Eine Auflistung aller Accessoires in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. Standardmäßig kann jeder Charakter drei Accessoires ausrüsten, jedoch können weitere Slots im Tausch gegen 100 Gil und einen Rosetta Stone freigeschaltet werden, bis Platz für insgesamt zehn Accessoires vorhanden ist.
Jeder Charakter kann jedes im Spiel erhältliche Accessoire ausrüsten. Wie viele Exemplare desselben Accessoires an einen Charakter angelegt werden kann, hängt dabei nicht nur von der Anzahl an Exemplaren im Inventar ab, sondern auch vom Rang des Accessoires:
Rang | Anzahl Accessoires |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
10 |
Liste der Accessoires[]
Basic-Accessoires wirken so, wie es in der Beschreibung erklärt wird, wobei die Wirkungskraft durch das Anlegen von Booster-Accessoires verstärkt werden kann.
Name | Effekt | Erhalt | Rang |
Power Ring | Schaden +3% | Shop (100 Gil, 3x Flash's Desire), TotG: Chapter 1 (Crescent Lake Gateway) | |
Hyper Ring | Schaden +5% | Shop (900 Gil, 1x Power Ring, 3x Stalwart's Hopes, 3x Blackcrystal Sliver) | |
Muscle Belt | Physischer Schaden +7% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 5x Champion's Desire, 3x Phantom's Dream, 3x Promyvion Shard) | |
Earring | Magischer Schaden +7% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Summoner's Dream, 3x Girl's Dream, 3x Sephira) | |
Protect Stud | Physische Abwehr +3% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Tree's Dream, 3x Hero's Hopes, 3x Voidshard) | |
White Cape | Magische Abwehr +3% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Despot's Hopes, 3x Flash's Hopes, 3x Magicite Shard) | |
Guard Ring | Rammbock-Abwehr +5% | Shop (900 Gil, 3x Dragoon's Desire), TotG: Chapter 4 (West Melmond Gateway) | |
Block Ring | Rammbock-Abwehr +10% | Shop (2.600 Gil, 3x Sky Pirate's Hopes, 3x Flash's Desire, 3x Time Warp) | |
Guardian Bangle | Abwehr +2% | Shop (2.600 Gil, 1x Guard Ring, 3x Hero's Dream, 3x Moonflow) | |
Booster | Rammbock-BRV-Schaden +40% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Horror's Dream, 3x Gunner's Dream, 3x Order of Emptiness) | |
Sniper Eye | Rammbock-HP-Schaden +10% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Soldier's Dream, 3x Knight's Dream, 3x Materia) | |
Defense Veil | Rammbock-BRV-Abwehr +20% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Stalwart's Dream, 3x Brawler's Dream, 3x Sealed Darkness) | |
Decoy | Rammbock-HP-Abwehr +10% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Hero's Dream, 3x Flash's Dream, 3x Fal'cie Husk) | |
Jet Engine | Verfolgungs-BRV-Schaden +20% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Youth's Dream, 3x Lion's Dream, 3x Palamecian Gem) | |
Amulet | Verfolgungs-BRV-Abwehr +20% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Warrior's Dream, 3x Lady's Dream, 3x Moonflow) | |
Prayer Beads | Gegnerische Kritischenrate -2% | Shop (3.500 Gil, 1x Guard Ring, 3x Promyvion Shard, 2x Tome of Lies) | |
Mindbreak | BRV-Steigerung nach Arenazerstörung +2% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Wraith's Dream, 3x Warlock's Dream, 3x Moon Stone) | |
Angel Brooch | Arenaschaden-Abwehr +10% | Shop (900 Gil, 3x Warlock's Dream, 3x Despot's Dream, 3x Demon Soul) | |
Attractorb | Radius der EX-Energie-Aufnahme +1m Aufladung der Assist-Leiste -20% |
Shop (900 Gil, 3x Liegeman's Dream, 3x Thief's Dream, 3x Xande's Hatred) | |
Pearl Necklace | EX-Energie-Aufnahme +10% Aufladung der Assist-Leiste -20% |
Shop (2.600 Gil, 3x Youth's Dream, 3x Knight's Dream, 3x Star's Core), TotG: Chapter 7 (Gateway of Melting Snows) | |
Dragonfly Orb | EX-Kern-Absorption +10% Assist-Leiste entlädt sich 30% schneller |
Shop (2.600 Gil, 3x Wraith's Dream, 3x Reaper's Dream, 3x Moon Stone) | |
Silver Hourglass | EX-Modus-Dauer +5% Assist-Leiste entlädt sich 10% schneller |
Shop (900 Gil, 3x Girl's Dream, 3x Phantom's Dream, 3x Blackcrystal Sliver) | |
Pendant | EX-Kerne erscheinen häufiger EX-Energie-Absorption -10% |
Shop (900 Gil, 3x Champion's Dream, 3x Witch's Desire, 3x Demon Soul) | |
Battle Gem | Assist-Leiste hält 10% länger EX-Energie-Absorption -20% |
Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Dragoon's Desire, 3x Moon Stone, 3x Voidshard) | |
Zephyr Cloak | BRV-Steigerung nach Ausweichen +2% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Reaper's Dream, 3x Gunner's Dream, 3x Materia) | |
Heart's Ease | BRV-Steigerung nach Abwehr +2% | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Hero's Dream, 3x Tree's Dream, 3x Blackcrystal Sliver) | |
Bravery Orb | BRV-Regeneration +30% | Shop (900 Gil, 3x Liegeman's Hopes, 3x Wanderer's Dream, 3x Star's Core) | |
Reflect Strand | Magiekonter-Stärke +20% | Shop (900 Gil, 3x Wraith's Hopes, 3x Warlock's Dream, 3x Moon Stone) | |
Angel's Bell | Regena +5% | Shop (900 Gil, 3x Liegeman's Dream, 3x Reaper's Dream, 3x Sealed Darkness) | |
Sunrise | Erschaffungsrate +50% | Shop (900 Gil, 3x Dragoon's Dream, 3x Harlequin's Dream, 3x Magicite Shard) | |
Dismay Shock | Gegnerische EX-Leisten-Reduktion nach HP-Angriff +1% | Shop (3.000 Gil, 3x Discord's Dream, 3x Entropy's Birth, 2x Tome of the Farplane) | |
Battle Hammer | Gegnerische Assist-Leisten-Reduktion nach HP-Angriff +5% | Shop (3.500 Gil, 1x Battle Ring, 3x Ghost, 2x Tome of Lies) | |
Safety Bit | 6%-Chance, dass der Träger einen tödlichen Angriff mit 1 HP übersteht | Shop (1.500 Gil, 3x Iifa Leaf, 3x Iifa Dew, 2x Tome of Men) | |
Smiting Soul | 1%-Chance auf einen Bravery Break Abwehr -20% |
Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Discord's Dream, 2x Discord's Hopes, 1x Tome of the Orator) | |
EX Breaker | 2%-Chance auf sofortige Leerung der EX-Leiste Abwehr -10% |
Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Giant's Hopes, 3x Palamecian Gem, 1x Tome of Men) | |
Bond Breaker | 2%-Chance auf sofortige Leerung der Assist-Leiste Abwehr -10% |
Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Horror's Hopes, 3x Xande's Hatred, 1x Tome of Men) | |
A Comrade's Vow | Assist-Leisten-Aufladung nach HP-Angriff +15% Radius der EX-Energie-Aufnahme -1m |
Shop (3.500 Gil, 1x Battle Gem, 5x Entropy's Birth, 1x Tome of Silence) |
Booster-Accessoires sind alleine wirkungslos und müssen daher in Kombination mit Basic-Accessoires ausgerüstet werden. Werden im Kampf bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllt, welche in der Beschreibung des Booster-Accessoires genannt werden, werden getragene Basic-Accessoires um einen bestimmten Faktor verstärkt.
