plan on reading everything again, so I don't miss any link and information I should add. But ignoring that, I'd really like to know if overall it is a good enough guide or if I should change anything, be more specific at points, etc. Anyone can also find my older post by scrolling down a bit and have an idea of what I debated with myself and give me your opinions, if you wish.
I need to go to bed, and I have a Maths exam that I need to study for approaching, so it might take a while until I actually add that end segment, but any recommendation I get I'll try to work on it as soon as possible, as long as it doesn't stay in the way of my studies.
33 Votes in Poll
I believe the title is self explanatory, but ever since I created a post that worked as a sort of guide to FFVIII, I've come to realize I needed to upgrade it and correct any mistakes made there, so an actual document of it is certainly far more helpful. However, while I started this some time ago, I gave it a huge break ever since I did the D-District prison part because I found the wording possibly too confusing (and considering I was getting the order of events by watching a youtube channel that doesn't really do things like I do that in itself messed my head, which doesn't help). Therefore, I'd like some outside review about it in order to make this guide be in fact helpful (I can already see people complaining about the sewers part). That said, the link should allow people to comment on the document, so if any text is confusing you can just select it and talk me through it.
In order to help myself, I'll be playing FFVIII as well. Literally starting right now. I'll warn right away that I still wish to add a little segment in the introduction explaining the different menus and how they work (because someone didn't understand what I meant by Auto Atk for Junction, and that's the core of gameplay, so everyone should be very aware of what that means. Plus talking about all the other menus should come to help around too; anyone can eventually just skip it).
I'd appreciate any help given, and until I get some actual responses to the document, I'll use this post to present my concerns. I must admit that one of the hardest things to take care of, and I haven't even got to the worst of it, is team formation considering there's more than three playable characters. Some points are fine, because the teams are set, others no so fine because the teams are up to you.
Has anyone else has the issue of being unable to trigger Squall’s gunblade on attacks and in renzokuken since the last softeare update? I think it’s a bug. Tried contain square remix but no avail so far….
We all can tell FFVIII has its flaws, just like any other game, but in terms of how the interactions in this game goes, how close the characters become with each other, everyone can tell some, to not say most, are like from day to night and you can't understand why the sudden change of heart, namely Squall suddenly starting caring for Rinoa, when all she does is get her ass in danger every 5 minutes and everyone pushes him to go save her because he's the protagonist, thus you'd more easily believe he's just getting really tired of her, especially considering his personality. And yet what happens is that he suddenly likes her, for some reason.
However, I believe there's something that, had it been included back in the day (as, if Square eventually remaked the game it will probably be already included, considering the more recent games), it could have solved this issue or at least give us further conclusion that the characters, namely Squall, are in fact building relationships (romantic, friendship, etc.). It's something as simple as having Overworld conversations. Allow me to explain:
Similar to what we see in FFXV and FFVII Remake, of random quotes being said at random points as you travel around, FFVIII having such a feature could probably help its weird relationship issue. Even if it works better today because of the voice acting, that didn't happen at the time, even just having textboxes appearing would work just fine. It already happens as you do certain sidequests, namely the Obel Lake one, so I don't think it would be too much of a problem and it could give space to interesting quotes and interactions between the cast. From quotes and interactions that would appeared randomly as you walked around, some even complaining from walking too much or something, to reactions about a certain segment of the game (for example, someone complaining about having to go to the Tomb of the Unknown King just for certification they were SeeD [Why do I imagine Zell doing something like that?]), and all available characters could speak, regardless of being in the main team at the time or not (following the previous example, even if Zell isn't fighting [on the main team], the dialogue could still trigger).
I believe that something like this could eventually solve some issues regarding the sudden closeness everyone has, namely Squall, because from the actual storyline it feels too sudden and you're kinda left to wonder when did they got so close and how (some characters don't need such an "explanation", Squall is the main reason behind this mechanic for me, but it could still give us some fun interactions between everyone).
What do y'all think? Again, were the game to be remaked nowadays, which still sounds like a distant wish as Square themselves said they weren't thinking of doing so, something like this would most definitely already be included, considering the recent games.
29 Votes in Poll
62 Votes in Poll
Tomorrow (likely today by the time most of you read this) I will begin my second attempt at FFVIII and hopefully beat it this time with the help of this guide. Which I just put to Microsoft Word so I can make quicker reference to it.
So, sounds like I'll be equipping Quetzalcoatl to Squall, Shiva to Quistis, and Ifrit to Selphie.
While buzzing through it (will read the later parts in more detail as I progress), I noticed mention of drawing Meteor from Red Dragons at the Island Closest to Hell, which I remember reading is a rare exception to enemies being your level as they are always Level 100. Is it much harder to do this without Meteor for Juunctions at that point?
83 Votes in Poll
Well, here's the post I talked about. As you can see, I ended up doing it.
