Personally, I'd love if FFVIII got a Remake. They did say they wouldn't do it, that the PS4 Remaster was gonna be the last time they'd touch that one, but, and other people have noticed it too, they can and should remake it. Dive deeper into certain characters like Fujin and Raijin, let Squall NOT sound as if he suddenly just happened to have feelings for Rinoa, likely following a suggestion I talked about some time ago about overworld interactions that would heavily impact the parties relationships. Things like that.
They said FFIX and Tactics were gonna be remade, whatever happened to that. Actually, I heard Tactics would not really get a remake. I'm so confused about that one, at this point.
I've also seen someone commenting on making FFX in Unreal Engine 5, though that seems to be more for graphics than actual story, and if it's just that, I'd rather not.
Aside from that, with the Remake and Ever Crisis, I believe it's possible Square will remake or remaster at least Dirge of Cerberus. Not placing any bets on Before Crisis, even though I'd love if they brought it back, but at least DoC has a chance.