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Ffcc rebenatera

Rebena Te Ra in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

Rebena Te Ra (レベナ・テ・ラ en la versión original en japonés) es una de las ciudades disponibles en la saga Final Fantasy.


Esta ciudad aparece en el mundo de la serie de Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Es el homónimo de las Llanuras de Rebena.


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]

Ffcc mapicon rebenatera

Plantilla:Quote Before the advent of Miasma, Rebena Te Ra was populated by an enlightened civilization made up of the four tribes during the Golden Age. However, the civilization fell around the time the miasma began spreading throughout the land, leaving a large ruin full of Cerberuses, Wraiths, Gargoyles, and Mimics. At the former throne room of the city dwells a Lich. As to be expected, the ruins provide a excellent place for magic to center and focus. With this untamed energy also spawns Nightmares and Skeletons.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]

RoF Rebena Te Ra

Rebena Te Ra.

During this time the city is filled with the four different tribes and ruled under King Kolka. Rebena Te Ra is the only town with shops. Most of the story takes place here. The Crystal Temple and Old Town can be reached from this city.

  • The Royal Castle - where King Kolka resides. In Multiplayer Mode, players can come here to accept missions from the King. In Story Mode the party will be allowed to enter after defeating the boss in Abyssus Forest. The Lich from the Shadowland is also fought inside the Drawing Room for a second time. During this fight the party is assisted by either Chelinka or Princess Tilika.
  • Rebena Te Ra Cavern - Lies beneath the city. It is also home to a great expanse of untouched Crystal.


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]




Nombre Coste Disponible
Hatchet 110
Espada de bronce 130
Espada de hierro 200 Clear Old Town
Espada bastarda 350 Clear Mount Vaal
Gladius 430 Clear Abyssus Forest
Brave Sword 540 Clear Rela Cyel
Defender 650 Clear Sinners' Isle
Espada de mitrilo 1100 Clear Rela Cyel Past
Colossus Blade 2100 Clear Hill Caves (2nd Playthrough)
Guardián 2600 Clear Old Town (2nd Playthrough)
Wooden Staff 110
Oak Staff 130
Power Staff 430 Clear Abyssus Forest
Earth Staff 540 Clear Rela Cyel
Mythril Rod 1100 Clear Rela Cyel Past
Stardust Staff 2100 Clear Hill Caves (2nd Playthrough)
Sun Staff 2600 Clear Old Town (2nd Playthrough)


Nombre Coste Disponible
Arco de madera 110
Arco corto 130
Arco de hierro 200 Clear Old Town
Killer Bow 350 Clear Mount Vaal
War Bow 430 Clear Abyssus Forest
Ranger's Bow 540 Clear Rela Cyel
Hero's Bow 650 Clear Sinners' Isle
Mythril Bow 1100 Clear Rela Cyel Past
Bravery Bow 2100 Clear Hill Caves (2nd Playthrough)
Ballista 2600 Clear Old Town (2nd Playthrough)
Wooden Hammer 110
Oak Mallet 130
Iron Ladle 200 Clear Old Town
Steel Ladle 350 Clear Mount Vaal
Iron Mace 430 Clear Abyssus Forest
Mythril Ladle 1100 Clear Rela Cyel Past
Hell's Spoon 2100 Clear Hill Caves (2nd Playthrough)
Sun Mace 2500 Clear Old Town (2nd Playthrough)


Name Cost Available
Power Ring 60
Magic Ring 60
Guard Ring 60
Life Ring 60
Skill Ring 60
Flame Badge 100
Frost Badge 100
Thunder Badge 100


Name Cost Available
Novice's Skullcap 5
Novice's Sallet 10
Bronze Helm 50
Green Hat 100
Iron Helm 160
Red Hat 110
Blue Hat 110
Dragoon Sallet 180
Black Mage Hood 120
White Mage Hood 120
Knight Helm 200
Orange Cone Hat 190
Blue Cone Hat 190
Yellow Cone Hat 190
Dragon Sallet 230
Mythril Helm 390
Bronze Sallet 750
Green Cap 710
Iron Casque 800
Red Cap 750
Blue Cap 750
Legioneer Sallet 1000
Knight Visor 1650
Orange Magic Hat 1300
Blue Magic Hat 1300
Yellow Magic Hat 1300


Name Cost Available
Novice's Cuirass 10
Novice's Harness 25
Travel Clothes 120
Bronze Corslet 180
Green Clothes 140
Iron Armor 225
Red Clothes 200
Blue Clothes 200
Dragoon Harness 260
Black Mage Robe 210
White Mage Robe 210
Knight Armor 320
Orange Outfit 280
Blue Outfit 280
Yellow Outfit 280
Dragon Harness 350
Silver Corslet 350
Armadura de mitrilo 600
Caravan Clothes 1000
Armadura de bronce 1100
Green Bard Garb 880
Iron Plate 1300
Red Bard Garb 1250
Blue Bard Garb 1250
Legioner Harness 1700
Knight Plate 2500
Orange Robe 2200
Blue Robe 2200
Yellow Robe 2200
Victory Clothes 10,000
Layle's Jacket 1,000,000



Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]


Todos los ciclos
  • Mimic
  • Skeleton
  • Ghost
  • Nightmare
  • Bat
  • Sonic Bat
  • Skeleton Mage
  • Gárgola
  • Wraith
  • Cerbero
  • Lich (jefe)


Support Monster
  • Esqueleto mago


Temas musicales[]

¡Importante! Este archivo es un clip de audio de Final Fantasy, y todos sus derechos están reservados a Square, Squaresoft o Square-Enix,
que no está(n) afiliado(s) ni a la Wiki de Final Fantasy en Español, ni a Wikia.
Esta archivo sólo puede ser usada en un contexto informativo y educativo.

Al mismo tiempo, este clip de audio está siendo usada bajo las condiciones de uso legítimo, porque:

  • No está completo
  • No limita a Square, Squaresoft o Square-Enix (o, en su defecto, a quien corresponda) su derecho de vender el producto.
  • Tiene completa relación con el artículo en el cual está incluida
  • Este archivo se usa sólo con propósito informativo, educacional (o paródico).

The theme of Rebena Te Ra is called "When the Northern Skies are Clear". It is the only theme that has vocals in it.


En Ring of Fates, se cuenta que Rebena Te Ra significa "gobierna las estrellas" en un lenguaje desconocido. Podría ser un pseudoanagrama de su propio significado.


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