Final Fantasy Almanach
Theatrhythm Event Music


Der Begriff Event Music Sequence (EMS) bezeichnet eine von drei Musik-Kategorien in den Theatrhythm-Spielen. Die beiden anderen Kategorien sind Field Music Sequence und Battle Music Sequence.

Musikstücke, die unter Event Music eingeordnet sind, werden zusammen mit einem Video abgespielt, welches bedeutungsvolle Szenen aus dem zugehörigen Spiel zeigt. Die Noten müssen in dem Moment aktiviert werden, in dem sie vom goldenen Ring umrandet sind. Nur wenige Fähigkeiten und Items wirken sich auf Event Music auf; einige Ausnahmen sind Fähigkeiten, die Lebenspunkte regenerieren, oder Items wie Pendant.

Die Feature Zone befindet sich immer am Ende eines Event-Musikstückes. Erreicht der Spieler eine gute Wertung bei den silbernen Noten am Ende des Videos, wird das Video verlängert und man sieht die Extended Version.

Im Spiel Curtain Call sind bestimmte Noten des Musikstückes durch einen weißen Rand hervorgehoben. Landet man ein Critical bei diesen Noten, löst man ein Ereignis aus, bei dem der Glückswert der Gruppe bestimmt, ob man ein Item erhält.


Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]

Musikstück Herkunft
Prelude Final Fantasy
The Rebel Army Final Fantasy II
Elia, the Maiden of Water Final Fantasy III
Theme of Love Final Fantasy IV
Home, Sweet, Home Final Fantasy V
Celes' Theme Final Fantasy VI
Aerith's Theme Final Fantasy VII
Waltz for the Moon Final Fantasy VIII
Beyond the Door Final Fantasy IX
Suteki da ne Final Fantasy X
FFXI Opening Theme Final Fantasy XI
Theme of the Empire Final Fantasy XII
Defiers of Fate Final Fantasy XIII

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call[]

Musikstück Herkunft
One-Winged Angel Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Theme of CRISIS CORE Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
1000 Words Final Fantasy X-2
Warrior Goddess Final Fantasy XIII-2
Savior of Souls Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
We Have Arrived Final Fantasy Type-0
Answers Final Fantasy XIV
Lux Concordiae Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
Bland Logo~Title Back Final Fantasy Tactics
Starry Moonlit Night Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY CURTAIN CALL Special Arrange Medley Medley aus den Hauptteilen I bis XIV

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line[]

