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Plantilla:Infobox character

Plantilla:Quote Igeyorhm is an antagonist from Final Fantasy XIV, and one of the Ascian overlords. Though briefly seen during the events of A Realm Reborn, she doesn't have significant story involvement until Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward.


In the Thirteenth, Igeyorhm's machinations caused an imbalance that flooded the world in darkness and rendered it a nigh-empty void. The Ascians deemed the Thirteenth unable to be rejoined with the Source, as its surviving denizens transformed into voidsent. Igeyorhm sought to redeem herself by aiding Lahabrea in preparing the Source for their agenda.[1]

Igeyorhm watched the Warrior of Light defeat the primal Ravana, and appeared in the company of Archbishop Thordan VII after the fall of Bismarck, where she noted the Blessing of Light had been regained at weaker intensity. Using a dark energy beam, she forced the Warrior of Light to relinquish the key to Azys Lla, enabling the archbishop to open the way to the forbidden continent. Plantilla:Quote

XIV Ascian Prime

Ascian Prime

Igeyorhm and Lahabrea confronted the Warrior of Light at the bottom of the Aetherochemical Research Facility. After being overwhelmed by the Warrior's strength and fully reactivated Blessing, they fused into an Ascian Prime who was defeated and separated, with Igeyorhm suggesting they flee. The Warrior of Light trapped her in a shard of White Auracite before using the immense powers of the Eye of Nidhogg to shatter the crystal, destroying Igeyohrm for good.


In Amaurot's Convocation of Fourteen, the position of Igeyorhm was given to the champion of enlightenment and rhetoric.


Igeyohrm dresses similar to her black-robed brethren, albeit with a different design on her red mask.

She has the same hairstyle as Lightning from the Final Fantasy XIII series.


Much like Lahabrea, Igeyorhm is confident and cold, and like her fellow Ascians, she is devoted to her god, Zodiark. She is arrogant, refusing to accept or believe in defeat.


Plantilla:See Igeyorhm and Lahabrea are fought as the penultimate boss of Heavensward, at the end of the Aetherochemical Research Facility. Upon being defeated, they fuse into the powerful Ascian Prime.

Igeyorhm's Shade appears as an add along with Lahabrea's Shade in The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy, during the second part of the second phase. They repeat the same mechanics seen in the Aetherochemical Research Facility. Upon being defeated, they fuse into Ascian Prime's Shade.

Musical themes[]

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Igeyorhm's appearances are accompanied by "Without Shadow".



"Igeyohrm" refers to the light scion "Martyr Igeyohrm" referred to in the profile of Shemhazai from Final Fantasy XII. The glyph that appears when Igeyohrm is channeling magic is almost identical to the bottom portion of Shemhazai's, only inverted.



  1. Encyclopædia Eorzea: The World of Final Fantasy XIV, p. 213