Name | Bedingung | Faktor | Erhalt | Rang |
HP = 100% | Bei 100% eigener HP | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
HP ≥ 10000 | Bei mindestens 10.000 eigener HP | 1.3x | Errungenschaft 018 | |
HP = 1 | Bei 1 HP | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 024 | |
Near Death | Bei eigenem kritischen Zustand | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 003 | |
Near Loss | Bei gegnerischer Siegchance | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 088 | |
Large Gap in HP | Bei HP-Unterschied von mindestens 3.000 zwischen eigenem Charakter und Gegner | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 075 | |
HP is a Prime Number | Wenn die eigenen HP einer Primzahl entsprechen | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 076 | |
HP ≤ 50% | Bei maximal 50% eigener HP | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
HP ≤ 25% | Bei maximal 25% eigener HP | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
BRV ≥ Base Value | Wenn der eigene Bravery mindestens dem Basiswert entspricht | 1.3x | Errungenschaft 010 | |
BRV ≤ Base Value | Wenn der eigene Bravery maximal dem Basiswert entspricht | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 011 | |
Break | Bei eigenem Break | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 020 | |
Victory Chance | Bei eigener Siegchance | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 033 | |
Large Gap in BRV | Bei BRV-Unterschied von mindestens 3.000 zwischen eigenem Charakter und Gegner | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 077 | |
BRV = 0 | Wenn der eigene Bravery 0 beträgt | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
BRV is a Prime Number | Wenn der eigene Bravery einer Primzahl entspricht | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
No BRV Damage | Vor dem Erleiden von BRV-Schaden | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
No Damage | Vor einem Treffer durch jegliche gegnerische Angriffe | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Full EX Gauge | Bei voller eigener EX-Leiste | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
Empty EX Gauge | Bei leerer eigener EX-Leiste | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
EX Core Present | Bei vorhandenem EX-Kern in der Arena | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 045 | |
EX Mode | Während des eigenen EX-Modus | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
EX Revenge | Während der eigenen EX Revenge | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Maintain EX Mode | Wenn der eigene EX-Modus mindestens 15 Sekunden anhält | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Full Assist Gauge | Bei voller eigener Assist-Leiste | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
Empty Assist Gauge | Bei leerer eigener Assist-Leiste | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Assist | Während eigenen Assist-Angriffes | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Assists Locked | Bei eigener versiegelter Assist-Leiste | 1.4x | Errungenschaft 026 | |
Maintain Assist | Wenn die eigene Assist-Leiste mindestens 15 Sekunden lang gefüllt ist | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Full EX & Assist Gauge | Bei voller eigener EX- und Assist-Leiste | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
After Summon | Nach der Verwendung des eigenen Summonstones | 1.3x | Errungenschaft 085 | |
Summon Unused | Vor der Verwendung des eigenen Summonstones | 1.3x | Errungenschaft 084 | |
Attacking Bravery | Während des eigenen BRV-Angriffes | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 006 | |
Attacking HP | Während des eigenen HP-Angriffes | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 007 | |
Taking Damage | Bei eigenem erlittenen Schaden | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 028 | |
Blocking | Bei eigener Abwehr | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 012 | |
Evading | Während des eigenen Ausweichmanövers | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 013 | |
Quickmove | Während des eigenen Schnellmanövers | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 014 | |
Chasing | Während einer Verfolgungsjagd | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 015 | |
Staggering | Während man taumelt | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 078 | |
Damage time ≥ 5 sec | Bei jeglichem Schaden, der mindestens 5 Sekunden anhält | 4.0x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-Bravery Attack | Vor eigenem Einsatz eines BRV-Angriffes | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-HP Attack | Vor eigenem Einsatz eines HP-Angriffes | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-Jump | Vor eigenem Einsatz eines Sprunges | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-Guard | Vor eigenem Einsatz einer Abwehr | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-Evasion | Vor eigenem Einsatz eines Ausweichmanövers | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-Air Dash | Vor eigenem Einsatz eines Luftspurtes | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-EX Mode | Vor eigenem EX-Modus | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-EX Revenge | Vor eigener EX Revenge | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-Assist | Vor eigenem Assist-Angriff | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Near Opponent | Wenn nah am Gegner | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 002 | |
Far from Opponent | Wenn entfernt vom Gegner | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 004 | |
Grounded | Wenn mindestens 3 Sekunden am Boden | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Aerial | Wenn mindestens 10 Sekunden in der Luft | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
After 30 seconds | 30 Sekunden nach Kampfbeginn | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 008 | |
HP = 100% | Bei 100% gegnerischer HP | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
HP ≥ 10000 | Bei mindestens 10.000 gegnerischer HP | 1.3x | Errungenschaft 019 | |
HP ≤ 50% | Bei maximal 50% gegnerischer HP | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