Musikstück Herkunft
Opening Theme Final Fantasy I
Rebel Army Theme Final Fantasy II
Aria, the Maiden of Water Final Fantasy III
Theme of Love Final Fantasy IV
Home, Sweet Home Final Fantasy V
Celes's Theme Final Fantasy VI
Aerith's Theme Final Fantasy VII
Hollow Final Fantasy VII Remake
Advent: One-Winged Angel Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
CRISIS CORE Theme - Dreams and Honor Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Waltz for the Moon Final Fantasy VIII
Behind the Door Final Fantasy IX
Suteki da ne Final Fantasy X
1000 Words Final Fantasy X-2
FFXI Opening Theme Final Fantasy XI
The Archadian Empire Final Fantasy XII
Defiers of Fate Final Fantasy XIII
Warrior Goddess Final Fantasy XIII-2
Savior of Souls Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Answers Final Fantasy XIV
Apocalyptis Noctis Final Fantasy XV
Opening Final Fantasy Tactics
Moonless Starry Night Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Lux Condordiae Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
We Have Come Final Fantasy Type-0
THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY CURTAIN CALL Special Arrange Medley Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
Warrior of Light - Firion - Onion Knight - Cecil Harvey - Bartz Klauser - Terra Branford - Cloud Strife - Squall Leonhart - Zidane Tribal - Tidus - Shantotto - Vaan - Lightning
Freischaltbare Charaktere (3DS-Version)
Princess Sarah - Minwu - Cid Haze - Rydia - Kain Highwind - Faris Scherwiz - Lock Cole - Aerith Gainsborough - Sephiroth - Seifer Almasy - Vivi Orunitia - Yuna - Prishe - Ashe - Snow Villiers - Cosmos
Herunterladbare Charaktere (nur iOS-Version)
Celes Chère - Tifa Lockhart - Rinoa Heartilly - Garnet - Auron - Balthier - Hope Estheim - Serah Farron - Ramza Beoulve
Ifrit - Shiva - Ramuh - Odin - Bahamut
Battle Music
Battle - Battle Theme 2 - Battle 2 - Battle With the Four Fiends - Battle at the Big Bridge - The Decisive Battle - One-Winged Angel - The Man with the Machine Gun - Battle 1 - Fight With Seymour - Awakening - Clash of Swords - Saber's Edge
Freischaltbare Musikstücke
Dancing Mad - Something to Protect - Blinded By Light
Herunterladbare Musikstücke
Battle Theme 1 - The Rebel Army - Battle 1 - This is the Last Battle - Battle 2 - The Final Battle - Battle 1 - The Decisive Battle - The Final Battle - Battle - Fight On! - Force Your Way - The Extreme - Battle 2 - The Darkness of Eternity - The Final Battle - Otherworld - Challenge - A Contest of Aeons - Final Battle - Battle Theme - Ragnarok - Fighters of the Crystal - Desperate Fight - The Battle for Freedom - Esper Battle - Boss Battle - Desperate Struggle - Fighting Fate - Etro's Champion - We Have Arrived
Event Music
Opening Theme - The Rebel Army - Elia, the Maiden of Water - Theme of Love - Home, Sweet Home - Celes's Theme - Aerith's Theme - Waltz for the Moon - Behind the Door - Suteki da ne - FFXI Opening Theme - Theme of the Empire - Defiers of Fate
Field Music
Main Theme - Main Theme - Eternal Wind - Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV - Four Hearts - Terra's Theme - Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII - Blue Fields - Over the Hill - Mi'ihen Highroad - Ronfaure - Giza Plains - The Sunleth Waterscape
Freischaltbare Musikstücke
Mt. Gulg - Within the Giant - Mambo de Chocobo - Searching for Friends - Judgement Day
Herunterladbare Musikstücke
Matoya's Cave - Sunken Shrine - Tower of the Magi - Dungeon - Crystal Cave - The Crystal Tower - In Search of Light - Cosmo Canyon - Ride On - The Castle - Dark City Treno - A Fleeting Dream - Movement in Green - Sarutabaruta - Gustaberg - The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah - The Royal City of Rabanastre: Town Ward Upper Stratum - The Dalmasca Estersand - March of the Dreadnoughts - The Archylte Steppe - Somnus
Battle Music Sequence - Chaos Shrine - Crystal Shard - CollectaCard - Dark Note - Event Music Sequence - Feature Drive - Field Music Sequence - Museum - Multi Play - Music Play - ProfiCard - Rhythmia - Street Pass
Bossgegner - Fertigkeiten - Gegner - Items - Herunterladbare Inhalte
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call
Warrior of Light - Firion - Onion Knight - Cecil Harvey - Bartz Klauser - Terra Branford - Cloud Strife - Squall Leonhart - Zidane Tribal - Tidus - Shantotto - Vaan - Lightning - Y'shtola Rhul - Benjamin - Clavat - Yuna - Ramza Beoulve - Tifa Lockhart - Zack Fair - Cosmos - Ace - Serah Farron - Lightning
Freischaltbare Charaktere
