Cocobuki Lolobuki (ココブキ・ロロブキ en la versión en japonés) es un personaje no jugable disponible en la saga Final Fantasy .
Descripción [ ]
Este PNJ aparece en Final Fantasy XIV . Es el mayor de seis hermanos (Cocobygo , Cocobani , Cocobezi , Cocoboha y Cocobusi ). A excepción del más joven, todos los hermanos comparten la tarea de maestro del Gremio de los Taumaturgos en Arrzaneth Ossuary , donde este tipo de guerrero debe entrenarse.
Historia [ ]
The day after the Battle of Carteneau , Cocobuki and his brothers formed a posse with Sultana Nanamo Ul Namo to restore order to Ul'dah in the immediate aftermath. After the previous guildmaster, Mumuepo , was arrested on charges of embezzlement, the thaumaturge brothers became joint Guildmaster of the Thaumaturges' Guild.[1] [2]
Once the Warrior of Light joined the Thaumaturges' Guild, Cocobuki instructed them to learn the lessons his brothers took from "The Threat of Intimacy", the first chapter from Zozomaya's lauded guide Thaumaturgy: The Yawning Abyss . The passage recited by Cocobygo warned that a thaumaturge would do well to keep her enemies at a distance.
Cocobuki encounters Mormo draining the energy of a thaumaturge.
After discovering that the Mageslayer was actually Cocobusi possessed, Cocobuki studied the Book of Mormo in hopes of finding a method of reversing this. After locating Mormo, Cocobuki offered to have his aetheric energy drained so that the voidsent could assume a physical form and leave Cocobusi's body. Once this was done, the Warrior of Light and the other brothers defeated the succubus.
During the Eorzean Alliance 's attack on Garlean-occupied Ala Mhigo , Cocobuki led the Thaumaturges' Guild as they brought down the city's gates.
Cocobuki and his brothers were selected to be part of the Ilsabard Contingent, a joint operation between nations across the world to enter Garlemald and fight the Telophoroi .
Characteristics [ ]
Appearance [ ]
Cocobuki is a Dunesfolk Lalafell wearing a black cowl. He is wearing a full set of Darklight armor, minus the accessories. His Darklight Cowl of Casting is of a unique design, omitting the usual ornate patterning on the sleeves and back. His face is partially covered with bandages.
Personality [ ]
Cocobuki assumes the role of a parental figure to his younger brothers, taking on the "responsibility for their misadventures". A private person by nature, he takes great effort in keeping his familial life separated from his work. Upholding a stoic presence of professionalism, personal strife (as illustrated by the dramatic events involving his youngest brother, Busi) impassions him to outburst, resulting in his great embarrassment.
Surprisingly empathetic for a person who tries to be objective, a dark sense of humor may sometimes accent his words of encouragement. He favors arrangements of mutual benefit when confronted with conflicting situations. Often playing the moderator in events involving a disagreement in viewpoints between parties.
Second only to family, his self-proclaimed duty in life concerns the amassment of knowledge and forming a foundation for future generations.
Jugabilidad [ ]
Cocobuki asigna todas las misiones de la clase Taumaturgo .