HP ≤ 25% | Bei maximal 25% gegnerischer HP | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
BRV ≥ Base Value | Wenn der gegnerische Bravery mindestens dem Basiswert entspricht | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 047 | |
BRV ≤ Base Value | Wenn der gegnerische Bravery maximal dem Basiswert entspricht | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 048 | |
Break | Bei gegnerischem Break | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
Pre-Bravery Damage | Vor gegnerischem erfolgreichem Einsatz eines BRV-Angriffes | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
EX Gauge Full | Bei voller gegnerischer EX-Leiste | 1.3x | Errungenschaft 050 | |
Empty EX Gauge | Bei leerer gegnerischer EX-Leiste | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
EX Mode | Während gegnerischen EX-Modus | 1.3x | Errungenschaft 044, Moogle Shop | |
EX Revenge | Während gegnerischer EX Revenge | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 025, | |
Assist Gauge Full | Bei voller gegnerischer Assist-Leiste | 1.4x | Errungenschaft 080 | |
Assists Locked | Bei versiegelter gegnerischer Assist-Leiste | 1.4x | Errungenschaft 074 | |
Assist | Bei gegnerischem Assist-Angriff | 1.4x | Errungenschaft 046 | |
Empty Assist Gauge | Bei leerer gegnerischer Assist-Leiste | 1.4x | Errungenschaft 081 | |
After Summon | Nach gegnerischer Verwendung des Summonstones | 1.3x | Errungenschaft 072 | |
Summon Unused | Vor gegnerischer Verwendung des Summonstones | 1.3x | Errungenschaft 073 | |
Pre-HP Damage | Vor gegnerischem erfolgreichen Einsatz eines HP-Angriffes | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
Weaponless | Wenn keine Waffe getragen wird | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Gloveless | Wenn kein Schild getragen wird | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Hatless | Wenn keine Kopfbedeckung getragen wird | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Armorless | Wenn keine Torso-Ausrüstung getragen wird | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Level 1-9 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 1-9 | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 001 | |
Level 10-19 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 10-19 | 1.5x | Errungenschaft 005 | |
Level 20-29 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 20-29 | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 009 | |
Level 30-39 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 30-39 | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 037 | |
Level 40-49 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 40-49 | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 038 | |
Level 50-59 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 50-59 | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 039 | |
Level 60-69 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 60-69 | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 040 | |
Level 70-79 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 70-79 | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 041 | |
Level 80-89 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 80-89 | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 042 | |
Level 90-99 | Bei eigenem Level zwischen 90-99 | 1.2x | Errungenschaft 043 | |
Level Gap ≥ 10 | Wenn der Gegner mindestens 10 Level über dem eigenen Charakter steht | 1.3x | Moogle Shop | |
Level Gap ≥ 20 | Wenn der Gegner mindestens 20 Level über dem eigenen Charakter steht | 1.4x | Moogle Shop | |
Level Gap ≥ 30 | Wenn der Gegner mindestens 30 Level über dem eigenen Charakter steht | 1.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Level Gap ≥ 40 | Wenn der Gegner mindestens 40 Level über dem eigenen Charakter steht | 2.0x | Moogle Shop | |
Level Gap ≥ 50 | Wenn der Gegner mindestens 50 Level über dem eigenen Charakter steht | 2.5x | Moogle Shop | |
Level Gap ≥ 60 | Wenn der Gegner mindestens 60 Level über dem eigenen Charakter steht | 3.0x | Moogle Shop | |
Level Gap ≥ 70 | Wenn der Gegner mindestens 70 Level über dem eigenen Charakter steht | 5.0x | Moogle Shop | |
Level Gap ≥ 80 | Wenn der Gegner mindestens 80 Level über dem eigenen Charakter steht | 8.0x | Moogle Shop | |
Level Gap ≥ 90 | Wenn der Gegner mindestens 90 Level über dem eigenen Charakter steht | 10.0x | Moogle Shop | |
Easy Come, Easy Go | Nach Kampfbeginn 15 Sekunden nach Kampfbeginn |
2.5x 0.5x |
Errungenschaft 082 | |
Strong Against Adversity | Bei 1 HP Bei mehr als 1 HP |
3x 0.5x |
Errungenschaft 079 |
Special-Accessoires funktionieren ähnlich wie Basic-Accessoires, können aber nicht durch das Anlegen von Booster-Accessoires verstärkt werden. Einige von ihnen können am Ende eines Kampfes zerbrechen.
Name | Effekt | Erhalt | Rang |
White Drop | EX-Energie-Absorption +5% Assist-Leiste entlädt sich 5% schneller |
Finden: TotG: Chapter 7 (Ryukahn Gateway) | |
Red Drop | Schaden +3% | Finden: TotG: Chapter 1 (Gateway of Fools and Hope) | |
Orange Drop | Abwehr +3% | Finden: TotG: Chapter 2 (Encounters and Treason) | |
Yellow Drop | LUK +1 | Finden: TotG: Chapter 6 (Ryukahn Gateway) | |
Green Drop | HP +100 | Finden: TotG: Chapter 2 (Oberwelt, nach Encounters and Treason) | |
Blue Drop | BRV +20 | Finden: TotG: Chapter 2 (Hidden Darkness Gateway) | |
Cyan Drop | EX-Energie zum Kampfbeginn +10% Assist-Leiste entlädt sich 10% schneller |
Finden: TotG: Chapter 7 (Snow of Sorrow) | |
Purple Drop | Regena +5% | ||
Red Gem | Schaden +5% | ||
Orange Gem | Abwehr +5% | ||
Yellow Gem | LUK +2 | ||
Green Gem | HP +300 | ||
Blue Gem | BRV +60 | ||
Cyan Gem | EX-Energie zum Kampfbeginn +20% Assist-Leiste entlädt sich 20% schneller |
Purple Gem | Regena +10% | ||
White Gem | EX-Energie-Absorption +10% Assist-Leiste entlädt sich 10% schneller |
Lucky Charm | LUK +4 Esper-Aufladung +1 |
Tausch: 900 Gil, 3x Wanderer's Desire, 3x Despot's Desire, 3x Ghost | |
Rabbit's Foot | LUK +8 Esper-Aufladung +2 |
Tausch: 2.600 Gil, 1x Lucky Charm, 3x Wanderer's Dream, 3x Voidshard | |
Hero's Spirit | CP +15 | Tausch: 1.500 Gil, 1x Lucky Charm, 1x Guard Ring | |
Hero's Essence | CP +30 | Tausch: 2.200 Gil, 1x Rabbit's Foot, 1x Guardian Bangle | |
