33 Votes in Poll
It would've been nice to see what Ward was up to in the D-District Prison, since Zell mentioned what he did here, but we never saw a cutscene of Ward being an actual Janitor.
It would also show the relation of Ward with the Galbadian Guards in Uniforms, as well as with the other prisoners, and even with the Galbadian Soldiers.
I think Celes is already traumatized enough with the Gestahlian Empire. Plus, Kefka throwing Gestahl off was more cool than him just dying being slashed, not to mention a bit unexpected (because it was obvious Gestahl favored Kefka over the others).
I don't see why should we see Barret building his gun. Actually, he mentions it was a surgery, to the point that's what made him understand Dyne was alive, as he took the same one. I really don't understand this one.
I was bit like "What do mean Alternate scene? This already happens in the game" about the Ward one, then figured you meant to actual get a view of it. But wanna know what I say? I say no, because then there's no fun in exploring the D-District Prison, that, personally, is one of the coolest dungeons of the game. Sure, seeing Ward is always great, but I like the mystery that being simply mentioned builds up (plus, we make Zell look smart). Besides, it actually happens in the game, you just don't see it, so it's not much of an alternate scene, more of an extra one.
I really don't understand the fourth topic, but that's probably due to me not even understanding the vocabulary. What is it about, really? Their love scene? No, wait, that's in Disc 3... I don't get it....
Kuja slitting Brahne's throat I can both picture it and not at the same time. Why? Because I view Kuja as a very rebellious person, more than the game even shows, that namely in Dissidia is basically just "Nobody can fuck with me. I'm so badass, no one can fuck with me" (yes, Vine reference), and inclusive is slightly more open about his past, often even showing his old self, which I headcanon that, fighting style wise, was similar to Zidane, in that he used daggers in battles (I do headcanon that it's basically Genome protocol to have a dagger always with you) (so basically he just goes and holds almost everyone at knife point often). That said, I can picture him do that, even more because he certainly is a master of torture (if his palace isn't proof enough). HOWEVER, I'm finding that to be rather messy, and thus far from ideal for Kuja, because we clearly see he isn't up to stain himself, instead letting others staining themselves in his place. Hey, man's got to keep his beauty up, can't stain it (just look at how mad he was when Garland made the Invincible blow up Alexandria and that destroyed his figure). Plus, Brahne being killed Bahamut really served her right (and was pretty badass); got killed by what she sought, it's karma.
I'm still picking the none option.
I have explained about the fourth choice before.
After Garnet, Zidane, and Vivi escape after the third Beatrix boss fight, no one sees what Steiner and Beatrix do after the trio arrive in Lindblum from the Pinnacle Rocks, before going to Madain Sari to recruit Eiko Carol.
They stay in the castle, alongside Freya, Marcus and Blank. I still don't understand the phrasing of it. It's not like they were captured or anything. They had to stay and make sure the kingdom wouldn't become a big ruckus, guarantee to the people everything was fine, watch the place in both Garnet's and Brahne's (who was off to the sea) ausence. They kinda became the regents for some days there, with Freya probably giving a hand, and Marcus and Blank too.
I really don't get what's so important of knowing what's happening there.....
When I was a kid playing Final Fantasy IX on the PlaystationOne, I thought that both Steiner and Beatrix were going to be captured and killed on orders of Queen Brahne, as they were both responsible for Garnet's escape, since I never saw a scene of what happened to them both.
What do you think?