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Plantilla:Quote Cocobuki Lolobuki (ココブキ・ロロブキ en la versión en japonés) es un personaje no jugable disponible en la saga Final Fantasy.


Este PNJ aparece en Final Fantasy XIV. Es el mayor de seis hermanos (Cocobygo, Cocobani, Cocobezi, Cocoboha y Cocobusi). A excepción del más joven, todos los hermanos comparten la tarea de maestro del Gremio de los Taumaturgos en Arrzaneth Ossuary, donde este tipo de guerrero debe entrenarse.


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn[]

The day after the Battle of Carteneau, Cocobuki and his brothers formed a posse with Sultana Nanamo Ul Namo to restore order to Ul'dah in the immediate aftermath. After the previous guildmaster, Mumuepo, was arrested on charges of embezzlement, the thaumaturge brothers became joint Guildmaster of the Thaumaturges' Guild.[1][2]

Once the Warrior of Light joined the Thaumaturges' Guild, Cocobuki instructed them to learn the lessons his brothers took from "The Threat of Intimacy", the first chapter from Zozomaya's lauded guide Thaumaturgy: The Yawning Abyss. The passage recited by Cocobygo warned that a thaumaturge would do well to keep her enemies at a distance.

Cocobuki and Mormo from FFXIV

Cocobuki encounters Mormo draining the energy of a thaumaturge.

After discovering that the Mageslayer was actually Cocobusi possessed, Cocobuki studied the Book of Mormo in hopes of finding a method of reversing this. After locating Mormo, Cocobuki offered to have his aetheric energy drained so that the voidsent could assume a physical form and leave Cocobusi's body. Once this was done, the Warrior of Light and the other brothers defeated the succubus.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]

During the Eorzean Alliance's attack on Garlean-occupied Ala Mhigo, Cocobuki led the Thaumaturges' Guild as they brought down the city's gates.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker[]

Cocobuki and his brothers were selected to be part of the Ilsabard Contingent, a joint operation between nations across the world to enter Garlemald and fight the Telophoroi.



Cocobuki is a Dunesfolk Lalafell wearing a black cowl. He is wearing a full set of Darklight armor, minus the accessories. His Darklight Cowl of Casting is of a unique design, omitting the usual ornate patterning on the sleeves and back. His face is partially covered with bandages.


Cocobuki assumes the role of a parental figure to his younger brothers, taking on the "responsibility for their misadventures". A private person by nature, he takes great effort in keeping his familial life separated from his work. Upholding a stoic presence of professionalism, personal strife (as illustrated by the dramatic events involving his youngest brother, Busi) impassions him to outburst, resulting in his great embarrassment.

Surprisingly empathetic for a person who tries to be objective, a dark sense of humor may sometimes accent his words of encouragement. He favors arrangements of mutual benefit when confronted with conflicting situations. Often playing the moderator in events involving a disagreement in viewpoints between parties.

Second only to family, his self-proclaimed duty in life concerns the amassment of knowledge and forming a foundation for future generations.


Cocobuki asigna todas las misiones de la clase Taumaturgo.




  1. 1,0 1,1 Encyclopædia Eorzea: The World of Final Fantasy XIV, pag. 140
  2. Tales from the Calamity: The Sultana’s Seven