Desert Boots | BRV-Steigerung nach Schnellmanöver +2% | Tausch: 1.500 Gil, 2x Witch's Dream, 2x Reaper's Dream, 2x Fal'cie Husk | |
Back to the Wall | HP zum Kampfbeginn -90% | Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 3x Life Resin, 3x Mystery Resin, 1x Tome of the Orator | |
Tenacious Attacker | EX-Energie wird absorbiert, während Angriffe ausgeführt werden | Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 1x Attractorb, 1x Muscle Belt, 1x Tome of Memories | |
Blazing Totema | EX-Energie wird absorbiert, wenn man eine Esper beschwört Esper-Aufladung +2 |
Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 1x Glutton, 1x Tenacious Attacker, 2x Tome of Memories | |
Growth Egg | EXP +20% | Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 1x Growth Seed, 3x Chocobo Wing, 1x Chocobo Feather | |
Strengh to Courage | Wandelt HP in BRV um | Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 3x Life Resin, 1x Angel's Bell, 2x Tome of Mysteries | |
Force to Courage | Wandelt EX-Energie und EX-Kerne in BRV um | Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 1x Heart's Ease, 1x Pearl Necklace, 2x Tome of Mysteries | |
Vengeful Soul | Eye for an Eye Wird ein magischer HP-Angriff reflektiert, erhöht sich der erteilte Schaden um den eigenen BRV-Wert |
Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 1x Reflect Strand, 1x Earring, 5x Sephira | |
Rebellious Soul | Bonecrusher Im kritischen Zustand wird der BRV-Wert um 20% der maximalen HP erhöht |
Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 1x Hyper Ring, 1x Rabbit's Foot, 5x Order of Emptiness | |
Final Position | BRV Last Chance Ein Angriff, der einen Bravery Break herbeiführen würde, senkt den BRV einmalig auf null. |
Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 1x Vision's Hopes, 1x Wanderer's Dream, 5x Moonflow | |
Final Decision | BRV Combo Chance Ein Komboangriff, der einen Bravery Break herbeiführen würde, senkt den BRV einmalig auf null. |
Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 1x Vision's Hopes, 1x Thief's Dream, 5x Promyvion Shard | |
Destroyer | No chance Deaktiviert einmalig gegnerische „Chance“-Effekte |
Tausch: 3.000 Gil, 3x Star's Core, 3x Iifa Dew, 1x Tome of Men | |
Glutton | EX-Energie wird absorbiert, wenn Schaden erlitten wird | Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Attractorb, 1x Pearl Necklace, 2x Tome of Memories | |
Inner Peace | 4%-Chance, dass Schaden durch einen gegnerischen HP-Angriff auf 1 HP reduziert wird | Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Prayer Beads, 3x Ghost, 1x Tome of the Orator | |
Winged Boots | Abwehr von Teleportationsschaden +50% Abwehr von Schaden durch Abgründe +100% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 3x Reaper's Desire, 3x Reaper's Dream | |
Platinum Hourglass | EX-Modus-Dauer +15% EX-Energie-Absorption -20% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Silver Hourglass, 3x Time Warp, 2x Tome of Mysteries | |
Spider Web | EX Revenge-Dauer +10% | Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Spider Silk, 3x Time Warp, 2x Tome of Mysteries | |
Ruby Hourglass | EX-Modus-Dauer +10% Schaden im EX-Modus -10% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Silver Hourglass, 3x Magicite Shard, 2x Tome of Memories | |
Spider's Bane | EX Revenge-Dauer +15% | Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Spider Silk, 3x Voidshard, 2x Tome of Memories | |
Aggressor | Schaden im EX-Modus +20% EX-Modus-Dauer -30% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Earring, 3x Promyvion Shard, 2x Tome of Lies | |
Avenger | EX Revenge-Schaden +30% EX-Kern-Absorption -30% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Muscle Belt, 3x Sephira, 2x Tome of Lies | |
Glimmering Crystal | EX-Kern-Absorption +15% Assist-Leiste füllt sich 15% langsamer |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Dragonfly Orb, 3x Order of Emptiness, 3x Materia | |
Badge of Trust | Assist-Leiste zum Kampfbeginn +40% EX-Energie-Absorption -30% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Friendship Resin, 3x Materia, 3x Palamecian Gem | |
Great Gospel | Regena +10% BRV-Regeneration +50% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Bravery Orb, 1x Desert Boots, 2x Tome of the Farplane | |
Steel Curtain | Rammbock-Abwehr +10% | Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Defense Veil, 1x Amulet, 2x Tome of Mysteries | |
Berserker Ring | Rammbock-Schaden +10% | Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Jet Engine, 1x Booster, 2x Tome of Mysteries | |
First to Victory | EX-Energie zum Kampfbeginn +20% Assist-Leiste zum Kampfbeginn +20% BRV zum Kampfbeginn +20% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 6x Arcane Incense, 3x Valor Incense, 1x Tome of Silence | |
Hero's Seal | BRV zum Kampfbeginn +50% | Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 6x Valor Incense, 6x Valor Resin, 1x Tome of Silence | |
Beckoning Cat | Gil +20% AP +20% PP +20% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Lucky Charm, 1x Mog's Amulet, 2x Tome of Lies | |
Sturm und Drang | Physischer Schaden +3% Rammbock-BRV-Schaden +40% Verfolgungs-BRV-Schaden +7% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Muscle Belt, 1x Booster, 1x Tome of the Farplane | |
Soul of Thamasa | Magischer Schaden +3% Rammbock-BRV-Schaden +40% Verfolgungs-BRV-Schaden +7% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Earring, 1x Jet Engine, 1x Tome of the Farplane | |
Fake Mustache | LUK +10 EX-Kerne erscheinen häufiger |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Pendant, 1x Lucky Charm, 1x Tome of the Orator | |
Back-Breaking Straw | BRV-Steigerung nach Ausweichen +5% BRV-Steigerung nach Abwehr +5% BRV-Steigerung nach Schnellmanöver +1% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Zephyr Cloak, 1x Heart's Ease, 1x Tome of the Orator | |
Mystic Guard | EX Break Chance Verhindert einmalig einen EX Break |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Guardian Bangle, 5x Xande's Hatred, 1x Tome of Silence | |
Fiery Spirit | Assist Armor Verhindert einmalig einen Assist Lock |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Guardian Bangle, 5x Palamecian Gen, 1x Tome of Silence | |
