Der Original Soundtrack von Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade umfasst 86 Titel, die auf 3 CDs veröffentlicht wurden. Es beinhaltet die Musikstücke, die für den DLC Episode INTERmission komponiert wurde.
Die Handlung von INTERmission findet zur gleichen Zeit statt wie die Handlung des Basisspiels Final Fantasy VII Remake, erzählt jedoch einen anderen Teil der Geschichte. Laut Producer Yoshinori Kitase zeigt INTERmission was passieren hätte können und was passiert ist und dass zur Veranschaulichung dieses Konzepts bekannte Stücke aus dem Grundspiel wiederverwendet wurden. Außerdem wurden Stücke hinzugefügt von denen angenommen wurde, dass sie der Protagonistin Yuffie Kisaragi zu dieser Zeit durch dem Kopf gehen könnten.[1]
Der Soundtrack umfasst insgesamt 7 Stücke über das „Happy Turtle“, dem Schildkrötenparadies, jeweils in einer japanischen und einer internationalen Version auf Englisch. Die Motivation hierzu stammt von einem Mitarbeiter, der während der Arbeit am originalen Final Fantasy VII ein Poster für das Schildkrötenparadies sah und es für eine witzige Idee hielt etwas mehr daraus zu machen.[2] Diese Idee wurde mit dem DLC INTERmission Realität. Mitsuto Suzuki erhielt von Motomo Toriyama Bilder vom Besitzer des Restaurants sowie den Liedtexten und wurde mit dem komponieren der Stücke beauftragt.[3]
In Frühling 2020, zu Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie, transportierte Suzuki seine gesamte Ausrüstung zu sich nach Hause, von wo aus er die Stücke schuf.[4] Alle Lieder wurden aus der Ferne aufgenommen, selbst die Chöre, welche vor allem von Mitgliedern des Sound Teams von Square Enix gesungen wurden. Da die Mitarbeiter mit unterschiedlichem Setup ihre Musik aufgenommen haben, konnte Suzuki nicht vorhersehen, wie die Tondateien klingen würden, die er erhalten würde. Laut Suzuki hat diese Arbeitsweise jedoch dazu beigetragen, dass die Stücke um eine weitere Ebene erweitert wurden.[5]
Disk 1[]
Nr. | Titel | Titel (jp.) | Dauer | Composer | Arranger |
1 | Your Girl Finally Made IT | ユフィ参上! | 2:25 | Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
2 | Descendant of Shinobi | 忍びの末裔 | 3:20 | Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
3 | Descendant of Shinobi - Battle Edit | 忍びの末裔 Battle Edit | 3:22 | Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
4 | No Pom | ノー・モーグリ | 1:55 | Nobuo Uematsu & Shotaro Shima | Shotaro Shima |
5 | Gotta Do Something! | ほっとけないよ! | 1:40 | Shotaro Shima | Shotaro Shima |
6 | Ninjas Are Insane | おそるべしシノビ | 1:19 | Yoshinori Nakamura | Yoshinori Nakamura |
7 | Avalanche HQ's Theme | アバランチ本家のテーマ | 3:02 | Yoshinori Nakamura & Masashi Hamauzu | Yoshinori Nakamura |
8 | Fort Condor | コンドルフォート | 3:29 | Nobuo Uematsu | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
9 | Fort Condor - Press the Advantage! | コンドルフォート:押せ押せ! | 2:17 | Nobuo Uematsu & Yoshitaka Suzuki | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
10 | Fort Condor - Hold the Line! | コンドルフォート:耐えろ! | 2:21 | Nobuo Uematsu & Yoshitaka Suzuki | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
11 | Fort Condor - Sudden Death | コンドルフォート:サドンデス | 2:13 | Nobuo Uematsu & Yoshitaka Suzuki | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
12 | Fort Condor - Victory | コンドルフォート:勝利 | 1:02 | Nobuo Uematsu | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