Galeróa [ ]
Arte de "The Rising" (2020)
Citas [ ]
Allusions - Artwork - Benchmark - Locations - Patch Notes - Timeline - Translations - Wallpapers
Eorzean Alliance leaders
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn - Kan-E-Senna - Raubahn Aldynn - Nanamo Ul Namo - Aymeric de Borel
Limsa Lominsa
Alka Zolka - Baderon Tenfingers - Bloeidin - Brayflox Alltalks - Brithael Spade - Carvallain de Gorgagne - Ceana - Eynzahr Slafyrsyn - Foerzagyl - Fyrilsunn - Ga Bu - Gegeruju - H'naanza Esi - Hasthwab - Hyllfyr Faezmoensyn - Jacke Swallow - K'lyhia - K'rhid Tia - Keltlona - Lorens Bloefhisyn - Lyngsath Hyllbornsyn - Madison - Mimidoa Nanadoa - P'ebaloh - R'ashaht Rhiki - Reyner Hansred - Rhoswen Leach - Riol Forrest - Rostnsthal - S'dhodjbi - Shamani Lohmani - Sicard Spence - Sisipu Sipu - Wawalago Momolago - Wheiskaet Rysswoerdsyn - Wyrnzoen Saelsmyndsyn
Amandine - A-Ruhn-Senna - Beatin Mainrocquet - Buscarron Stacks - Drake Rhodes - E-Sumi-Yan - Edda - Frixio - Fufucha Fucha - Gerolt Blackthorn - Geva Storke - Guydelot Thildonnet - Isildaure Vellegrance - Janremi Blackheart - Jehantel Fointeaume - Kuplo Kopp - Landenel Peaumasquier - Laurentius Daye - Lewin Hunte - Luciane Corne - Millith Ironheart - Miounne - Noraxia - O-App-Pesi - Raya-O-Senna - Rolfe Hawthorne - Swethryk Brookstone - Swethyna Brookstone - Tatabaru - Tataramu - Vorsaile Heuloix - Ywain Deepwell - Y'mhitra Rhul
Adalberta Sterne - Cocobuki Lolobuki - Dewlala Dewla - Eline Roaille - F'hobhas - Fyrgeiss Loetkilbsyn - Greinfarr Redblade - Hamon Holyfist - Iliud - Kikipu Kipu - Lewena - Lolorito Nanarito - Memeriga - Meriel - Momodi Modi - Mumuepo - Mutamix Bubblypots - Mylla Swordsong - Nedrick Ironheart - Nenekko Nekko - Papashan Nonoshan - Pipin Tarupin - Popokkuli - Redolent Rose - Serendipity - Seserukka - Severian Lyctor - Swift Ryder - Teledji Adeledji - U'odh Nunh - Ungust - Valiant Hart - Yuyuhase Luluhase - Zirnberk Fyrgeissyn
Mor Dhona
Koh Rabntah - Rammbroes Zasertylsyn - Rhesh Polaali - Rowena - Slafborn Rhotweitzsyn - Talan
Adelphel de Chevraudan - Alberic Bale - Archombadin - Artoirel de Fortemps - Audaine - Augebert Brasher - Aurvael de Haillenarte - Ayleth - Baurendouin de Haillenarte - Charlemend de Durendaire - Charibert de Leusignac - Dominiac - Drillemont de Lasserrant - Edmont de Fortemps - Elaisse Poole - Emmanellain de Fortemps - Estinien Varlineau - Firmalbert - Foncrineau - Forlemort - Francel de Haillenarte - Gibrillont Rivaumaiche - Gontrandoix - Grinnaux de Dzemael - Guerrique de Montrohain - Guillaime - Guillefresne - Handeloup de Daimbaux - Haumeric de Peulagnon - Haurchefant Greystone - Hautdlong - Hermenost de la Treaumaille - Hilda Ware - Honoroit Banlardois - Hourlinet - Ignasse de Vesnaint - Jandelaine de Dzemael - Janlenoux de Courcillant - Jannequinard de Durendaire - Jantellot de Thelomaire - Julchiezain - Laniaitte de Haillenarte - Lucia Junius - Lycelle - Marcelloix Mourelz - Noalle - Noudenet de Jaimberd - Paulecrain de Fanouilley - Pehainel - Peyraquile Bomptond - Rasequin - Redwald Younge - Ronantain - Saintrelmaux - Sidurgu Orl - Sigan - Stephanivien de Haillenarte - Tarresson de Dzemael - Thomelin - Thordan VII - Vellguine de Bourbagne - Ysayle Dangoulain - Zephirin de Valhourdin