Miracle Shoes | BRV +40 HP +200 LUK +1 |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Aries Recipe, 1x Rosetta Stone | |
Spider Silk | EX Revenge-Dauer +5% | Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Attractorb, 3x Moonflow, 3x Fal'cie Husk | |
Battle Ring | Free Assist 5%-Chance, dass die Assist-Leiste nicht geleert wird, wenn ein Assist gerufen wird |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Battle Gem, 3x Xande's Hatred, 2x Tome of the Farplane | |
Close to You | EX-Energie wird immer absorbiert Assist-Leiste wird 30% langsamer aufgeladen |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Attractorb, 1x Dragonfly Orb, 2x Tome of Adventure | |
Center of the World | Radius der EX-Energie-Aufnahme +3m EX-Energie- und EX-Kern-Aufnahme +25% Assist-Leiste füllt sich nicht |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Pearl Necklace, 1x Dragonfly Orb, 1x Tome of Adventure | |
Together As One | Assist-Leiste zum Kampfbeginn +40% Assist-Leiste hält 50% länger EX-Energie-Absorption -40% |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Battle Gem, 5x Entropy's Birth, 1x Tome of Adventure | |
Side by Side | Assist-Leiste füllt sich durch HP-Angriffe Keine EX-Energie-Aufnahme EX-Leiste füllt sich nicht |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Battle Ring, 5x Fal'cie Husk, 2x Tome of Adventure | |
Dangerously Lucky | Last Chance Drop-Wahrscheinlichkeit +75% Zerbricht bei Anwendung |
Tausch: 3.500 Gil, 1x Gemini Recipe, 1x Gnomish Bread, 1x Automaton Parts | |
Iifa Leaf | Last Chance Man übersteht einen tödlichen Angriff mit 1 HP. Wirkt nicht, wenn der Träger bereits 1 HP hat Zerbricht bei Anwendung |
Tausch: 1.000 Gil, 1x Blackcrystal Sliver, 1x Sealed Darkness, 1x Star's Core Finden: TotG: Chapter 2 (Snow of Sorrow), TotG: Chapter 5 (North Sanctuary Gateway) |
Iifa Dew | Second Chance Fallen die HP auf null, wird BRV in HP umgewandelt. Wirkt nicht, wenn der Träger 0 BRV hat oder unter einem BRV Break leidet Zerbricht bei Anwendung |
Tausch: 1.500 Gil, 1x Iifa Leaf, 1x Demon Soul, 1x Order of Emptiness | |
Valor Incense | BRV zum Kampfbeginn +100% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 5 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Valor Resin | BRV zum Kampfbeginn +200% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 10 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Arcane Incense | EX-Energie zum Kampfbeginn +25% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 5 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Arcane Resin | EX-Energie zum Kampfbeginn +100% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 10 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Destruction Incense | ATK +4 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 5 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Destruction Resin | ATK +8 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 10 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Patience Incense | DEF +4 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 5 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Patience Resin | DEF +8 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 10 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Life Incense | HP +500 Zerbechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 5 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Life Resin | HP +1.000 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 10 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Mystery Incense | LUK +8 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 5 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Mystery Resin | LUK +16 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 10 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Friendship Incense | Assist-Leiste zum Kampfbeginn +50% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 5 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Friendship Resin | Assist-Leiste zum Kampfbeginn +100% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 10 KP (Moogle Shop) | |
Chocobo Down | EXP +20% Zerbrechlichkeit: 30% |
Geschenk: Play Plans Casual und Treasure Hunter | |
Chocobo Wing | EXP +50% Zerbrechlichkeit: 30% |
Geschenk: Play Plans Average und Treasure Hunter, Arcade Mode | |
Chocobo Feather | EXP +100% Zerbrechlichkeit: 30% |
Geschenk: Play Plans Hardcore und Treasure Hunter, Arcade Mode | |
Superslick | Erschaffungsrate +100% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Geschenk: Arcade Mode | |
Superstiff | Erschaffungsrate +200% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Geschenk: Arcade Mode | |
Supershine | Erschaffungsrate +400% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Geschenk: Arcade Mode | |
Mog's Amulet | Drop-Wahrscheinlichkeit +50% Zerbrechlichkeit: 30% |
Geschenk: Mognet | |
Diamond Ring | AP +400% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Geschenk: Arcade Mode | |
Diamond Necklace | AP +200% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Geschenk: Arcade Mode | |
Diamond Studs | AP +100% Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Geschenk: Arcade Mode | |
Soul of Destruction | ATK=55 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 2.000 Gil Finden: TotG: Chapter 1 (Sage's Path Gateway), TotG: Chapter 2 (Seasonless Gateway), TotG: Epilogue (Recurring Tragedy) |
Soul of Patience | DEF=55 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 2.000 Gil Finden: TotG: Chapter 5 (North Sanctuary Gateway) |
Soul of Valor | BRV=700 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 2.000 Gil Finden: TotG: Chapter 3 (Great Forest Gateway), TotG: Chapter 4 (Southern Shrine Gateway), TotG: Chapter 6 (Hidden Darkness Gateway) |
Soul of Unrivaled Valor | BRV zum Kampfbeginn=1.400 Zerbrechlichkeit: 100% |
Kaufen: 2.000 Gil Finden: TotG: Chapter 3 (Gateway to Decay) |
Training Ring | BRV=0 Physischer Schaden -100% Magischer Schaden -100% |
Kaufen: 5.000 Gil |
Trade-Accessoires dienen in erster Linie dazu, im Shop gegen Waffen, Rüstungen, andere Accessoires oder gewisse Boni eingetauscht zu werden. Werden sie einem Charakter angelegt, bewirken sie eine Steigerung des Luck-Wertes.
