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Plantilla:Infobox character

Plantilla:Quote Nabriales is a character from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. He is one of the Ascians introduced during the epilogue of 2.0's story arc, and later appears in Patch 2.5 as an antagonist seeking Louisoix's staff.


Plantilla:Quote Nabriales, along with many other Ascians, joined Lahabrea in a dark environment that obscured their faces in shadow. They commented how Bahamut had been stirring again after Ultima Weapon's fall, and that the other primals would soon follow as the Reckoning drew near.

Nabriales later questioned Elidibus's intentions for approaching Minfilia Warde and the Warrior of Light, as he did not share Elidibus's interest in how these mortals had grown powerful in the gift.Plantilla:Cite

Nabriales and the other Ascians met after Ramuh yielded to the Warrior of Light.Plantilla:Cite He was later seen masked (though initially unnamed), commenting on Iceheart withdrawing after being defeated in the form of Shiva, and noting Lahabrea "will be pleased" (to his chagrin).


The adventurer casts a beam of light on Nabriales using the Tupsimati.

Nabriales confronted the Warrior of Light and Moenbryda in Northern Thanalan, sensing that the Warrior was no longer blessed by Hydaelyn's (due to Midgardsormr's actions), and therefore no longer a threat to the Ascians.Plantilla:Cite As Hydaelyn's Blessing also kept the Ascians from attacking the Scions of the Seventh Dawn directly, Nabriales headed to the Rising Stone where he wounded Moenbryda when she attempted to strike him down. Nabriales revealed his intention to use the stone tablet fragment embedded in Tupsimati and begin the next Umbral Calamity.

Plantilla:Quote Since Minfilia refused to relinquish the item, and knowing Elidibus would be furious, Nabriales simply spirited away her and the staff to the Chrysalis in the Aetherial Rift. Following him into the portal, the Warrior of Light defeated Nabriales and returned Minfilia to the Rising Stones. Nabriales followed, reconstituting himself while explaining he would keep returning for the staff no matter how many times he was banished. Moenbryda tossed Minfilia a White Auracite to trap Nabriales in while the Warrior of Light used Tupsimati to fire a aether-filled blast at the crystal. With not enough aether to shatter the crystal, Moenbryda transferred her own life force into the staff giving it the amount needed to erase the Ascian.

Lahabrea and Elidibus would later discuss Nabriales's fate. While the two did not grieve over their comrade's death, both were concerned that the Scions were able to permanently kill the Ascian rather than force his soul to retreat.



Nabriales wears a black leather hooded coat with purple markings and adornments. He initially forgoes wearing a mask, and while his face is always obscured in shadow, his form is that of a Midlander Hyur male with light brown or blond hair. He is later seen with a red, almost ribcage-like mask, with sideburns. In battle, a red emblem appears over his face.


Nabriales is pretentious, smug, and speaks in a nasal tone. He has a low opinion of Lahabrea, at one point describing him as an "overweening presence". He seems to yield to Elidibus, as he refrains from killing Minfilia because the Emissary "would never let him hear the end of it". By his own admission, Nabriales is more impatient than his fellow Ascians, and immediately moved to assault the Scions of the Seventh Dawn upon sensing the Warrior of Light's loss of Hydaelyn's blessing while the other Ascians were content to wait and focus on other schemes.


Being an Ascian, Nabriales is a sorcerer able to wield Dark magic. He possesses some manner of time magic, able to temporarily trap the Warrior of Light in a plane with meteorites raining from the sky.


Articulo principal: Chrysalis (Final Fantasy XIV)

Nabriales is fought as the boss of trial The Chrysalis The Chrysalis. This battle is known among fans for being the only MSQ trial to not possess an extreme mode (following Patch 6.2's release), as well as the common wipes on his time magic mechanic.

Nabriales' Shade appears as an add during The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy, during the first part of the second phase. His Shade repeats the mechanics seen in the Chrysalis.

Musical themes[]

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Nabriales's appearances are all accompanied by "Without Shadow".


Nabriales is voiced by Masumi Yoshida in the Japanese version.

He is voiced by Gideon Emery in the English version, who also voices Urianger Augurelt from Final Fantasy XIV and Balthier from Final Fantasy XII.



"Nabriales" refers to the light scion "Nabriales, the Majestic" referred to in the profile of Cúchulainn from Final Fantasy XII. The glyph that appears when Nabriales is channeling magic is the bottom portion of Cúchulainn's glyph, only inverted.