Adkiragh - Ehll Tou - Ess Khas - Faunehm - Kester Ironheart - Khloe Aliapoh - Loupard - Marcechamp Lierresanteau - Matoya - Midnight Dew - Moghan - Moglin - Mogleo - Mogmug - Mogwin - Ohl Deeh - Q'yantaa - Roundrox Mazenot - Slowfix Cointoss - T'kebbe Morh - Vath Storyteller - Vedrfolnir - Vidofnir - Zhloe Aliapoh
Ala Mhigo
Alpa - Conrad Kemp - Fordola Lupis - Giff Boarshead - The Griffin - Gundobald - Ilberd Feare - J'moldva - J'olhmyn Abah - M'naago Rahz - M'rahz Nunh - M'zhet Tia - Meffrid Noward - Orella Rushton - Raganfrid Bleaker - Sarisha - Ulger Ironheart - Wilred Glasse - Wiscar Marshe
Garlean Empire
Alfonse Baelsar - Allie Baelsar - Asahi Brutus - Aulus Asina - Cato Mammula - Clarricie Priscus - Dabog Inivisch - Daguza Sus - Drusilla Varus - Dyunbu Potitus - Fabineau Soranus - Gaius Baelsar - Galla Longus - Gilbrisbert Buteo - Grynewaht Arvina - Hernais Longus - Jullus Norbanus - Licinia Corculum - Livia Junius - Llofii Potitus - Lugae - Lyon Helsos - Maxima Priscus - Menenius Lanatus - Midas Garlond - Milisandia Baelsar - Nael Darnus - Nero Scaeva - Nerva Galvus - Noah Gabranth - Pagaga Vochstein - Quintus Cinna - Regula Hydrus - Rex Baelsar - Rhitahtyn Arvina - Ricon Baelsar - Sadr Albeleo - Sartauvoir Soranus - Sicinius Vellutus - Solus Galvus - Titus Galvus - Valens Varro - Varis Galvus - Vergilia Corculum - Vitus Messalla - Volusus Malicus - Yamatsumi Urabe - Zenos Galvus
Ahewann bin Alzadaal - Ardashir Balyk - Jalzahn Daemir - Kancana - Khalzahl bin Mihrasaf - Matsya - Mehryde bihn Shinan - Mehvan bihn Vaazmeira - Nahbdeen bin Pashe - Nidhana - Pasareen bihn Rusheraf - Qerasaf bin Shirashir - Qulsun bihn Aphmau - Racashir bin Fahleel - Sula - Varshahn - Vrtra - Yezahn bin Qulhudi - Zasshal
Adis - Aggie Glover - Bajsaljen Ulgasch - Blaz Azetina - Isolde Covey - Lovro Slanasch - Marsak Apella - Meryall Miller - Misija Votyasch - Mladen - Ratimir - Rostik Liubasch - Stanik Alubov - Tugeim - Velibor Azetina - Xeven Svanasch
Hancock Fitzgerald - Ichian Matsuba - Kikimo Kimo - Kotokaze Benitoki - Yamabuki
Ruby Sea
Hansaku Ushikai - Hisui Sui - Ikaruga Hatasashi - Inban - Kurenai Shisui - Koruri Mizuhiki - Nayoshi Kaifu - Rasho Mastbreaker - Shiosai Sui - Soroban - Suzume Kaisuri - Tansui - Tsukikage Urabe
Azami Shibunuri - Ginko and Kinko - Gosetsu Daito - Hakuro Gunji - Hien Rijin - Hozan Nagae - Ihanashi Bakuro - Isse Shibunuri - Kozakura Gyoji - Kurobana Gunji - Oboro Torioi - Tamamo Gozen - Yozan Nagae - Yugiri Mistwalker - Yotsuyu Brutus
Azim Steppe