Name | Beschreibung/Effekt | Erhalt | Rang | |
Chocobo Cologne | It...really reeks of Chocobo. | LUK +4 | Belohnung im Arcade Mode | |
Rosetta Stone | A stone necessary for warriors to strengthen themselves. Try asking at the shop. | LUK +4 | Moogle Shops (10 KP), diverse Schatztruhen | |
Mythril | An extremely precious metal. It sparkles of silver and has strength surpassing steel. | LUK +1 | diverse Schatztruhen, Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 20 KP) | |
Gold | An ancient metal, dense and heavy. Its brilliance can entrance even demons. | LUK +2 | diverse Schatztruhen, Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 25 KP) | |
Diamond | A super-hard crystal that can cut through anything. | LUK +3 | diverse Schatztruhen, Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Crystal | This sliver holds the power of the crystal... Perhaps too much of it. | LUK +4 | diverse Schatztruhen, Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 30 KP) | |
Adamantite | A legendary metal of unrivaled hardness. | LUK +4 | Moogle Shop (CotC, Land of Discord; 250 KP) | |
Dragon's Tear | A crystallized tear of a legendary dragon. Its glow captivates all who gaze upon it. | LUK +4 | CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (10. Etage) | |
Titan's Tear | The tear cried when the giant who had protected a shrine in a forest had fallen. | LUK +4 | CotC: The Forsaken Lands (3. und 5. Etage) | |
Samurai Spirit | A jewel holding the spirit of a samurai who had protected his master honorably. | LUK +4 | Moogle Shop (CotC, Land of Discord; 250 KP) | |
Knight Lore | It is written: "The way of the knight is to defend others." | LUK +4 | Shop (500.000 Gil) | |
Marksman Lore | It is written: "Attack without doubt, do so and you will understand." | LUK +4 | Shop (500.000 Gil) | |
Sage Lore | It is written: "The pen is mightier that the sword." | LUK +4 | Shop (500.000 Gil) | |
Gunner Lore | It is written: "Never attack an ally." | LUK +4 | Shop (500.000 Gil) | |
Samurai Lore | It is written: "Attacking head-on is the way of the warrior." | LUK +4 | Shop (500.000 Gil) | |
Dancer Lore | It is written: "Don't forget to have fun." | LUK +4 | Shop (500.000 Gil) | |
Chemist Lore | It is written: "The secrets of the heart are the ultimate knowledge." | LUK +4 | Shop (500.000 Gil) | |
Growth Seed | A seed harboring the powers of the dead. Taking a bite revitalizes the body. | Pebbles ausrüsten und zerbrechen lassen | ||
Pink Tail | A very cute and popular pink tail. Cute is correct. | LUK +4 | diverse Schatztruhen, Moogle Shop (CotC, Osten des südl. Kontinents; 200 KP) | |
Hero's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Hero's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Hero's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Liegeman's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Liegeman's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Liegeman's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Youth's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Youth's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Youth's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Knight's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Knight's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Knight's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Wanderer's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Wanderer's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Wanderer's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Girl's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Girl's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Girl's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Soldier's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Soldier's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Soldier's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Lion's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Lion's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Lion's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Thief's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Thief's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Thief's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Vision's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Vision's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Vision's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Lady's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Lady's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Lady's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Stalwart's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Stalwart's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Stalwart's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Despot's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Despot's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Despot's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Wraith's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Wraith's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Wraith's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Warlock's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Warlock's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Warlock's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Tree's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Tree's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Tree's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Harlequin's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Harlequin's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Harlequin's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Champion's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Champion's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Champion's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Witch's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Witch's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Witch's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Reaper's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Reaper's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Reaper's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Phantom's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Phantom's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Phantom's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Warrior's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Warrior's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Warrior's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Discord's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Discord's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Discord's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Dragoon's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Dragoon's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Dragoon's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Giant's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Giant's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Giant's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Brawler's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Brawler's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Brawler's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Gunner's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Gunner's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Gunner's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Summoner's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Summoner's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Summoner's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Horror's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Horror's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Horror's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Sky Pirate's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Sky Pirate's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Sky Pirate's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Flash's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Flash's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Flash's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Utter Chaos's Desire | LUK +1 | Erschaffung | ||
Utter Chaos's Dream | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | ||
Utter Chaos's Hopes | LUK +3 | Erschaffung | ||
Order of Emptiness | A hollow component that drifts through Order's Sanctuary. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Blackcrystal Sliver | This sliver-like component rests in the Old Chaos Shrine. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Demon Soul | Hidden in Pandaemonium, this component houses souls. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Sealed Darkness | Sealed in the World of Darkness, this component houses an evil spirit. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Moon Stone | This celestial component can be scraped from the Lunar Subterrane. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Voidshard | This fragmented component once floated in The Rift. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Magicite Shard | A scrap-like component once kept in Kefka's Tower. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Materia | A spherical component said to be at the Planet's Core. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Time Warp | A crooked component found in Ultimecia's Castle. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Star's Core | Starstuff that appears in the Crystal World. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Moonflow | A shimmering component that forms at Dream's End. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Entropy's Birth | The first component, found at the Edge of Madness. | LUK +2 | Erschaffung | |
Promyvion Shard | A broken component that lands in the Empyreal Paradox. | LUK +4 | Erschaffung | |
Sephira | A sword-shaped component floating within Sky Fortress Bahamut. | LUK +4 | Erschaffung | |
Fal'Cie Husk | A life-giving component that can be harvested in Orphan's Cradle. | LUK +4 | Erschaffung | |
Palamecian Gem | A hollow component that drifts through the top floor of Pandaemonium. | LUK +4 | Erschaffung | |
Xande's Hatred | This ominous component can be scraped from the Crystal Tower. | LUK +4 | Erschaffung | |
Ghost | A component of lingering affection drifting in the Phantom Train. | LUK +4 | Erschaffung | |
Mallet | This silver component forms at M.S. Prima Vista. | LUK +4 | Erschaffung | |
