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FF2 Adamantoise Artwork

Artwork by Yoshitaka Amano for Final Fantasy II.

El Adamantaimai (Adamantoise en inglés, アダマンタイマイ en japonés) es uno de los enemigos disponibles en la saga Final Fantasy.


Este enemigo recurrente en la saga suele ser representado como una tortuga de gran tamaño y con una gran capacidad de defensa y ataque (aunque generalmente con baja defensa mágica). En las entregas más recientes de la saga, estas criaturas han aparecido como superjefes, aumentando enormemente su tamaño y haciendo que el tamaño de los miembros de tu grupo parezca insignificante, lo que siempre hace que los combates sean épicos y muy elaborados. La primera aparición del Adamantaimai fue en Final Fantasy II, siendo el jefe de la Cueva de Nieve. Normalmente se lo asocia con la obtención de un poderoso material, la adamantita (que generalmente da como recompensa al derrotarlo).



Final Fantasy II[]

Ffiiadamantoise psp
Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy II)

An Adamantoise is a boss in the Snow Cave, guarding the Goddess's Bell. They later appear as a regular enemy. They can easily be eliminated with a fair-leveled Blizzard spell.

Final Fantasy III[]

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy III)

The Adamantoise is an enemy in the Molten Cave, and is a recolor of the boss, Land Turtle.

Final Fantasy IV[]

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy IV 2D)

The Adamantoise (originally translated as the Turtle) is an enemy in the Antlion's Den.

Adamantoise ffiv ios

The Adamantoise is an enemy in the Antlion's Den. It is easy enough to defeat but can be made easier with Blizzard spells.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (The After Years)

The Adamantoise enemy is not powerful, but can drop the Bronze Tail as a very rare drop. It is a boss in Yang's Tale, and appears as a random encounter during Edward's Tale.

Final Fantasy V[]

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy V)

The Adamantoise guards a piece of Adamantite inside Tycoon Meteorite.

Final Fantasy VII[]

Adamantaimai FF7
Articulo principal: Adamantaimai (Final Fantasy VII)

The Adamantaimai appears in the Wutai Area beaches. It also sometimes appears in the Gold Saucer's Battle Square. It possesses the Enemy Skill Death Force, which can be learned by manipulating it. Adamantaimai is known for the Adamantaimai Cure glitch.

Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-[]

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Before Crisis)

Adamantoise are fought as powerful enemies that can nullify attacks by hiding in their shells.

Final Fantasy VIII[]

Adamantoise 2 ffviii
Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy VIII)

The Adamantoise appears on Long Horn Island north of Dollet, on the beach on Hasberry Plains and in the fountain area of the Ultimecia Castle. They are known for their good item drops, but can be annoying to defeat due to their high defenses and ability to heal. Adamantoise also has a Triple Triad card.

Final Fantasy IX[]

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy IX)

The Adamantoise appears on the Forgotten Continent as a regular enemy. The Shell Dragon is its larger cousin with a unique character model, and acts as a boss later in the game.

Final Fantasy X[]

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy X)

The Adamantoise is a fiend that appears inside Sin and the Omega Ruins.

Final Fantasy X-2[]

Adamantoise ffx-2
Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy X-2)

The Adamantoise appears in the Calm Lands, the Floating Ruins, and Via Infinito, while the stronger Adamantortoise appears in the Farplane.

Final Fantasy XI[]

Adamantoise 1 (FFXI)
Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy XI)

Adamantoise is a family of creatures that includes, almost exclusively, only Notorious Monsters. They are uniformly incredibly high level, have high HP totals, and massive defense.

  • Adamantoise
  • Aspidochelone
  • Citadel Chelonian
  • Skahnowa
  • Genbu
  • Millenary Mossback
  • Tartaruga Gigante

Final Fantasy XII[]

Articulo principal: Adamantitan (Final Fantasy XII)

An enemy called the Adamantitan appears in the secret part of the Barheim Passage and on the Cerobi Steppe in the Feddik River area. It is called Adamantoise in the game's playable demo.

Final Fantasy XIII[]

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy XIII)

Adamantoise on Archylte Steppe.

Adamantoise and the other oretoises are the largest animals in the land of Gran Pulse. They can be fought in the Archylte Steppe along with a weaker version called Adamantortoise. They look powerful, but are actually quite easy to beat once their left and right forelegs are destroyed.

After completing a certain set of missions, the Adamantoise of Gran Pulse are replaced by the significantly more powerful Long Gui, the toughest enemies. One Adamantoise can also be fought in Eden.