Now, there's a few things I have to mention right away.
First, I play the Ps1 version of the game, so I don't have any sort of cheats that exist in latter versions. If whoever will follow this has a more recent version with any kind of cheats and finds them useful and more comfortable to play with, I have no problem with that. Just don't come asking me if any problem may be from a cheat, I'll have no idea.
Second, I have a very specific, but relatively easy, setup for this game. The basic is I only use Attack (always available), Draw, GF and Magic as my commands in battle. The only time I don't have this setup is while fighting PuPu, where I change Magic for Item to give him the Elixirs. In terms of junction, I simply use Auto Atk, I don't select each stat individually (save for one little moment where I do have to change it up a bit, but I'll mention it during the post); however, I will mention what did the Auto Atk placed in everyone before fighting any boss.
Third, what GFs you place in who is up to you, but I'll mention my own setup here as well, in case anyone wants to follow this 100%. But right to start, I always have Quetzalcoatl, Shiva and Ifrit in different people, and Quetzalcoatl is ALWAYS on Squall (and thus, always on Laguna. If Zell is the leader, he'll be the one with Quetzalcoatl as well). Shiva and Ifrit vary depending on the party formation, but overall Shiva goes more to Zell, Quistis or Rinoa while Ifrit goes to Selphie or Irvine (but again, it depends. I'll place every detail about my setups throughout the game, so don't worry in memorizing this, but do expect to see something around these lines).
Fourth, I go with the flow, level up normally, without a care in the world, and while at first I didn't even knew the enemies levelled up with you, after reading some monsters wiki, I discovered monsters have three ranks: Low, Medium and High, where Low usually goes from lv.1 to 9 or 19 (can't remember), Medium from lv. 10/20 (wherever Low ends) to 29 or 39 (depends on the enemy), and High goes from 30/40 (depending on the enemy again) to level 100. That said, from what I take from it, if an enemy is level 50, for example, it would have the same stats it does at level 40, so you still beat them easily. In other words, I have a feeling people overreact too much about the levels in this game, but I suppose that's subjective. Another thing worth mentioning: the higher the monster's rank (Low, Medium or High), the better the spells, meaning you can get spells like Firaga or Blizzaga sooner if you simply level up than if you acted as if levelling Squall one level meant the end of the world.
Of course, no one has to follow this 100%, and it's free to try out other commands and strategies they see fit. This is just how I do it, and I don't usually have big trouble with the game, so I figured this could benefit someone out there.
If by chance someone's here just to hear my way of doing things, but does it in a complete different way, I have no problem. There's more than one way to play the game, and everyone has theirs. So, for example, if you're the type that doesn't level up much or uses commands like Recover and Revive, you're still welcome to follow, but know that won't happen here.
If I created a post where I would show how I go to defeat the bosses in FFVIII (levels, junction, GFs abilities, some strategies and warnings, etc.), would anyone be interested in it? Seeing as some people often seem to have trouble with it, I'd like to know if anyone would like the possible help I can provide.
I just finished FFIV (and Rosa finally was useful in battle. I still don't like her), and I've been craving to play FFVIII again, even though I did so a few months ago (there's a post about it and everything. However, I didn't actually focus much on gameplay as I've done in other posts of the same kind).
I also plan on playing FFIX anytime now, so if there's no requests for this, I'll go for FFIX and play FFVIII after.
21 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
You have all those wonderful, high quality backgrounds, an entire CGI hapening, and then there's your low budget quality character moving in the middle of it.
I love that. It's something you no longer see and that makes me treasure FFVIII even more.
Damm, it's been so long. I barely remember most of what happens. Jk, I remember the main events, but most of the dialogue is lost to me.
Let's see how it will go..... It's been 2 years, I've heard many things I didn't know about the game. Let's see if that will change anything..... Doubt so, except the part where I actually would like to do the Girl with a Ponytail sidequest. You get items! Not that I'll use them, though.
Despite it all, the most important is to remember where all the GF and character cards are. For only when I actively search for them am I playing the game! For collector's purposes, of course. Literally nothing else.
Ah, that introduction, with that nostalgic march. Damm, I remember as if it was yesterday that it was thanks to it that I manage to understand a musical figure. And it plays, forever and ever in my head. Gotta love it!
Anyway, I have a train to go after, because that's one of my most favorite parts, so I better start.
I'm making this post in case anyone wants to know how my playthrough will go. Or if they want to ask any questions about how I play. Figure it would be nice to publish something about it.
I am about to start my Final Fantasy VIII playthrough, and by the time you read this I will have already started it, maybe beaten Ifrit before returning unless I need help with something else but you said Quistis will clearly explain how GF's and Junctions work.
I've taken notes already, realize I didn't have a page of notes until now coz I didn't think I'd ever want to play it but you persuaded me to.