Rusted Metal | It seems to have been neglected for some time. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Shiny Metal | A material with pristine luster. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Corel Ore | A semi-hard ore. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Narshe Ore | A hard but malleable material loved by moogles. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Gulg Steel | Surprisingly hot material once used to heat pots. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Gagazet Steel | An ore found on the sacred mountain. Cannot be destroyed by human hands. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Darksteel Ingot | Glimmers with an eerie black sheen. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Brass Ingot | An ingot of smelted brass. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Eureka Metal | An amassment of magic. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Figaro Gravel | Material found in any desert. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Yaschas Massif Gravel | Contains some pebbles. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Basilisk Pebble | How pitiful to be transformed into a pebble... | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Gargoyle Pebble | The powdered remains of a petrified gargoyle. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Epitaph Stone | The soul remains in the stone. It slightly moves at night. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Golem Stone | Scraped while the monster was sleeping peacefully. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Gorgon Eye | Do not stare at this directly. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Catoblepas Eye | Do not stare at this directly. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Sinspawn | Get too close and you'll get dizzy. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Mithra Tooth | Pulled with a string while it was wobbling. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Bangaa Tooth | Its adult teeth never regrow... | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Wererat Claw | Careful handling this, it's been coated with poison. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Silver Lobo Claw | A sharp claw. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Sphinx Fang | It's actually made of stone... | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Cerberus Fang | The heads are common, but it's fangs are rare. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Kujata Horn | A large horn holding many powers. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Bahamut Horn | It takes years to be replaced... | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Shinryu Claw | It's small enough to fit in a chest. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Chocobo Chick Powder | That's cruel of you to mash that... | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Chocobo Powder | It not a matter of being mature or not. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Skeleton Fragment | A bone, nothing more. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Skull Knight Shard | Definitely just a bone. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Unknown's Bone | It has a strange bend in it. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Dragon Lich Bone | A spore of foul stench is stuck into it. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Bismark Spine | A bone perfect for scooping things. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Syldra Spine | I've grown into a strong adult. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Omega Skeleton | The perfect specimen for an anthropology report. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Mandragora Twig | Not many people know that it has branches. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Alraune Twig | It's ground for use as an all-purpose medicine. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Rafflesia Vine | Branches sporting large flowers are really sturdy. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Treant Branch | It's still moving. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Macalania Timber | Wood containing pyrefly extract. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Golmore Timber | A precious wood found in the sealed land. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Moore Log | A log detailing the demise of a hero. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Elder Log | Its importance grows with age. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Iifa Tree | A tree connecting to the planet's core, and the essence of the planet. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Flan Membrane | You need years of experience to scrap it. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Black Flan Membrane | You need years of experience to scrap it. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Sahagin Skin | Something gooey. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Lizardman Skin | Something coarse. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Coeurl Hide | The blood of many people have stuck onto it. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Chimera Hide | Two types of leather are intertwined. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Behemoth Leather | Said to come from the mane of a horse and is extremely valuable. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC:Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Humbaba Leather | Extremely foul smell. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Demonic Black Leather | The leather used to cover a demon's notebook. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Glass Beads | Used in glassware. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Oerba Beads | Beads mixed with snow. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Ore | It's important to find one on your own and polish it. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Polished Ore | A polished ore is beautiful to anyone. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Floating Continent Gem | A gem that shines bright blue. Might respond to an incantation... | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Elemental Jewel | Said to have once been used to revitalize the body. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Carbuncle's Gem | That's cruel of you... | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Occurian Gem | A gem passed on through the generation known as magicite. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Huge Materia | An extremely large materia. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Fish Scale | The scales of a slow-moving fish. They can be caught by hand. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Delicious Fish Scale | Extremely fast fish. Perfect to reenergize someone. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Aged Turtle Shell | It spins around but isn't something to ride on. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Ancient Turtle Shell | The shell of a fire-spitting turtle. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Scorpion Shell | A heat-resistant shell. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Garchimacera Husk | A special husk that absorbs all magic. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Taharka Husk | Extremely hard! | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Tiamat Carapace | The carapace of the second head from the left is the most treasured. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Eden's Cuirass | A plate impervious to any Eidolon attack. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Zombie Rag | Is it made of cloth or skin? | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Ghost Rag | What's left over when possessed. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Fine Cloth | A cloth washed with expensive detergent. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Silky Cloth | Can be used to make undergarments and weapons. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Walse Fabric | Fabric soaked in sacred water and weaved in a certain manner. It is constantly damp. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Troian Fabric | Fabric weaved with rich water and clay. Known for its detailed ornaments. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Siren's Veil | Hides one's weak spot from any angle. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Shiva's Veil | You hear someone's gulp out of the blue. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Rebel Army Flag | A flag symbolizing freedom, and giving hope to the people. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Mu Fur | Often used for clothing as the fur quickly regrows. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Moogle Fur | Its fur regrows as the seasons change. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Cockatrice Feather | Feather as hard as stone. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Dusty Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 50 KP) | |
Zu Feather | Astonishing to think that these light feathers enable that giant to fly. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 1x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Lamia's Locks | Though a fiend, hair is definitely important. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Queen Lamia's Locks | Treated twice a day without fail. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Elixir), Moogle Shop (CotC, äußerster Südosten; 100 KP) | |
Ixion's Mane | The elderly cannot touch it as it's been infused with lightning. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Chasm in the Rotting Land | |
Sleipnir's Mane | Mane of the legendary hero's steed. | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: Curses and Hopes of Yore | |
Kluya's Beard | A lordly white beard holding untold magical powers. Seems someone pulled it out... | LUK +4 | Shop (10 Gil, 2x Megalixir), CotC: Land of the Stolen Crown | |
Gear Collection | Gears necessary in an automaton. Rare and difficult to purchase. | Moogle Shop (CotC, Osten des südl. Kontinents; 150 KP) | ||
Midgar Flower | Flowers that bloom in a small church. They bloom vibrantly yet shortly with her continued love. | LUK +4 | Dissidia 012 Prologus Final Fantasy abschließen | |
Tome of Memories | Very heavy, as if filled with the weight of someone's memories. | LUK +4 | CotC: Gateway of Good and Evil | |
Tome of Mysteries | Just a look causes excitement. | LUK +4 | CotC: Gateway of Good and Evil, CotC: Encounters and Treason | |
Tome of Lies | Different every time it is read. | LUK +4 | CotC: Encounters and Treason | |
Tome of the Farplane | Something left by a river bank. | LUK +4 | CotC: Encounters and Treason | |
Tome of Men | Its pages are completely blank. | LUK +4 | CotC: Dreams of a Flying Castle (5. Etage) | |
Tome of Silence | Read this and be moved to the point of being speechless. | LUK +4 | CotC: Dreams of a Flying Castle (5. Etage) | |
Tome of the Orator | Trivia that may be useful in the future is written here. | LUK +4 | CotC: Dreams of a Flying Castle (5. Etage) | |
Tome of Adventure | Diary of a legendary adventurer and all his travels. | LUK +4 | CotC: Dreams of a Flying Castle (5. Etage) | |
Scarletite | A metal used to create salves to legendary weapons. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Elixir, Moogle Shop (CotC, Osten des südl. Kontinents; 50 KP) | |