Altani Dataq - Anarba Dataq - Bulugan Adarkim - Chambui Dazkar - Cirina Mol - Daidukul Buduga - Dayan Hotgo - Gurbesu Goro - Ibakha Uyagir - Iturgen Qestir - Jebei Gesi - Khalja Dataq - Magnai Oronir - Mide Hotgo - Nayaga - Ogul Khatayin - Sadu Dotharl - Sokhatai Dataq - Temulun Mol
Atori Moribe - Kosyu
Four Lords
Four Lords (Byakko - Genbu - Seiryu - Suzaku ) - Koryu
Ameliance Leveilleur - Babeth Ironheart - Barnier Clarke - Bloewyda Uwilsyngwyn - Claudien - Clive - Dickon Denman - Ejika Tsunjika - Erenville - Fourchenault Leveilleur - Galuf Baldesion - Kagura Jinba - Koh Rabntah - Kokkol Dankkol - Kytte Kirk - Matoya - Mikoto Jinba - Moenbryda Wilfsunnwyn - Montichaigne Mongrignois - Nemjiji - Nenelymo Totolymo - Ojika Tsunjika - Rammbroes Zasertylsyn - Sevestre Albright - Vtorak Vetasch - Wilfsunn Tragbharsyn
Br'uk Evu - Elsebee Ironheart - Fonjeantaine - Gulool Ja Ja - Koana - Namikka - Sareel Ja - Wuk Lamat - Zoraal Ja
Kaahe - Linuhanu - Rakorok - Rediroq - Wuk Evu - Zanuhali
Bol Noq' - Gurfurlur - Havli - Mablu - Miplu - Gobli - Tobli - Zurmurwur
Yak T'el
Bakool Ja Ja - Gosaal Ja - Hunmu Rruk - Ketenramm - Miilal Ja - Zereel Ja
Hhwato - Iyaate - Kemakka - Nitowikwe - Shenza - Shepetto - Wawlika - Wihuwte - Zawpya - Zekowa
Alayla - Brute Bomber - Cahciua - Ecaate - Emeline Ironheart - Eutrope - Gabbro - Genolt - Geode - Gulool Ja - Honey B. Lovely - Metem - Naahe - Nakente - Neyuni - Nostalgia - Pepoane - Otis Velona - Robor - Shale - Shaloaci - Sphene - Strika - Teeshal Ja - Wayakkwe - Yaana
Warriors of Darkness
Ardbert Hylfyst - Branden - Cyella Valthane - Lamitt - Nyelbert - Renda-Rae
The Crystarium
Beq Lugg - Bragi - Cassard - Chessamile Lakirk - Crystal Exarch - Gaia - Glynard - Katliss Horhand - Lyna - Moren Morkirk - Ryne Waters - Szem Djenmai - Theyler Skyehand - Tobyl Mudplowe - Xamott - Vonard
Callea Skyekirk - Mauwyl Mudkirk - Nielden - Tolas Valkirk
Chai-Nuzz Mewlah - Dulia-Chai Mewlah - Jongleurs of Eulmore - Mowen Freepurse - Ran'jit - Tista-Bie Amari - Vauthry - Veronth Mudthane - Wrenden
Anogg and Konogg - Eueliss Hylplowe - Grithil Ketchpurse - Irvithe Ketchand - Kai-Shirr Olkoh - Ronitt - Sai-Lewq Jinal - Theva Valfyst - Tristol Horpurse - Xamott
Amh Araeng
Ghen Gen - Ghun Gun - Halric - Jamial Nabaath - Jeryk Motplowe - Magnus - Rhon Ron - Tesleen Stoneplowe - Thaffe Morhand
Il Mheg
Aenc Thon - Ezel II - Feo Ul - Seto - Titania - Tonatiuh - Tyr Beq
The Rak'tika Greatwood
Almet - Chaqurl Qhotl - Ciuna - Cymet - Lanille - Phyna - Qhoterl Pasol - Qitarl Natl - Quinfort - Runar - Uimet - Valan
The Tempest
Grenoldt Freethane - Hythlodaeus - Paushs Ooan - Tolshs Aath
Mare Lamentorum
Livingway - Loporrits - The Watcher
Ultima Thule
Dragons - Ea - Grebuloffs - Karellians - Meteion - N-7000 - Nibirun - Omicrons
Ifrit - Titan - Garuda - Leviathan - Ramuh - Shiva - Enkidu - Good King Moggle Mog XII - Odin - Phoenix - Bahamut - Ravana - Bismarck - Knights of the Round - Alexander - Warring Triad (Sephirot - Sophia - Zurvan ) - Susano - Lakshmi - Shinryu - Tsukuyomi - Eureka - Magus Sisters - Anima - Zodiark - Hydaelyn