13 | Fort Condor - Defeat | コンドルフォート:敗北 | 1:07 | Yoshitaka Suzuki & Nobuo Uematsu | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
14 | Ramuh, Lord of Levin | 雷帝ラムウ | 4:23 | Nobuo Uematsu & Yoshitaka Suzuki | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
15 | Sonon's Theme | ソノンのテーマ | 4:08 | Shotaro Shima & Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
16 | A Hero Lost | ヒーローを待ちわびて | 3:46 | Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
17 | Lackey Beatdown | コルネオズビート | 1:21 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki |
18 | The Happy Turtle Fight Song | Happy Turtle Fighting Tune | 3:58 | Shootie HG | Shootie HG & Mitsuto Suzuki |
19 | Shinra's Victim | 神羅の犠牲者 | 2:20 | Yoshinori Nakamura | Yoshinori Nakamura |
20 | The Runaround Pt. I | ラナラウンド Pt. I | 2:35 | Tsuyoshi Sekito & Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito |
21 | The Runaround - Drum Solo | ラナラウンド - Drum Solo | 2:08 | George Kano & Mitsuto Suzuki | George Kano & Mitsuto Suzuki |
22 | The Runaround Pt. II | ラナラウンド Pt. II | 3:40 | Tsuyoshi Sekito & Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito |
23 | The Runaround Pt. III | ラナラウンド Pt. III | 4:11 | Tsuyoshi Sekito & Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito |
24 | The Runaround Pt. IV | ラナラウンド Pt. IV | 2:18 | Tsuyoshi Sekito & Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito |
25 | The Runaround Pt. V | ラナラウンド Pt. V | 2:13 | A5SEMBLER | Naoyuki Honzawa |
26 | Quiet as a Mouse | ぬきあしさしあしシノビアシ | 1:04 | A5SEMBLER | Naoyuki Honzawa |
27 | Good Morning, Levrikon? | シノビれず、レブリコン | 4:00 | A5SEMBLER | Naoyuki Honzawa |
28 | Main Pillar Maintenance | メインピラー整備場 | 2:24 | A5SEMBLER | Naoyuki Honzawa |
29 | Hey, You! Evildoers! | そこの悪党ども! | 2:29 | Shotaro Shima & Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
Disk 2[]
Nr. | Titel | Titel (jp.) | Dauer | Composer | Arranger |
1 | The Gigantipede | ギガンピード | 6:08 | Nobuo Uematsu & Shotaro Shima | Shotaro Shima |
2 | The Ws Have It | ウの衆の勝利 | 1:31 | Yoshinori Nakamura | Yoshinori Nakamura |
3 | Revenge Sworn | 報復の誓い | 1:16 | Shotaro Shima & Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
4 | Shinra's Theme - On Schedule | 神羅のテーマ ─進捗はどうだ─ | 1:56 | Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
5 | Salt in the Wound | 屈辱のエレベーター | 1:51 | Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
6 | Melphie and Sonon | メルフィとソノン | 1:08 | Shotaro Shima & Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
7 | Advanced Weaponry | 神羅兵器開発部門 | 4:13 | Shotaro Shima | Shotaro Shima |
8 | Scarlet's Welcome | スカーレット・ネスト | 3:54 | Shotaro Shima | Shotaro Shima |
9 | Rolling Out the Red Carpet | 兵器実験クオリファイ | 1:12 | Mitsuto Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Sekito & Nozomi Toki | Kengo Tokusashi & Mitsuto Suzuki |
10 | Materia Production | マテリア製造フロア | 2:02 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki |
11 | Materia Production - Battle Edit | マテリア製造フロア Battle Edit | 2:14 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki |
12 | The Shadow of Materia | 究極マテリアの影 | 3:13 | Nobuo Uematsu | Kengo Tokusashi & Mitsuto Suzuki |
13 | Cruelty Personified | スカーレットの冷笑 | 1:44 | Yoshinori Nakamura, Mitsuto Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Sekito & Nozomi Toki | Yoshinori Nakamura |