Adamantoise appear in several cutscenes and at one point the party must save a PSICOM soldier who is being menaced by an Adamanchelid.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Adamantoise from FFXIV

The common Adamantoise is a mid-level enemy encountered in the Lower Paths region of the South Shroud. Variant adamantoises also appear in other parts of Eorzea, most commonly in Thanalan.

Final Fantasy XV[]


Adamantoise in the TGS 2014 trailer.

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Final Fantasy XV)

Adamantoise is an enormous enemy fought during the Lonely Rumblings in Longwythe hunt. It has 5,624,000 HP, meaning it can take a long time to kill it. Director Hajime Tabata had mentioned it would take 30 in-game days, which would be close to 15 hours in real time.[1] This was changed in the 1.02 update, and the hunt can be completed under 10 minutes with the combination of buffs and weapon setup. In a later patch, Adamantoise was made vulnerable to Alterna. Felling it yields some of the best drops and hunt rewards.

Final Fantasy XVI[]

Plantilla:Enemy section

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]


The Adamantoise is one of the "Foreign Fiends" introduced into Ivalice by Clan Borzoi. It is basically a high-level Blade Biter, and the party fights it at Baguba Port.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]


The Adamantitan is an enemy of the Shelling species.

Final Fantasy Type-0[]

Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Type-0)

The Adamantoise is an enemy first be encountered in Innsmouth Coast in chapter 5. It is large and protected by its shell everywhere but its very front, making it invulnerable to back or side attacks.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]

A large, turtle-like creature, Adamantoise has high HP and guards by withdrawing in its shell.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]

FFMQ Adamant Turtle
Articulo principal: Adamant Turtle (Mystic Quest)

The Adamant Turtle can be found in the Lava Dome.

Final Fantasy Legend II[]

FFLII Adamant

The Adamant is an enemy and a possible monster the party's monster unit(s) can transform into.

Final Fantasy Legend III[]

FFLIII Turtle Monster

The Adamant is an enemy and a possible monster that the party can transform into.

Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

The Adamantoise.
Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Dimensions enemy)

The Adamantoise is an optional post-game superboss fought in Gladiators' Hall. Each time it is defeated, the party gets 1–3 pieces of Adamantite, and the boss and levels up every 2 times it is defeated, up to a maximum level of 6.

Adamantoise is a palette-swap of Despair.

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

Plantilla:Enemy section

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]


Plantilla:Quote The Adamantoise is an enemy with its Final Fantasy XIII appearance.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

Adamantoise appear as enemies in Battle Music Sequences.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Adamantoise from Final Fantasy V and World of Final Fantasy appear as an enemy.

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Plantilla:Enemy section

Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]


Adamantoise ATB

The Adamantoise is an enemy fought on the Palamecia Desert. It uses Crush and drops the Coral Sword.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Adamantoises from Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy XV appear as enemies.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Plantilla:Enemy section

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

FFBE Adamantoise Sprite
Articulo principal: Adamantoise (Brave Exvius)

Plantilla:Enemy section

Mobius Final Fantasy[]

MFF Adamantoise Model

Plantilla:Enemy section

World of Final Fantasy[]

WoFF Adamantoise
Articulo principal: Adamantoise (World of Final Fantasy)

Addy the Adamantoise is a minor character, appearing briefly in the main storyline and as part of Rikku's Intervention story.

Adamantoise is a Mega Mirage from the Mantoise group. It can be transfigured from a Minimantoise with the Adamantoise Memento.

Adamantoise can be found in The Low Seas after clearing an intervention quest, and become imprismable by inflicting WoFF DEF Down Icon Defense ↓.

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales and Chocobo's Dungeon[]

The Adamantoise is a wood element, and has six cards under his name. Though he is a monster, not a summon like some of the other cards, his cards are superior for their defense.


Plantilla:Card FablesCT Plantilla:Card FablesCT Plantilla:Card FablesCT Plantilla:Card FablesCT Plantilla:Card FablesCT Plantilla:Card FablesCT

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Adamantoise appears in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as Water-elemental Monster cards.

Triple Triad[]

Adamantoises from the series appear on Triple Triad cards in the version playable via Final Fantasy Portal App.

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]

Itadaki Street[]

In Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable, Adamantaimai is a chance card with the ability: Can purchase pearl with 10% less.


Adamantoise is a portmanteau of "adamantite" and "tortoise". The Japanese name for this enemy type, Adamantaimai, is a portmanteau of "adamantite" and the Japanese word for the hawksbill sea turtle, taimai.




Plantilla:Navbox enemies