Electrum | A shining ore blacksmiths the world over yearn for. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Hi-Elixir), CotC: The Forsaken Lands (4., 8. und 10. Etage) | |
Guiding Light | The nameless warrior shall transcend time & space, bringing light to the world. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Wheel of Darkness | The eternal darkness will transcend time to face its rival once more. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
The Youth's Dream | The unwavering will of the youth will realize his dream. Eventually... | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Lust for Power | Without conquering one's virtue and desires, thou shall fall into darkness. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Onion | Look at yourself and acknowledge your faults. That is true strength. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Roaming Clouds | Light fells the darkness, while darkness swallows the light; all return to nothing. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Twin Form | All possess good and evil in their hearts. Gain true power after overcoming darkness. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Lone Heart | Accept hatred and regret as you proceed forth. All paths lead to the future. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Splendor of the Wind | The pairing of worlds hides that power and endless possibilities. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Power of the Void | The true Void lies nowhere. Only the power of life exists. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Veiled Magic | Even those who are not human are human if they possess the ability to love others. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Fanatic's Leer | The past is filled with pain and suffering, but all is well if you have fun living. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
True Past | There are no lies, what I believe is the only truth. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Life of the Planet | The truth can be cruel at times, but whether they can accept that truth is up to them. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Unshelled Bullet | Of course I care what others think! I could love others if I was true to myself. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Gears of Time | Everyone wishes they could change the past. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Theater Ticket | The ability to accept fate and shoulder that burden alone attracts others. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
God of Destruction | Everything must disappear to truly forget the truth. To do that, the world must disappear as well. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Fayth's Dream | I'll see my will through and continue on my story, no matter what awaits. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Medal of Honor | Unrefined love can cause misunderstandings. It's okay...your love will shine through. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Boiling Blood | The most feared and renowned of fame, absolutely splendid! | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Gates of Judgment | Faithfully fulfill your role, even if mistaken. That is the definition of a professional. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Price of Treachery | I have my fair share of regrets.... But I can get back on my feet as many times as it takes. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Enkidu Feather | After the endless wandering...he dreams of meeting his rival once again. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Stretch Boxers | True kindness might be to sit back and just watch. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Toe Jam Tragedy | Do not let food go to waste. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Braska's Sphere | There's a world worth saving, even if you have to sacrifice yourself. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Tarragoner | There is nothing to detest, everything is precious. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Galbana Lilies | One must make their soul like the wind to continue dreaming. Dreams will come true... | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Survival Knife | Stretch and forget the past. Walk down your chosen path to...the light. | LUK +4 | Shop (3.500 Gil, 3x Megalixir), CotC: The Dragon King's Gateway (5., 8. Und 10. Etage) | |
Dusty Elixir | Can be traded for other materials. Try asking at the shop. | LUK +4 | Moogle Shop (nahe Heiligtum der Ordnung; 25 KP*) | |
Elixir | Can be traded for other materials. Try asking at the shop. | LUK +4 | Moogle Shop (nahe Heiligtum der Ordnung; 50 KP*) | |
Hi-Elixir | Can be traded for other materials. Try asking at the shop. | LUK +4 | Moogle Shop (nahe Heiligtum der Ordnung; 75 KP*) | |
Megalixir | Can be traded for other materials. Try asking at the shop. | LUK +4 | Moogle Shop (nahe Heiligtum der Ordnung; 100 KP*) | |
Pebble | Just a pebble. Don't throw this at people or tuck it in a snowball! | LUK +1 | Moogle Shop (nahe Heiligtum der Ordnung; 2 KP) | |
Aries Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, nördlich von Lufenia; 200 KP) | ||
Taurus Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, nördlich von Lufenia; 200 KP) | ||
Gemini Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, nördlich von Lufenia; 200 KP) | ||
Cancer Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, nördlich von Lufenia; 200 KP) | ||
Leo Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, nördlich von Lufenia; 200 KP) | ||
Virgo Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, nördlich von Lufenia; 200 KP) | ||
Libra Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, Bahamut Isles; 200 KP) | ||
Scorpio Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, Bahamut Isles; 200 KP) | ||
Sagittarius Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, Bahamut Isles; 200 KP) | ||
Capricorn Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, Bahamut Isles; 200 KP) | ||
Aquarius Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, Bahamut Isles; 200 KP) | ||
Pisces Recipe | Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! | Moogle Shop (CotC, Bahamut Isles; 200 KP) | ||
Crystal Eye | The extracted eye of the first high-speed weapon. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Warp Cube | A portal created by an ancient civilization to teleport adventurers. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Wild Rose | A wild rose found along paths. Someone must be caring for it... | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Wyvern Egg | An infertile egg... | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Noah's Lute | All who hear this song awaken. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Gnomish Bread | A small snack great for pleasing an empty stomach. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Carnelian Signet | An antique ring that caused a tragedy and sought by all who gaze upon it. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Whisperweed | Used to reach people far away, it causes one's voice to dim when eaten. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Dragon Seal | Proof of slaying a dragon god found within a chest... | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Omega Badge | Proof of defeating a wandering ancient weapon. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Delicious Fish | A quick critter, difficult to catch. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Tintinnabulum | The bell of a cat who had been surrounded by seafood. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Snowboard | Got it down to 53 seconds... | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Shinra Card Key | Please show your ID. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Occult Fan | The first issue of a legendary magazine, now out of print. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
GF Eden | No way I'd ever carry that thing around. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Chocograph | A map detailing the riches of a man who conquered all. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Strategy Guide | It is written: "Don't read this till you beat the game." | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Sphere | Not a crystal... | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Al Bhed Primer | "Updyehat Dusa uv Ytjahdina" is written in ominous letters. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Automaton Parts | A material necessary to make airships soar. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Nethicite | A gem sent by the Dynast-King. | LUK +4 | CotC: Pervasive Sorrow (unten rechts), CotC: Solitary Salvation (oben links) | |
Bronze Angel | A priceless material. | Belohnung im Arcade Mode | ||
Silver Angel | A valuable material that is quite common. Collect them for a pleasant surprise. | Belohnung im Arcade Mode | ||
Gold Angel | A priceless material. Some even doubt its existence. | diverse Schatztruhen in CotC, Belohnung im Arcade Mode (Crystal Course in < 20min schaffen), Shop (1 Gil, 5x Silver Angel) |
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy |
Charaktere |
Charaktere von Cosmos |
Krieger des Lichts - Firion - Zwiebelritter - Cecil - Bartz - Squall - Zidane - Jekkt - Shantotto |
Charaktere von Chaos |
Garland - Der Imperator - Wolke der Dunkelheit - Golbez - Exdeath - Terra - Kefka - Cloud - Sephiroth - Artemisia - Kuja - Tidus - Gabranth |
Neue Charaktere |
Kain - Gilgamesh - Tifa - Laguna - Yuna - Prishe - Vaan - Lightning - Feral Chaos |
Nicht-spielbare Charaktere |
Chaos - Cosmos - Aerith - Cid von den Lufenianern - Shinryu |
Arenen |
Alter Chaos-Schrein - Pandämonium - Höllenthron - Kristallturm - Welt der Dunkelheit - Monduntergrund - Interdimensionaler Riss - Kefkas Turm - Phantomzug - Planetenkern - Artemisias Schloss - Kristallwelt - Prima Vista - Das Ende des Traumes - Empyreal-Paradox - Luftfeste Bahamut - Wiege des Orphanus - Heiligtum der Ordnung - Am Ende des Wirrwarrs |
Story-Modus |
Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods |
Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Epilogue |
Main Scenario 013: Light to All |
Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Epilogue |
Main Scenario 000: Confessions of the Creator |
Land of the Stolen Crown - Curses and Hopes of Yore - Chasm in the Rotting Land - Dreams of a Flying Castle - The Forsaken Lands - The Dragon King's Gateway - Edge of Discord |
Musik |
Original Soundtrack „Cantata Mortis & God in Fire“ |
Spielmechanik |
Assist - Dateninstallation - Esper - EX-Modus - Freundeskarten - Gateway - Imitationssoldaten - Kupo - Labyrinth - Mognet - Moogle Shop - Skills - SP-Katalog - Spielplan - Statuswerte - Verfolgungsjagden - Zyklus |
Archiv |
Accessoires - Herunterladbare Inhalte - Museum - Rüstungen - Spielerbilder - Waffen - Komplettlösung |