14 | No Escape | ノー・エクジット | 3:06 | Yoshinori Nakamura | Yoshinori Nakamura |
15 | Fighting Spirit | ウータイの闘志 | 3:34 | Yoshinori Nakamura | Yoshinori Nakamura |
16 | Sadistic Test Run | サディスティックライド | 1:16 | Yoshitaka Suzuki | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
17 | The Crimson Mare | クリムゾン・メア | 5:37 | Nobuo Uematsu & Yoshitaka Suzuki | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
18 | Win or Lose | 負けても勝っても | 0:59 | Yoshitaka Suzuki | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
19 | Weiss and Nero | ヴァイスとネロ | 1:30 | Masashi Hamauzu | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
20 | Unexpected Threat | 突然の犯行予告 | 1:09 | Yoshinori Nakamura | Yoshinori Nakamura |
21 | Deepground SOLDIERs | ディープグラウンドソルジャー | 3:02 | MAsashi Hamauzu | Yoshinori Nakamura |
22 | Commence the Cleansing | 狩りの宣告 | 1:17 | Yoshinori Nakamura & Masashi Hamauzu | Yoshinori Nakamura |
23 | Pain Sensation Level: Max | ペインリアリティマックス | 4:01 | Masashi Hamauzu | Ryo Furukawa |
24 | Diabolic Creation | ヘレティック・レイリー | 4:27 | Masashi Hamauzu | Ryo Furukawa |
25 | Murmurs from the Darkness | 闇の囁き | 2:25 | Ryo Furukawa | Ryo Furukawa |
26 | Prelude to Death | 死への序曲 | 1:23 | Masashi Hamauzu | Masashi Hamauzu |
27 | Dissonance | 不協和音 | 4:04 | Masashi Hamauzu | Masashi Hamauzu |
28 | Chaotic Pulsars | カオスネビュラ | 0:59 | Masashi Hamauzu | Masashi Hamauzu |
29 | Nero the Sable | 漆黒の闇ネロ | 4:59 | Masashi Hamauzu | Masashi Hamauzu |
Disk 3[]
Nr. | Titel | Titel (jp.) | Dauer | Composer | Arranger |
1 | The Abyss | 闇の深淵 | 0:34 | Masashi Hamauzu | Masashi Hamauzu |
2 | Chorus of Pain, Dance of Death | 悲鳴で歌い、恐怖で踊れ | 5:13 | Masashi Hamauzu | Masashi Hamauzu |
3 | The Throes of Rapture | 歓喜の叫び | 0:35 | Masashi Hamauzu | Masashi Hamauzu |
4 | Seeing Melphie Again | メルフィのもとへ | 4:23 | Shotaro Shima & Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
5 | Facing Disaster | 瞳ににじむ災禍 | 1:07 | Shotaro Shima | Shotaro Shima |
6 | The Sky's the Limit | この指とまれ | 1:18 | Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
7 | The Journey Continues - Good-bye, City of Mako | 旅の途中で ─さらばミッドガル─ | 5:20 | Nobuo Uematsu | Shotaro Shima |
8 | Beyond Simulation | 仮想を超えて | 1:16 | MAsashi Hamauzu | Yoshitaka Suzuki |
9 | Weiss the Immaculate | 純白の帝王ヴァイス | 6:04 | Masashi Hamauzu | Masashi Hamauzu |
10 | Corrupter of the Immaculate | 帝王を狩る者 | 0:46 | Masashi Hamauzu | Shotaro Shima |
11 | The Happy Turtle Jingle | かめ道楽の歌 (Japanese Ver.) | 3:32 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Motomu Toriyama |
12 | Why Can't I Be a Turtle? | カメになりたい (Japanese Ver.) | 4:57 | Mitsuto Suzuki & Nozomi Toki | Mitsuto Suzuki |
13 | Turtle Doo-wop | Doo-Wop かめ道楽 (Japanese Ver.) | 3:06 | A5SEMBLER | TOMISIRO |
14 | The Happy Turtle Jingle ft. Old Snapper | かめ道楽音頭 featuring かめおじさん (Japanese Ver.) | 3:32 | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito |
15 | Give In to the Riptide | 昇天! かめ道楽 (Japanese Ver.) | 2:09 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki |
16 | You, Me (Sun, Surf, and Beach) | ゆっくりがっつりかめ道楽 (Japanese Ver.) | 4:07 | Mitsuto Suzuki & Nozomi Toki | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito |
17 | Technologic Terrapin | Super Relax KAme Doraku (Japanese Ver.) | 2:14 | A5SEMBLER | TOMISIRO |
18 | Turtle Flyer Fanfare | かめファンファーレ (Japanese Ver.) | 0:09 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki |
