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Plantilla:Quote Los ananta son una de las razas disponibles en la saga Final Fantasy.
Esta raza la conforman una serie de hombres bestia similares a lamias, y aparecen principalmente en Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. Son oriundos de las montañas cercanas a Ala Mhigo, y solamente la conforman mujeres.
Their affiliated primal is Lakshmi, the Lady of Bliss, whom they worship as a creator goddess.
The Ananta are said to have existed since the time of ancient Allag, and are known for their skill in spell and gemcraft. They are divided by two sister tribes: the Vira, who see Lakshmi as an embodiment of freedom, and the Qalyana, who consider their goddess to personify transcending beauty, which they emulate while ignoring everything else around them.
The Ananta have been oppressed by the Garlean Empire since the annexation of Gyr Abania with the Vira aligning with the Ala Mhigan Resistance. The Qalyana, wanting to be left alone, sided with the empire. However, the prejudicial actions of Fordola rem Lupis killed the Qalyana broodmother's daughter and the Qalyana isolated themselves soon after.
The death of the broodmother's daughter left feelings of despair that caused her to summon the primal Lakshmi, hoping that the Lady of Bliss would restore her daughter. The Qalyana demanded the Vira to travel to their home to pay homage to Lakshmi. The Vira, while they revered the Lady of Bliss, and having a different interpretation of who Lakshmi is, would not lower themselves to prostrate before her and resented the Qalyana for siding with the empire. They besought the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and their champion, the Warrior of Light, to vanquish the primal before Lakshmi brought everyone under her thrall.
The Scions infiltrated the Qalyana's lair and observed that while Lakshmi brought the broodmother's daughter back to life, the primal could not restore her soul. The Scions attempted to reason with the Qalyana, stating that a primal's promises were hollow, but Lakshmi used her power to bring everyone under her blissful command. While the Qalyana present were swiftly and forcibly swayed, the Warrior of Light's Echo protected the Scions, allowing them to fight back. Lakshmi was vanquished to the rage of the broodmother, who claimed the primal was their only hope. Lyse Hext attempted to reason with the broodmother, but she did not listen, forcing the Scions to leave.
After the liberation of Ala Mhigo, the Vira and the broodmother of the Qalyana came before the gathering of Ala Mhigans to discuss the future of their nation. Though appearing forgiving, the vengeful broodmother sought to take control of the recently freed nation to put everyone under the thrall of Lakshmi. Having discreetly placed crystals in the throne room beforehand, the broodmother summoned her primal. The Warrior of Light and Arenvald used their power of the Echo to defend the people from Lakshmi's thrall-inducing powers while General Raubahn killed the treacherous broodmother. The people were cornered by the Qalyana infiltrators and the Warrior and Arenvald could not stop all of Lakshmi's attacks. Lyse convinced an imprisoned Fordola to aid them and with her help, Lakshmi was defeated again.
Some time after Ala Mhigo's liberation, a group of Vira led by Alpa renovated Castrum Velodyna; initially for the purpose of providing the Vira's broodmother a place to birth her young, Alpa's efforts expanded to create a rest stop for travelers. With the Warrior of Light's assistance, the newly established Veodyna Gatekeepers began ensuring the safety of travelers going between the Black Shroud and Gyr Abania. Recruits included even some Qalyana that left their group in disillusionment.
It is unknown what state the Qalyana are in currently, but it is likely that their power and influence over the Vira is significantly reduced. It would ultimately be revealed that the Qalyana, while greatly diminished, still continued to operate with the late Broodmother's daughter as their leader. However, since the girl is little more than a husk following Lakshmi's "resurrection", she was for all intents and purposes, a puppet to continue the late broodmother's policies.
The Vira would ultimately join with the other Beast Tribes in an alliance with the Eorzean Alliance in combating the Telophoroi-controlled Garlean Empire, becoming what is called the Grand Company of Eorzea.
Plantilla:For enemy Ananta can be encountered as enemies primarily in the Fringes. They use the Shudra, Brahmin, and Kshatriya disciplines, their takes on the Archer, Conjurer, and Red Mage respectively.
Ananta is a Sanskrit term that means "endless", "limitless", "eternal" or "infinite". It is one of the many names of Lord Vishnu. It also commonly refers to Ananta Shesha, the celestial snake on which Vishnu reclines.
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