The Twelve
Althyk - Azeyma - Byregot - Halone - Llymlaen (Perykos and Thalaos ) - Menphina - Nald'thal - Nophica - Nymeia - Oschon - Rhalgr - Thaliak
Barbariccia - Cagnazzo - Cloud of Darkness - Diabolos - Ferdiad - Golbez - Rubicante - Scathach - Scarmiglione - Zero
Elementals - Nybeth Obdilord
Eorzea Gridania
A-Towa-Cant - I-Ohok-Pota - Jorin Pota
Limsa Lominsa
Agatzahr Roehmerlsyn - Bloefhis Bloefhisyn - Elilwaen - Rycharde Mistbeard
Baldurf Thorne - Edvya Thorne - Lalafuto III - Sasagan Ul Sisigan
Driancoin de Haillenarte - Flavien de Fortemps - Guenriol de Durendaire - Haldrath - Ompagne - Sylvetrel de Dzemael - Thordan I
Ala Mhigo
Curtis Hext - Theodoric
Ahldbhar - Lewphon - Nyunkrepf Nyunkrepfsyn
Far Eastern
Ganen Rijin - Kaien Rijin - Kanzan Mitsurugi - Sasuke - Tenzen - Zuiko Buhen
Allagan Empire
Amon - Artorius - Doga - Noah - Phlegethon - Unei - Xande
Agrias Oaks - Alma Beoulve - Argath Thadalfus - Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca - Cidolfus Orlandeau - Delita Heiral - Mustadio Bunansa - Orran Durai - Ramza Beoulve - Rasler B'nargin Dalmasca - Ultima, the High Seraph
Blackburn - Chuchumu - Corguevais - Deaustie - Dreues - Dunstan - Emerick - Eolande Quiveron - Esperaunce - Faustigeant - Fye - Hob - Hurrey - I'llofii - Isaudorel - J'arhll - Keelty - Khrimm - Lalatta - Louisoix Leveilleur - Mannskoen - Marcelloix - Merodaulyn - Morys - Nael Darnus - Naida Zamaida - Nananoby - Niellefresne Thaudour - Nogeloix - Oha-Sok - Ouvielle - Pascaleret Neurtaille - Path Companion - Percevains - Powle - Prudentia - Pulmia - Qhota Nbolo - Qoqoba - Rychyld - S'lyhhia - Sansa - Satzfloh - Siward - Soileine - Telent - Titinin - Troxia - Vairemont - Waekbyrt - Warburton - Willelda - Wybir - Yoyobina - Yuhelmeric - Zezekuta
Pauldia - Sauldia - Tadric - Tiuna
The World Unsundered
Agdistis - Alkaios - Athena - Azem - Charmion - Elidibus - Emet-Selch - Erichthonios - Euanthe - Hegemone - Hesperos - Hermes - Hythlodaeus - Kleon - Lahabrea - Maira - Meteion - Sokles - Venat
Basch Gabranth - Gunnhildr - Roddard Ironheart - Shatotto Shato
Chronicles of a New Era
2B - 2P - 9S - Alma Lexentale - Alxaal - Anogg and Konogg - Ba'Gamnan - Bwagi Ennze Panca - Cait Sith - Deryk - Fran Eruyt - Jenomis Lexentale (Arazlam Durai) - Leofard Myste - Lina Mewrilah - Mikoto Jinba - Montblanc - Prishe - Radlia Keene - Ramza Lexentale - Severa Souther - Snoegeim - Stacia Myste - Utata Uta - Valdeaulin Ganathain - Wandering Dramaturge
Hildibrand Adventures
Briardien de Manseauguel - Cecy - Cyr Blyme - Delion - Ellie Ryse - Gigi - Gilgamesh - Godbert Manderville - Hildibrand Manderville - Jubraca - Julyan Manderville - Nashu Mhakaracca - Typhon - Ultros
Allied Societies
Amalj'aa - Sylphs - Kobolds - Sahagin - Ixal - Vanu Vanu - Vath - Moogles - Kojin - Ananta - Namazu - Pixies - Qitari - Dwarves - Arkasodara - Omicron - Loporrits - Pelupelu
Related NPCs
13th Order Fugleman Zo Ga - 235th Order Alchemist Bi Bi - 789th Order Acolyte Ba Go - 789th Order Pickman Gi Gu - Alpa - An Lad - Chaqurl Qhotl - Ezel II - Govv - Gyoka - Gyoshin - Hamujj Gah - Kabuto - Linu Vani - Linu Vanu - Liplu - Loonh Gah - Mogleo - Nhaza'a Jaab - Novv - Olmxio - Ozogg - Qitarl Natl - Ronitt - Seigetsu the Enlightened - Sezul Totoloc - Shanga Meshanga - Silbexio - Skaetswys - Sonu Vanu - Tataramu - Trna - Tyr Beq - Vath Deftarm - Voyce - Zugg
Disciples of War Main NPCs
Alberic Bale - Curious Gorge - Fray Myste - Drusilla Varus - Hamon Holyfist - Jacke Swallow - Jehantel Fointeaume - Keshkwa - Luciane Corne - Musosai - Mylla Swordsong - Oboro Torioi - Radovan Slobasch - Ranaa Mihgo - Sidurgu Orl - Stephanivien de Haillenarte - Widargelt Beake - Wyrnzoen Saelsmyndsyn
Related NPCs
Aldis - Adri Westwoode - Arnegis Elder - Akagi - Broenbhar Rocksplitter - Broken Mountain - Constaint - D'zentsa - Dorgono Qerel - Erik - Eschiva Keyes - Estinien Wyrmblood - Foulques - Gagaruna - Gekkai - Guydelot Thildonnet - H'raha Tia - Hanzo - Hermin Hart - Heustienne de Vimaroix - Hewerald - Jenlyns Aesc - Joye - Kamui - Karasu Kanshi - Kongo Miyama - Leavold - Leih Aliapoh - Luvsan Qerel - Lulutsu - Makoto Obinata - Milala Mila - Momozigo Mumuzigo - Muscadain de Citenrond - Myste - Nashmeira - Nourval Lhorulgois - Orcus - O'tchakha - Pawah Mujuuk - Perimu Haurimu - Rielle de Caulignont - Redway - Rosalinde - Rostnsthal - Rurukuta - Sanson Smyth - Shiden Unryu - Silvairre - Solkwyb Saelsmyndsyn - Solkzagyl Keltnaglsyn - Sophie - Tedalgrinche - Tsubame Oshidari - Ugetsu Tachikake - V'kebbe - Weggfarr - Ystride de Caulignont - Yuki Yatsurugi
Disciples of Magic Main NPCs
Alka Zolka - Cocobuki Lolobuki - E-Sumi-Yan - Jannequinard de Durendaire - K'lyhia - Kupopo - Lalah Jinjahl - Lalai Lai - Leveva Byrde - Martyn Goodfellow - Raya-O-Senna - Y'mhitra Rhul - X'rhun Tia
Related NPCs
269th Order Mendicant Da Za - Alaqa - Ancel Stone - Arya Gastaurknan - Beruru - Ceadda - Celie - Cocobani - Cocobezi - Cocoboha - Cocobygo - Dancing Wolf - Doesmaga Poisonheart - Dozol Meloc - Gatty Orwell - Gogo - Guildivain Sailmet - Halga Tolga - Joacin - Kazagg Chah - K'rhid Tia - Kyokuho Moribe - Lambard Calowise - Loifa - Mahaud Stone - Maudlin Latool Ja - Nolanel - Nutiba Buntiba - Orn Khai - P'yandih - Quimperain Evertrue - Ququruka Tataruka - Royse Royle - Setoto Seto - Sevestre Albright - Shatotto Shato - Surito Carito - Sylphie Webb - Thubyrgeim Guldweitzwyn - Tristan Lowe - Waldeve - Whastrach Ahldwaensyn - Wulfiue - Yayake Yake - Zhai'a Nelhah
Disciples of the Hand Guildmasters
Beatin Mainrocquet - Brithael Spade - Geva Storke - H'naanza Esi - Lyngsath Hyllbornsyn - Redolent Rose - Serendipity - Severian Lyctor
Related NPCs