19 | Extravagant Turtle Flyer Fanfare | かめファンファーレ・デラックス (Japanese Ver.) | 0:15 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Kengo Tokusashi |
20 | The Happy Turtle Jingle | かめ道楽の歌 (Global Ver.) | 3:32 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Motomu Toriyama |
21 | Why Can't I Be a Turtle? | カメになりたい (Global Ver.) | 4:57 | Mitsuto Suzuki & Nozomi Toki | Mitsuto Suzuki |
22 | Turtle Doo-wop | Doo-Wop かめ道楽 (Global Ver.) | 3:06 | A5SEMBLER | TOMISIRO |
23 | The Happy Turtle Jingle ft. Old Snapper | かめ道楽音頭 featuring かめおじさん (Global Ver.) | 3:31 | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito |
24 | Give In to the Riptide | 昇天! かめ道楽 (Global Ver.) | 3:25 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki |
25 | You, Me (Sun, Surf, and Beach) | ゆっくりがっつりかめ道楽 (Global Ver.) | 4:07 | Mitsuto Suzuki & Nozomi Toki | Mitsuto Suzuki & Tsuyoshi Sekito |
26 | Technologic Terrapin | Super Relax KAme Doraku (Global Ver.) | 2:14 | A5SEMBLER | TOMISIRO |
27 | Turtle Flyer Fanfare | かめファンファーレ (Global Ver.) | 0:09 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Mitsuto Suzuki |
28 | Extravagant Turtle Flyer Fanfare | かめファンファーレ・デラックス (Global Ver.) | 0:11 | Mitsuto Suzuki | Kengo Tokusashi |
- ↑ Yoshinori Kitase im Booklet zum Soundtrack: „INTERmission focuses on an untold portion of FFVII REMAKE and occurs concurrently with the main story to reveal what could have been and what did happen - albeit elsewhere. To illustrate this concept, we reused familiar tracks from the base game and added new songs we thought might be running through Yuffie's head at the time. In this soundtrack, we wanted you to feel what Yuffie feels, whether she's playing it cool for Avalanche HQ.“
- ↑ Yoshinori Kitase im Booklet zum Soundtrack: During the development of the original FFVII, a staff member saw a poster someone else had placed as a prop, thought to themselves, “Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if we did more with this?” and the rest is history.
- ↑ Mitsuto Suzuki im Booklet zum Soundtrack: It wasn’t long after promotion for FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE had died down that I got a request for these INTERmission songs. Included in the request form Mr. Toriyama — Co-Director (Scenario Design) — were the DLC script and an outline, along with illustrations of Old Snapper and catchy lyrics for the songs.
- ↑ Mitsu Suzuki im Booklet zum Soundtrack: After moving all my equipment home in sping 2020, both me and my darling machines were ready and raring to go;
- ↑ Mitsuto Suzuki im Booklet zum Soundtrack: Regardless of the singers’ country of residence, all these songs were recorded remotely — including the choral sections, which were mostly sung by members of the SQEX Sound team, all using different setups. Due to this, I never knew what the files I would receive would sound like, but that’s also what made the process so much fun. I felt it added another layer to the songs and allowed me to appreciate the various connections people form during the music making process. The various roles and perspectives of each person who worked on the soundtrack, whether they were in-house or outsourced, all shone through brightly in these songs, making for a vivid and tightly-interwoven musical tapestry.