Princess Sarah - Minwu - Cid Haze - Rydia - Kain Highwind - Edge Geraldine - Faris Scherwiz - Lenna Charlotte Tycoon - Galuf Halm Baldesion - Locke Cole - Celes Chère - Edgar Roni Figaro - Sephiroth - Aerith Gainsborough - Barret Wallace - Seifer Almasy - Rinoa Heartilly - Laguna Loire - Eiko Carol - Vivi Ornitier - Garnet - Auron - Jekkt - Prishe - Ashe - Balthier - Snow Villiers - Hope Estheim - Lilisette - Aphmau - Fran - Oerba Dia Vanille - Rikku - Paine - Machina Kunagiri - Rem Tokimiya - Noel Kreiss
Herunterladbare Charaktere
Rosa Joanna Farrell - Krile Mayer Baldesion - Yuffie Kisaragi - Vincent Valentine - Cidolfus Orlandeau
Chocobo - Ifrit - Shiva - Ramuh - Odin - Bahamut
Battle Music
Battle - Mini-Boss-Battle - Last Battle - Battle Theme 1 - Battle Theme 2 - The Rebel Army - Battle 1 - Battle 2 - This is the Last Battle - Battle 1 - Battle 2 - Battle with the Four Fiends - Battle at the Big Bridge - The Final Battle - The Decisive Battle - Dancing Mad - Let the Battles Begin! - Fight On! - J-E-N-O-V-A - One-Winged Angel - The Man with the Machine Gun - Force Your Way - The Extreme - Battle 1 - Battle 2 - Something to Protect - The Darkness of Eternity - Battle Theme - Challenge - Fight With Seymour - A Contest of Aeons - Otherworld - The Final Battle - Awakening - Clash of Swords - Shinryu - The Battle for Freedom - Saber's Edge - Blinded By Light - Defiers of Fate - Fighting Fate - The Land Breathes - Fallen Angel - Antipyretic - Let Me Blow You a Kiss - This is the End for you! - SOLDIER Battle - Cantata Mortis - Etro's Champion - Lightning Returns
Herunterladbare Musikstücke
Battle 2 - Shuffle or Boogie - Blitz Off - Tough Battle #2 - Four Noble Devils Battle I
Event Music
Answers - Bland Logo~Title Back - 1000 Words - Starry Moonlit Night - Advent: One-Winged Angel - Theme of CRISIS CORE - Lux Concordiae - We Have Come - Warrior Goddess - Savior of Souls
Field Music
Main Theme - Cornelia Castle - Mt. Gulg - Sunken Shrine - Main Theme - Town - Dungeon - Tower of the Magi - Eternal Wind - Crystal Cave - Elia, the Maiden of Water - The Crystal Tower - Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV - The Red Wings - Theme of Love - Within the Giant - Four Hearts - Home, Sweet Home - Mambo de Chocobo - In Search Of Light - Terra's Theme - Celes's Theme - Searching For Friends - Kefka's Tower - Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII - Golden Saucer - Cosmo Canyon - Judgment Day - Blue Fields - Find Your Way - Waltz for the Moon - Ride On - Over the Hill - A Place to Call Home - Dark City Treno - Behind The Door - Movement in Green - Mi'ihen Highroad - To Zanarkand - A Fleeting Dream - SUTEKI DA NE - Ronfaure - Gustaberg - The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah - Vana'diel March - Giza Plains - The Royal City of Rabanastre - The Dalmasca Estersand - Theme Of The Empire - The Sunleth Waterscape - Dust to Dust - Cloud Smiles - Gate To The Rift - Soar - Eclipse
Herunterladbare Musikstücke
The Ancient Library - Roses of May - KUON: Memories of Waves and Light - Crazy Chocobo - The Sewers
Battle Music Sequence - Crystal Shard - CollectaCard - Event Music Sequence - Feature Drive - Field Music Sequence - Museum - Music Play - ProfiCard - Quest Medley - Rhythmia - Street Pass - Versus Mode
Best of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call Remix Selections
Ability - Bossgegner - Gegner - Items - Herunterladbare Inhalte - Zauber
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line
Krieger des Lichts - Prinzessin Sela - Garland - Firion - Min'U - Maria - Ghai - Leon - Imperator Mateus - Zwiebelritter - Cid Haze - Wolke der Dunkelheit - Cecil Harvey - Kain Highwind - Rydia - Rosa Joanna Farrell - Edge Geraldine - Golbez - Bartz Klauser - Lenna Charlotte Tycoon - Galuf Halm Baldesion - Faris Scherwiz - Krile Mayer Baldesion Gilgamesch - Exdeath - Terra Branford - Lock Cole - Edgar Roni Figaro - Celes Chère - Mog - Kefka Palazzo - Cloud Strife - Tifa Lockhart - Barret Wallace - Aerith Gainsborough - Red XIII - Yuffie Kisaragi - Vincent Valentine - Sephiroth - Zack Fair - Squall Leonhart - Cifer Almasy - Rinoa Heartilly - Laguna Loire - Edea Kramer - Artemisia - Zidane Tribal - Vivi Orunitia - Prinzessin Garnet - Eiko Carol - Kuja - Tidus - Yuna - Auron - Jekkt - Rikku - Paine - Seymor Guado - Shantotto - Prishe - Aphmau - Lilisette - Vaan - Ashe - Balthier - Fran - Gabranth - Lightning - Snow Villiers - Vanille - Hope Estheim - Serah Farron - Noel Kreiss - Cid Raines - Y'shtola Rhul - Alphinaud Leveilleur - Thancred Waters - Yda Hext - Noctis Lucis Caelum - Gladiolus Amicitia - Ignis Scientia - Prompto Argentum - Aranea Highwind - Benjamin - Ramza Beoulve - Agrias Oaks - Cidolfus Orlandeau - Ciaran - Ace - Machina Kunagiri - Rem Tokimiya - Kurasame Susaya - Tyro - Wol - Cosmos - Chaos - Materia - Spiritus - Chocobo
Field Music Sequence - Battle Music Sequence - Event Music Sequence - CollectaCard - Rhythmia - Fertigkeiten
Items - Lieder - Trophäen