Anzu Zenbu - Atelloune Mairlaid - Aubrenard - Averil - Blanstyr - Cemi Jinjahl - Chanene - Colbernoux - Dauid - Dellemont - Elde - Emeloth Grayce - Enion Townes - Faezahr - Gerhardt - H'mhasi Tia - Hal - J'khebica - Keimei Daitenya - Kokomo - Kotocho - Kototsuru - Latisha - Marmaduke - Marcel - Melkoko Melko - Ortefauchel - Raulf Redhill - Unzan Zenbu - Wawarukka - Wido - Wiltwaek
Disciples of the Land Guildmasters
Adalberta Sterne - Fufucha Fucha - Wawalago Momolago
Related NPCs
Ansaulme de Rougecarpe - Basyle - Cicely - Deep Canyon - Govv - Mogukk - Mujih Mewrilah - Reyna Breakhook - Sisipu Sipu - Wide Gulley
Role Quests Shadowbringers
Cerigg Morpurse - Cyella Valthane - Giott - Granson Ketchthane - Lanbyrd - Lue-Reeq Chalah - Olvara - Sul Oul - Taynor Lakplowe
Charlet Reed - Clem Witte - Ea-Sura-Supin - Indigo Matriarch - Kisei Urabito - Lorens Bloefhisyn - Minato Urabito - Shirabaht bin Ardati
Apyaahi - Avenel - Ceetol Ja - Chalteaufite - Ellerete - I'toca - Kaqool Ja - Kokonowa - Kuiyki - Loashkana - Loazenikwe - Nettse - Nyipine - Pepin - Raholl Ja - Rral Majun - Samidare - Shashepya - Tentoawa - Tepeke - Tsuuhe - Virazahn - Wyssulm - Zerig
Deliveries The Crystalline Mean
Bethric - Colana - Eismon Valhand - Frithrik - Hurielle Stonehand - Iola Waldhand - Katliss Horhand - Mao-Ladd Moshca - Mervyl Stonehand - Owell Freehand - Qeshi-Rae Kaapoh - Sue-Rend Maihov - Thiuna - Walden - Yalana
The Studium
Boric Azora - Debroye - Flaugustert Friont - Galveroche Larille - Hinageshi Wright - Jeromere Marette - Jude Rose - Namono Tayamono - Nele Newton - Qih Aliapoh - Rurusha Rusha - Tankin Banjo - T'laqa Tia
Donuhanu - Pameka - Pashenine - Ropli - Rral Soj - Shunye - Uapyota - Uvlo Gahjewesfv - Xeerol Ja - Zemoweni
Seasonal events
Aldemund - Aldiytha Thorne - Aloyse - Amh Garanjy - Astin - Astrid de Valentione - Ayoyo - Beaudefoin Dupaitre - Bert - Blitzen - Bombardier Researcher - Bran - Claudia Thorne - Crystal Caravan - Daluce - Damielliot - Elyne - Emilie - Ethelia - Ezolmile - Flaurie - Fortin Thorne - Goncquard - Godriquelain - Haermaga Bleibornsyn - Hamlyn - Havak Alvak - Hildelana Quick - Hortefense Pastoroit - Hugue - Impresario - J'bhen Tia - J'nangho - Jihli Aliapoh - Jiriri - Kokomui - Kupka Kupp - Laurenssen - Lisette de Valentione - Lisie - Little Gruff - Lonesome lass - Lorie - Lyell - Lyonell - Mama Gruff - Marabel - Mayaru Moyaru - Memeja - Momoru - Motte - Nanapasi - Nanaphon Sasaphon - Naoki Yoshida - Nekeke - Nhagi'a Jakkya - Ninimo - Nonora Nora - Nonotta Notta - Ollier - P'obyano - Papa Gruff - Pawlin Morning - Philcox - Pipimaya and Sasapano - Pukty Piko - Pumpkin-headed Apparition - Quevain - R'fhul Tia - R'majha - Riggy - Ririzan - Rodolph - Rodrigault - Roland Redsteele - Royal Seneschal - Saint of Nymeia - Saulinne - Songbirds - T'danafa - T'maritaa - Taggy - Tenny - Thracie - Unsavory Imp - Wandering Minstrel - Wunthyll - Z'napha
Special events
Clive Rosfield - Dural Tharal - Garuda - Iroha - Kipih Jakkya - Lightning - Lunafreya Nox Fleuret - Noctis Lucis Caelum - Nohi - Odin - Petyr Winsome - Shantotto