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Plantilla:Infobox party member Kytes es uno de los personajes disponibles en la saga Final Fantasy.


Kyes aparece en el juego Final Fantasy: Revenant Wings, y es un líder de grupo a cargo de su propia tropa de Yarhi en el juego. Kytes's role in battle is that of a Black Mage. His skills are Black Magick, and he gains the ability to charge up and then cast stronger spells. He has high Magick Power, but his Defense and Speed are low. His Quickening, Nature's Wrath, deals powerful damage of a random element to all enemies in range. It is obtained by defeating Chaos. He writes some entries to the party's Logbook.


Nombre Nivel Descripción Imagen
Firaga 2 Deal Fire damage to all foes in range. RW Firaga
Blizzaga 7 Deal Water damage to all foes in range. RW Blizzaga
Bio 12 Inflict Poison on all foes in range. RW Bio
Thundaga 18 Deal Thunder damage to all foes in range. RW Thundaga
Stonega 25 Deal Earth damage to all foes in range. RW Stonega
Charge 33 Gather magick power, increasing potency of next spell. RW Charge
Flare 42 Deal heavy damage to one foe. RW Flare
Nature's Wrath Earned after beating Chaos in Mission 39 Deal heavy elemental damage to all foes in range. RW Nature's Wrath


Kytes's rod sprite.

Kytes wields various rods in battle. Depending on his weapon properties, his elemental spells' power can be boosted accordingly. His ultimate weapon is Zeus Mace, a lightning-elemental rod that attacks in three directions. It is forged with the Hammer of Lightning.

He equips robes for armor. His ultimate robe is the Lordly Robes, which on top of having great stats on its own, also boosts all of Kytes's attributes. It is rewarded for "Mission 79: Wings of Midnight".

Kytes's pouches confer various bonuses, from increased magick power and magick damage, immunity to Poison, additional loot drops, and shorter cast time for magicks.

Plantilla:Navbox XIIRW
