Final Fantasy Almanach

Give In to the Riptide ist ein Musikstück aus Final Fantasy VII Remake Episode INTERmission. Es ist eines der zahlreichen Lieder, die für das Schildkrötenparadies komponiert wurden.



Gonna get fully wrecked at the Happy Turtle! Wanna get blind drunk at the Turtle!
Get inside, find a seat, and order something strong! Doesn't matter who you are; like we even care!
We'd never turn you down, as long as you liquor up!
So chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Tilt the cup; did you get enough?
Drink until the sun comes up, drink until your brain goes numb! Let yourself slip under, give in to the riptide.
Drink until the sun comes up, drink until your brain goes numb! Pound it, hawksbill! Down it, slider!
Turtle's here to rampage! Keep a flipper on the bottle! Turtle's here to run riot!
Keepin' it crazy, never stop! Turtle's here to rampage!
Keep a flipper on the bottle! Turtle's here to run riot!
Keepin' it crazy, never stop!
Come out, come out, come out of your shell. Come out and party all night until sunup.
Come out, come out, come out of your shell. Party, party, party, all night!
Gonna get fully wrecked at the Happy Turtle! Wanna get blind drunk at the Turtle!
Get inside, find a seat, and order something strong! Doesn't matter who you are; like we even care!
We'd never turn you down, as long as you liquor up!
So chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Tilt the cup; did you get enough?
Drink until the sun comes up, drink until your brain goes numb! Let yourself slip under, give in to the riptide.
Drink until the sun comes up, drink until your brain goes numb!
Pound it, hawksbill! Down it, slider!
Turtle's here to rampage! Keeps a flipper on the bottle! Turtle's here to run riot!
Keepin' it crazy, never gonna stop!
He'll never stop.
A drunk turtle.
He's drinking.
He's coming...
And he'll never stop.
He'll never stop.
A drunk turtle.
He's drinking.
He's coming...
And he'll never stop.
Come out, come out, come out of your shell. Party, party, party all night until sunup.
Come out, come out, come out of your shell. Party, party, party, all night!


かめ かめ かめかめ かめ道楽〜 ♪
かめ かめ かめかめ かめ道楽〜 ♪
おいしいお酒で ゆめ心地
おぼえてないなら 無礼講
かけつけ一杯 れんぞく二杯
一気! 一気! 一気! 一気!
記憶を飛ばせ 朝まで飛ばせ
天にものぼる かめ心地
記憶を飛ばせ 朝まで飛ばせ
昇天! 昇天! 昇天! 昇天!
かめいっぱい ちょうだい
かめいっぱい のみほせ
かめいっぱい ちょうだい
かめいっぱい のみほせ
はめはめはめ はずしちゃえ
かめ かめ かめ かめ道楽〜 ♪
記憶を飛ばせ 朝まで飛ばせ
天にものぼる かめ心地
記憶を飛ばせ 朝まで飛ばせ
昇天! 昇天! 昇天! 昇天!
かめいっぱい ちょうだい
かめいっぱい のみほせ
かめいっぱい ちょうだい
かめいっぱい のみほせ
はめはめはめ はずしちゃえ
かめ かめ かめ かめ道楽〜 ♪
かめ かめ かめかめ かめ道楽〜 ♪
かめ かめ かめかめ かめ道楽〜 ♪


Composer Shootie HG
Arrangers Shootie HG
Lyrics Motomu Toriyama
Lyrics Translation Ryan Patterson, Ben Sabin
Vocals Shootie HG

Final Fantasy VII Remake
Spielbare Charaktere
Cloud Strife - Barret Wallace - Tifa Lockhart - Aerith Gainsborough
Nicht-spielbare Charaktere
Anyan - Betty - Biggs - Chocobo-Sam - Domino - Don Corneo - Dudley - Fräulein Foria - Heidegger - Ifalna - Jessie - Johnny - Locche - Madame M - Marlene Wallace - Palmer - Präsident Shinra - Professor Hojo - Red XIII - Reeve Tuesti - Reno - Rude - Rufus Shinra - Scarlet - Stamp - Tseng - Wedge - Zack Fair
Sektor 8 - Sektor 7 - 7. Himmel - Helixtunnel - Sektor 4 - Eisenbahnfriedhof - Sektor 5 - Kirche in Sektor 5 - Hälmchenhof - Sektor 6 - Wallmarkt - Plattentrümmer - Shin-Ra Hauptquartier
Waffen - Rüstungen - Accessoires - Fertigkeiten - Limits - Gegnerdatenbank - Aufträge - Schallplatten
AVALANCHE - Cetra - Jenova - Lebensstrom - Mako - Mako-Reaktor - Materia - Nibelheim-Vorfall - Panzerschwert - Shinra Electric Power Company - SOLDAT - Turks - Verheißenes Land - Weiße Substanz
Remake Original Soundtrack - „Give In to the Riptide“ - „Hollow“ - „Run Run Run“ - „Stand Up“ - „Scarlet's Theme“ - „Stamp“ - „The Midgar Blues
Intergrade Original Soundtrack - „Why Can't I Be a Turtle?
Rebirth Original Soundtrak - Gold Saucer & Minigame Disc
Trophäen - Items - Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake